Tatyana Vorobyva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Orthodox Psychologist 2021



Education of children is a time-consuming process that requires patience and wisdom from parents, this is a skill that is not given at birth, but is being studied by trial and error. Orthodox psychologist Tatyana Vorobyov helps to make mistakes as small as possible. In an interview on television, in his books, she reveals the truth about raising children, gives advice to preserve harmonious relations between spouses.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana Sparrow's biography - mystery covered with darkness, even the date and place of the birth of a psychologist are unknown. In some open sources, it is argued that it was brought up in an orphanage.

Psychologist Tatyana Vorobyova

The experience of communicating with the peers and officers of the shelter gave rise to a little Tatiana dozens of questions in the inquisite mind. Why children deprived of deceic and maternal love, not necessarily brought up in an orphanage, but left unattended, behave differently than other guys.

How to help these kids do not get out of peace, grow a mentally healthy person and raise your own children. Tatiana Vorobyov has found answers to these and many other questions.

Psychology and books

Tatyana Vorobyeva began his work path from the post-teacher in kindergarten, then worked in the child's house with difficult, caress from life. Watching them, the psychologist has suffered the secrets of child behavior, studied the motives for those or other actions. In open sources, it is argued that it is a Honored Teacher of Russia, although there is no official confirmation.

Now the pedagogical experience of Tatiana Vorobyeva exceeded 40 years. The truth accumulated in the work and personal life about the upbringing of children and the preservation of Harmonious family relations Tatiana Vorobyov passes beginners and experienced parents - after all, the latter also make mistakes - all available ways.

So, the psychologist is the permanent guest of Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov in the Dialogue program under the clock on the TV channel "Savior", a regular speaker on Radio "Vera" and the author of books. Her bibliography, however, has the only copy of how to educate children. Tips of the Orthodox Psychologist "(2016).

According to Tatyana Vorobyeva herself, she is elementary lacking time to write books. Many hours of work on the text, a woman prefers a living communication with parents who need her advice on the air television or radio broadcast.

The book is "how to educate children. The advice of the Orthodox Psychologist "reveals important aspects: the role of mother in the education of the Son and the role of the Father in the formation of a daughter; how to get used to the thought that the child grew up and ready for independent life; It is worth punishing the baby and how to do it so that he realize the mistake and did not allow it to continue.

There was a place and specific issues, the answers to which will be useful to workers in the social sphere, for example, is it possible to give a child to adoption to foreigners. The book is built in the form of a dialogue - the parent as it is asking a question, and Tatyana Vorobyov answers it. Such a text structure helps to easily figure out, it would seem that with an insoluble problem.

Personal life

Tatiana Vorobyva has a husband, he is a physicist theoretical. The wife of the spouse became for a psychologist in his native, in the face of the mother-in-law and her mother-in-law, she finally gained parents.

The psychologist is a happy mom and grandmother: they have two sons with her husband, grandchildren grow up. Kids, of course, brought up on the advice of the very wise mother of Russia Tatiana Sparrow.

Tatyana Vorobyva now

Orthodox psychologist already in old age. Once on the air "Dialogue under the clock", Tatyana Vorobiev said that it would help in the education of the younger generation until the disease overweights it.

Psychologist Tatyana Vorobyov and Archpriest Alexander Nikolsky

Such a chance originated in 2019, because the woman has not been released for a radio and telecommunications for a long time. Anyway, news about her health is not in open sources.


  • 2019 - "How to educate children. Tips of the Orthodox Psychologist "

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