Indira Varma - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



British actress Indira Varma attracts fans not only a talented acting game, a woman also has an exotic appearance and unusual name for England. On the account of the artist work in numerous serials and films, some of which became bestsellers and broadcast around the world.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Wormam began in the UK, in the city of Bat, in the fall of 1973. Mother Girls by Nationality Swiss with Italian roots, and father - Hindu. Such a combination presented her unusual appearance, which helped to further draw attention and stand out among other numerous actors.

Already in childhood, Varma began to show interest in art, and therefore education decided to receive in this area. Extinguished, the girl entered the internship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.


Warm's debut in the movie came in 1996. It was then that the audience first saw her on the screen in the world of Mira Nair "Kama Sutra: the story of love." In his youth, Indiral was able to reincarnate in different characters, so its first appearance on the screen was successful, and later Varma received a couple more suggestions about the shooting.

True, then these were little-known pictures "Sixth Lucky" and "Gina", but the work in them brought the girl confidence in themselves and a new experience. Also in the early period, she received roles in the serials "Deceit of Mountains", "Psychic", "Children of other children" and other filmmakers. Around the mid-2000s, Varma remained a little-known artist, which played in low-budget paintings, not bringing success and glory.

It lasted until 2005, until Indira starred in the Multiserful ribe "Rome", carrying the viewer to the atmosphere of ancient Rome, where famous historical figures became the main characters. Warma got the role of nobody, the girl appeared in 15 episodes. At the same time, other paintings were published on the screens, in the work on which the actress participated: "Linli inspector investigates", Torchwood, "3 pounds", "Informors".

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In 2010, Indir was invited to the main acting in the series "Live target", which went out throughout the year. This work attracted the attention of other directors, as the talented reincarnation of the artist in the series "Silk", the "world without end", "persecuted" and "what remains after you."

The real success of Warma brought a role in the popular TV series "Game of Thrones", in which the woman appeared in 13 episodes in the image of Ellia Sand. At the same time, in 2016, she played Sonya in Drama Benedict Andrews "Unna" and Nina Suresh in a criminal-detective television series "Paranoik". In 2017, her filmography was replenished with another 3 paintings. And a year later, the Briton appeared before the audience in the image of Anna Moore in the mini-series "Patrick Melrose", where Benedict Cumberbatch was starred.

Personal life

About personal life Actress is known not so much. The woman has a civil husband Colin Tarnney, with whom she now lives in London. Couple raises a joint daughter Evelyn.Embed from getty images

The actress is active on social networks, leads pages in Twitter and Instagram, regularly publishes fresh photos related to its work and rest. Snapshots in a swimsuit woman does not lay out, but without this in the photographs you can see a slim figure of an indira. Although she pays a lot of time, a couple of hours a week dedicates and sport.

Indira Varma now

Worm is still working in the film industry. In 2019, the painting "Carnival Row" was released on the screens, where the artist appeared in the image of Pieti Brixpir and fell into the main acting film. This is a fantasy television series telling about mythical beings. They left their homeland overwhelmed in the war in ordinary cities, but people do not rejoice in such a neighborhood.

In the summer of 2019, it became known that the series was extended for the 2nd season, but not yet specified whether Indira would be involved in the work.


  • 1996 - "Kama Sutra: Love Story"
  • 1998 - "Ginn"
  • 2000 - "Children of other people"
  • 2004 - "Bride and Prejudice"
  • 2005-2007 - "Rome"
  • 2010 - Luther
  • 2012 - "persecuted"
  • 2014-2017 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2016 - "Paranoik"
  • 2018 - Patrick Melrose
  • 2019 - "Carnival Row"

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