Yuri Demic - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



In 2018 and 2019, two Russian editions noticed that the role of the last Russian king in cinema turned out to be fatal for a series of talented actors. In the sad list - Borislav Brdukov, Anatoly Romashin, Andrei Rostotsky, Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Demich, virtuosively reincarnated in Nicholas II: Some left life in the heard of the forces because of the disease, others died tragically.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the Soviet Telecomber was born 3 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War - in mid-August, the 18th, on Kolyma, where her father was served in prison sentence - famous artist Alexander Demich.

Yuri Demic - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 10204_1

The man was condemned for 20 years on the bonosphere - a colleague said "where follows" about the narrated by the anti-Soviet joke. According to one of the versions, the spouse was not so distant together with him, but on the other - it was in Magadan who met his fate, college on the theater named after Maria Yermolova, refused to testify against him.

Upon liberation, Demich with the family decided not to return to Moscow, but moved to Kuibyshev. Here Yura visited the studio at the Gorky Dramaater, where he taught his famous parent, and then together with him went to the scene of the current Satd, in parallel, studying in Gitis.

The master-fulfilled role of Hamlet forced the local public and talk about young talent, and in 1973 to attract attention and BDT. From the first appearance, he delighted the Leningrad viewer with his Pasha in the "last summer in Chulimsk", Zhenya Tulupov in the "three bags of watery wheat" and Mishka Koshev in the "Quiet Don", having received the USSR for the last state. Success in the theatrical medium entailed and cinematographic - proposals from film directories fell.


For the first time on the set, Yuriy Alexandrovich appeared in the "ideologically faithful" film "Kotsyubinsky Family", after which he learned about him the entire Soviet Union.

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With a light hand, Timofei Lechuk, Demich began to take a lot and often, the filmography in geometric progression - "No day without adventures" changed "Duma about the Kovpak", for "confidence", where he was reincarnated in Nikolai second, the first Jasom "and football" eleven hopes ".

According to contemporaries and colleagues, Yuri possessed a difficult character, manifested not only on the screen, but also in life - he, for example, was not afraid to demand roles from Georgy Tovstonogov, threatened by departments.

To a barrel of honey, as you know, a spoonful of Deaf is relying: in the case of a demissor, this is an alcohol addiction, over time, preserved the development of his creative biography and brightened to the grave.

At first, the rugs and breakdowns were forgiven to him, but in the late 80s the patience of colleagues burst, after Yuri allowed himself to go on the stage drunk, although then it categorically denied, referring to poor well-being (later it turned out that these were the consequences of three brain concussions ). He was fired with the scandal, and he went to the theater, from where he was taken from the stage of the Father.

As for the cinema, the junior deceic was removed until his death in the 1990s.

Personal life

Yuri attributed numerous novels with representatives of the opposite sex, it is understandable, because before the beauty and charm, Yuri was difficult to resist. But only two colleagues were legitimate wives - Irina Dmitriev and Tatyana Lucshinov.

Yury Demical and Tatyana Lucshinova

From the first marriage on May 6, 1970, the only child appeared on the world - the son of Sasha, who continued acting dynasty. Together with the second choices, with whom the acquaintance occurred on the shooting of the "highway", the artist found the long-awaited happiness in his personal life. Spouses brought up the daughter of Tanya Lena, also became an actress.


Doctors categorically prohibited Yuri to be tightened to alcohol - health undermined the transferred hepatitis, but he, oppressed by refusal to admit to the BDT troupe, dreamed like a double power.

However, at the end of 1990, a man attempted to abandon the harmful habit, outwardly looked safely and calmly went to the next tour. The misfortune happened unexpectedly - one night he began abundant bleeding, which led to a coma and fatal outcome on December 24th. The cause of death is the break of the veins of the esophagus.

The memory of the outstanding actor is devoted to the cycles of documentary films "To remember", "how the idols left" and many others, where the authors presented many rare photos.


  • 1971 - "Kotsubinsky Family"
  • 1972 - "No day without adventure"
  • 1973-1976 - "Duma about the Kovpak"
  • 1975 - "Trust"
  • 1976 - "Eleven Hope"
  • 1977 - "It does not concern me"
  • 1978 - "First joy"
  • 1979 - "Unusual Summer"
  • 1983 - "Magistral"
  • 1985 - "Rivals"
  • 1986 - "Breakthrough"
  • 1990 - "It"
  • 1990 - "Man from a black" Volga "
  • 1991 - "Spirits Day"
  • 1991 - "Begging Bus"

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