Isabella Nielsson Javandy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Activist 2021



Isabella Nilsson Javandy is a schoolgirl from Sweden, which shows that young age is not a hindrance in order to have its own opinion on social and political problems and courage to express them. The girl acts in defense of women's rights, expresses disagreement with the country's migration policy and calls for the authorities to deal with contradictions between different ethnic groups living on one territory.

Childhood and youth

Isabella was born on November 25, 2003 in Gothenburg - the second largest city of Sweden after Stockholm. The girl became the fruit of an inter-ethnic marriage between the Iranian and the Swedish. She had to grow in a disadvantaged quarter, where she did not learn about racial conflicts, teenage crime, deadaption, violence and addiction.

All this was surrounded by Yavanda in the courtyard and school, although parents tried to protect the daughter from possible problems. They chose a quiet school for a child in another area - a quarter of the america, where the family house is located, it is impossible to be called safe.

This is one of the most multinational corners of the country, and the Muslim population comes here hardly does not exceed the root. According to statistics, from young people who are leaving from Sweden to ISIL (prohibited in the Russian Federation), 40% are residents of Gothenburg and in particular Anzherheda.

Isabella grew up and adulted in an atmosphere of permanent insecurity, where the walls of the street gang can be easily located outside the walls of the house. The girl and her friends in order to avoid trouble do not allow themselves the usual walks around the city after studying. Yes, and the school does not become an island of security: Yavavandy claims that the students were repeatedly subjected to violence that teachers from fear just closed their eyes.

All these problems did not intimidate Isabella, and turned into an activist, which feels responsible for what is happening in the native country. The girl decided to talk about conflicts and injustices in all, and soon became famous, following the compatriot and the same age, Greta Tunberg - Swedish schoolgirl, loudly declared about environmental issues.

Social activity

In the picture of the world, where liberal values ​​and tolerance for various minorities are becoming a good tone rules, the traditional values ​​and conservatism are circumvents unpopularity. However, Isabella was not afraid that she would accuse her backwardness of views."Our strength in traditions, discipline, faith and loyalty," says the girl in the "Twitter" profile.

The public activity of the Yavanda began in December 2018, when she spoke in a yellow vest in a number of Swedish cities with speeches against the global migration contract. The girl was not afraid to join the opposition with the authorities, clearly voiced his views.

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The schoolgirl stated that the influx of migrants, bringing alien values ​​and not wishing to adapt in the country, causes damage to its culture and destroys integrity. The visitors choose the tactics of "use of all ready", they make riots, violate the law, not trying to show respect for the traditions of their countries.

In addition to the problems of globalism and uncontrolled migration, Yavantey is warmly defended issues related to family values. The girl does not perform with calls to infringe the same-sex marriage, but considers the propaganda of LGBT among schoolchildren at least unnecessary. It is against the lessons to children told about the choice of gender identity, the normality of same-sex relationships and the change of orientation. Isabelle seems to be much more useful to spend these clock to master the exact sciences.

Swede made her listen to European media. Realizing the complexity of a conversation about nationalism and traditionalism in a positive way, Yavandy does not hope for the popularity and support of the authorities. Twitter activists were even blocked in October 2019, but the new account reigns thousands of subscribers again.

"A good way to solve problems in this country with anarcho-tyranny is to break the silence of other countries," says Isabella.

For a dialogue with the Russian public, Yavavandi registered on the VKontakte platform.

Personal life

For details of the personal life of Isabella, fans rushed in "Instagram", where the girl lay out fresh photos and new facts of biography.

And also writes that she worries about the complexity of influence on politicians and public opinion, about the changes that occurred from the moment she first voiced disagreement with the current situation.

Isabella Nielsson Yuvandy now

Now Swede continues active activities and is gaining popularity, including in Russia, where it is compared with the Greta Tunberg and, after European press, is called anti-Greta.

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