Alexander Panchin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Science, Books 2021



Alexander Pokchin still in the early stages of the biography thought about the existence of myths and speculation in the science, which require a logical explanation. He became popular as an active fighter against false scientific statements, blogger and writer.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Yuryevich Panchin was born on May 19, 1986 in Moscow. A significant impact on the formation of the interests of the future scientist was his father Yuri Valentinovich. He is known in the field of biology and is the author of about 90 scientific articles.

As a child, little Sasha was not a staunch skeptic. He believed in Santa Claus, the healing properties of "infected water" and the power of talismans. But with the age of Pacchin overcame child misconceptions, proving them of illogy. The young man firmly decided to associate life with science to get the opportunity to further discharge myths, prejudices and superstitions that are confused by most people.

After the 4th grade, Alexander moved from the secondary school to the gymnasium, where he began to in-depth to study the objects of the biological profile. Scientists remember the lessons of the "scientific method", on which schoolchildren, together with teachers, put experiments and conducted research. The boys houses were waiting for additional classes in mathematics, physics and chemistry, because he was preparing for admission to the largest Russian university - Moscow State University. Student years Pockin passed at the Faculty of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering.

The science

When the study at the university came to an end, the biologist began working at the Institute of Charges Challenge the name of Alexander Harkevich. In parallel, he collaborated with the editions of Forbes, "around the world" and "New Gazeta" as a freelance journalist. During this period, the young man continued to discharge myths about science, participating in discussions on the forums on the Internet.

In 2011, Pacchin defended his thesis and thought about writing his own book. Soon on the page of his blog in the "Live Journal", the first chapters of the novels "Apophienia" appeared. The author described the world in which the so-called Lzhenauka flourishes. A psychic and chiromantia came to replace the medical diagnosis, and instead of drugs - homeopathy and holy water. Alexander showed the degradation and the approaching death of the planet, which caused a rapid user reaction. The printed version of the publication was released only in 2019.

A man is known for his statements in defense of growing genetically modified organisms. He published a review in the journal Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, which criticized the articles about the dangers of GMOs, and also created the Book Technology Book, which describes the main myths and fears imposed by ordinary people.

The publication was issued by the Corpus publishing house and a set of positive reviews of readers were honored. For her writing Punkin became the laureate of the "Enlightener" award in the categories "People's Choice" and "Natural and Exact Sciences".

This, the activities of the scientist did not limit himself. In order to popularize science, he registered a canal on Yutiube, where he began to publish video devoted to the erroneous beliefs about medicine, biology and religion. A man created a rubric in which the debate with priests, astrologers and other scientists, which caused live interest of users. Pacchin held a course of lectures on the topic of genetics called "Game in God".

In 2016, Alexander joined the Commission of the RAS, engaged in fighting Lzhenauka. He also joined the Harry Hadini Prize Expert Council, the purpose of which is to identify people with paranormal abilities in the conditions of an honest experiment.

Soon the author took up the writing of the book "Protection against dark arts. Guide to the world of paranormal phenomena, "which revealed the main reasons forcing people to believe in supernatural.

Personal life

The biologist is not married, nothing more about his personal life is known. Because of the statements of a scientist about gays in which he opposed homophobia and endorsed the resolution of same-sex marriages, rumors appeared on its non-traditional orientation. However, Alexander denied speculation.

Alexander Panchin now

In December 2019, a man gave an interview with leading Irina Shikhman, together with which discussed the topic of aging.

Now the biologist continues to engage in the popularization of science. He leads pages in Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte, where it is divided by news and photos.


  • 2016 - "The amount of biotechnology: a guide to combat myths about the genetic modification of plants, animals and people"
  • 2018 - "Defense from dark arts: guide to the world of paranormal phenomena"
  • 2019 - "Apophienia"

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