Group Walking On Cars - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



Walking on Cars prefer the comfort and calm of the small Irish city of Dingle. It does not prevent them from creating music, popular around the world.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the team is originated in 2010 in the city of Dingle, Ireland. She was founded vocalist Patrick Shikhai, Korcha Darch, Guitarist Dan Dewein, Bassist Paul Flannery and Drummer Evan Hadnett.

Musicians were friends with school, so they were easy to start working together. They came up with the name by chance when the drum was offered to "go on cars" after resting at the bar. In subsequent years, the composition of the group almost did not change.


The performers began a career with speeches in bars and clubs of the native city. Then rented the old house cut from civilization. They spent half a year without communication, the Internet and transport to improve in music.
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Rehearsals were not in vain. Already in 2012, the team won the contest Redbull Bedroom Jam. The prize was the rotation of the song on the radio. So the world heard Catch me if you can. The track quickly became a hit, got into the top of Irish charts and took a leading position on iTunes.

The next TWO Stones composition was no less successful. She was on the 12th place in the music ranking of Ireland, and the video collected more than 1 million views of the first year after the publication on Yutiube.

Success inspired musicians to continue to create. They released AS WE Fly South and Hand In Hand mini collections that were warmly accepted by fans.

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Walking On Cars started recording a debut album. He came out 2016 near the Virgin EMI label. The song Speeding Cars has become the new single.

In subsequent years, the group performed with concerts. They played at the festival Latitude and heated at Kodalin compatriots. At the end of 2018, the participants announced the yield of the second plate.

In the process of working on tracks for the new album from the group left guitarist Dave Dewein. His duties took over the vocalist Patrick Shikhai.

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The songs of the group are made predominantly genres of alternative and pop rock. When writing, participants are trying to raise important themes for them and society. In an interview for CELEBMIX, Sorcha Darha noted that Walking On Cars create music that would like to listen to themselves.

Performers are engaged in charity. They donated part of the profits from concerts to the Jigsaw Kerry Foundation, whose activities are aimed at strengthening adolescent mental health.

Walking on Cars now

In 2019, the discography was replenished with the new album of Colors, which took the second position in the ranking of Ireland. Coldest Water track deserves attention. He reveals the struggle of Patrick shish with alcohol addiction. During the interview with the HOTPRESS representative, the vocalist admitted that he coped with the problem when the girl told him about pregnancy. But he is still disturbing memories of the hard period.

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A clip was shot on the song. For this, the ancient mansion was rented and invited a professional dancer.

Another significant composition is Pieces of You. It is filled with sorrow from the loss of a loved one. Participants wrote her to cope with the pain after the death of their girlfriend from Dingla and Father Torch.

In the summer, the team visited Russia. Musicians made a concert in St. Petersburg. To express love for Russian fans, they created a group in Vkontakte.

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Now Walking On Cars is preparing for a tour in support of the Colors album. After completing the speeches, they plan to return to their native city, because only there can be calmly.

The performers actively lead a page in "Instagram", where they are divided with fans of news, photos and songs of songs. Also, they also have the official website on which Merch is sold - T-shirts, badges with the design of the group, etc.


  • 2016 - "Everything This Way"
  • 2019 - "Colors"


  • 2013 - "Two Stones"
  • 2013 - "Tick Tock"
  • 2014 - "Hand In Hand"
  • 2015 - "Always BE WITH YOU"
  • 2015 - "Catch Me If You Can"
  • 2015 - "Speeding Cars"
  • 2016 - "DON'T MIND ME"
  • 2019 - "Monster"
  • 2019 - Coldest Water
  • 2019 - "Too Emotiona"

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