Renais Callen - Character Biography, Actress, Twilight film, Interesting Facts, Photos


Character History

The love story of the Vampire Edward Cullen and Simple Girl Bella Swan from Saga "Twilight" conquered teenagers and adult readers. The touching plot is closely intertwined with fantastic and fabulous motifs. Those who seemed doomed, the feelings of lovers won and led to the world a strange creation - Renesmi Callen.

History of character creation

The emergence of a child in the Vampire family is nonsense. This turned out to be possible because the love of parents was too strong. Renesmi appeared in the fall of 2006. The blood of the mother flowed on the visits of the girl, bringing life into the body. She is a half-haul, daughter Edward and Bella. Baby was born in the shortest possible time. Several months did not pass, how Bella was allowed from the burden and almost died in childbirth. The girl saved the appeal.

Appearing in the vampire family, the girl split it in half. Having become a member of the clan, she brought his appearance to the secret of the captured Jacob's waswolf. The guy was fascinated by the baby at a glance. Renesmi received the magical gift of reading thoughts from touch and easily communicates with others with it.

The relations of heroes became tense with the advent of the child. No one knew how to treat the girl. Some considered it a miracle, others, like Jake, teased offended nicknames. Representatives of Volturi accepted Renesmi for the immortal, human child, branched by a vampire. Such as she can destroy, and the greatest clan is going to attack Callens. Edward and Bella persuade the family to fight and prove that half-blooded is not dangerous.

Renesmi and Jacob (ART)

Renais name is specific. Bella came up with his herself. According to Stephanie Meyer, the author of books, she thought for a long time to call an unusual child. After all, the usual name is not suitable for him. The writer invented the symbiosis of the names of the closest women for the main character. Bella's mother called Rena, and mother-in-law - Esme. The second name of the girl is Carly. It was merged by the names of Father Bella Charlie and Svetra - Carlisle.

Neglecting the full name, Jacob calls the baby Nesssey, sarcastically hinting at the fact that she barely killed her mother at birth. It is terribly annoying Bella: not a single mother will like it when her child is compared with the monster. An uncomplicated nickname became the usual, and the baby, quickly turned into a teenager, all the name was abbreviated.


The works of Stephanie Meyer is a mixture of household everyday and fantastic adventures of an ordinary girl who has moved to the rainy town of Forks. Her story is amazing. It is full of magic, secrets and unpredictable events. The emergence of the child in the newlywed newlyweds Edward and Bella became a shock for fans of Sagi, and for the parents themselves too. Mayer leads a description of the child through words of his adults around him. Relatives admire the beauty of the baby.

Edward and Bella

The girl has high cheekbones and chubby lips, like the Father. Bronze curls quickly overgrown and began to fall to the waist. Eyes have a pleasant chocolate shade and remind of mother's gaze before handling. Like vampires, Nesssey has solid, pale and hot skin. But, since her heart chains blood, a light blush appears on the cheeks. Appearing in the light, the girl does not glitter, as members of her family, but only slightly flashes in the sunshine.

The book describes the appearance and character of reneens. A Milny Sophisticated Child, she loved to compete, and her first rival in the games was strong and prime jacob. Being still a baby, Nesssey demonstrates an amazing understanding of what is happening.


She pays attention to the defender-washing and feels the alarm of the parents. The girl quickly learned the vampire laws and implicitly followed by them, showing an unprecedented self-control. She loves to read and listen to music, enchants everyone who is near. Her soul is full of love, and character - persistent and volitional.

The girl has specific forces. The first is a very rapid growth that was surprised by the parents while the baby was in the womb. At seven years, the girl looked like a teenager and forever remained in this guise. He acquired sharp teeth, striking movement speed, force and flexibility.

Actress Mackenzi Foy.

Her feelings and feelings of a hundred times are exaggerated in comparison with human. Renesmi knows how to read thoughts and resist magic, she provokes the appearance of images in the consciousness of the interlocutor and overcomes the mental shields.


Little renesmic

Characteristic and description of reneens from the book became the basis for creating its cinematic image. The heroine appeared in the film "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - part 2 ". She was embodied in the frame two actresses, because Renaism is extremely fast. In the image of a small girl, an actress McKenzi Foy appeared, and seventeen years old portrayed Christie Burke.

The appearance of Renais became a key scene in the final of the film "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - part 1 ". The fans looked forward to continuing while the director led the casting. The role of a young half-breed was found for a girl of 5-6 years old with a tendency to dance and at least a small experience in the scenic platform.

Adult Renais

There were thousands of children, but the choice fell on Mackenzi Foy. The work of a beginner actress was successful. Critics praised the young talent and her delicacy.

Interesting Facts

  • "Twilight" spawned a wave of popularity of vampires and iswolves. While the fans of Sagi looked forward to the new appearance of favorite artists on the screen, art fan fiction appeared on the network, describing the biographies of heroes and their adult life. The Half-Blood project is considered to be a popular fan fiction about Renais, which describes Renesm and Alegor's relationships.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Mackenzi Foy
  • Having met with a teenager Bella and not an adhent vampire, readers and spectators wondered how soon the girl would go to appeal. Renesmeas became a kind of flourish. In a matter of days, she became a teenager, having deprived the parents of the opportunity to enjoy the games with a baby.
  • Photo of the artists of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Mackenzi Foy flooded the covers of glossy magazines after entering the picture, in which Renesmi appeared. Love story gained a logical final.

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