Group U2 - Photo, Creation History and Composition, News, Songs 2021



Group U2 has long won the world scene, becoming a record holder among the teams - Grammy Prize owners, with a huge margin bypassing such matres as The Beatles, Metallica and Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Irish replenished the Hall of Glory Rock and Rolls and continue to collect stadiums as dozens of years ago, and now, remaining one of the most influential groups of modernity.

The history of creation and composition

Despite the fact that U2 is associated primarily with Bono, the history of the creation of the team began to write a completely different participant. The 14-year-old drummer Larry Mallen decided to create a rock band and had a announcement in one of Dublin schools for this purpose. Thus was made the first step towards the appearance of the legendary Irish team, which over time will conquer the world scene.

In 1976, the guys were far from such ambitions and simply gathered together to make a favorite thing and enjoy. The composition after Mallen was entered vocalist Bono (Paul Hewson), bassist Adam Clayton and Edge Keyman (Dave Evans), which became famous with time as U2. However, the initial musicians were called The Larry Mullen Band and attracted other participants to rehearsals and performances.

The Irish managed to change a few names before declare themselves as about U2, aroused in 1977 in the final quartet. Already a year later, the team will acquire a manager, creates the first demo-recording and quickly goes into the rank of local celebrities. It was not necessary to step out of Ireland at once, however, in the early 1980s, the group gathers the full halls on tour in Europe and the United States.

Over time, the U2 began to recreate the top to the top, constantly rapid lists of the most-most: they were recognized by the record holders of sales, and the most highly paid musicians, and visible outcases, benefactors and human rights defenders. The performers seek not only to leave a trace in music, but also to influence politics, ecology and eradicate social injustice.


The debut album "Boy" came out in 1980 and was far from the usual sound of U2, as they know now. As the subsequent release "October" (1982), the disk was saturated with religious and philosophical content, but this did not scare away the audience that was penetrated by the charisma vocalist. In addition, the group thoroughly worked on the image, and they began to be recognized in numerous touring journeys over the UK.

Following the appearance of the Album "War" (1983), the U2 firmly entered the rotation of the MTV channel, which contributed to the acquisition of world glory. The songs "New Year's Day" and "Two Hearts Beat As One" became international hits, which allowed the Irish to give the first concerts over the ocean, where they were waiting for crowded halls.

Subsequent releases of the group became one more successful than the other, while the musicians experimented with sound and themes, not trying to lazily exploit the acquired reputation. Their texts are full of spiritual quest, political protest and reflection over the images of world culture, and the music is enriched with the motives of jazz, country and electronics.

The peak of the 1980s of the 1980s was the plate "The Joshua Tree", the density of the hits on which shook. According to Rolling Stone magazine, this album turned U2 "from the heroes to the superstar" and brought them two "Grammy", which over time performers will be tired.

And again they do not reveal on the laurels, and experimenting with techno, disco and electronic music, ironizing over the limitations of "rocker" thinking. Again, the Irish fell to a point, only increasing the audience of listeners and creating such hits as "One", "Staring At The Sun" and "Beautiful Day". For tens of years, U2 succeeds in successfully combining his own creative vision and commercial success, collecting stadiums, recording platinum disks and affecting millions of minds.

U2 now

U2 is present on the world scene in the status of a living legend and continues to give concerts and replenish discography with new albums. Plate "Songs of Experience" came out in 2017 and became the 14th group release. Work on the disk continued throughout the year, and he immediately led the American Billboard 200 immediately after the appearance.

In 2019, Bono with comrades gives the famous The Joshua Tree Tour. As part of the tour, the Group visits New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Philippines. Creative plans Musicians are divided into the official "Instagram" account, where a huge audience monitors the group's biography and fresh photos. No less than the fans from the Irish and on YouTube, where you are clips and video from concerts on the channel U2.


  • 1980 - "Boy"
  • 1981 - "October"
  • 1983 - "War"
  • 1984 - "The Unforgettable Fire"
  • 1987 - "The Joshua Tree"
  • 1988 - "Rattle and Hum"
  • 1991 - "Achtung Baby"
  • 1993 - "Zooropa"
  • 1997 - "POP"
  • 2004 - "How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"
  • 2009 - "No Line On The Horizon"
  • 2014 - "Songs of Innocence"
  • 2017 - "Songs of Experience"


  • "ONE"
  • "Get Out of Your Own Way"
  • "Beautiful Day"
  • "IF God Will Send His Angels"
  • "Song for Someone"
  • "Staring AT The Sun"
  • "I Will Follow"
  • "Window in the Skies"

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