Maxim (Maksim) - biography, personal life, photo, news, album, concert, Anton Petrov, Alexander Krasovitsky 2021



Singer Maxim (Maksim), previously speaking as Maxi-M, is the Russian executor, the author of texts and producer. The work of the artist has become a bright sample of pop music zero. Gentle romantic love ballads conquered the hearts of millions of fans. Now a vocalist who survived the peak career continues to work and produce new tracks.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Marina Abrosovova - namely, the real name of the singer sounds - began on June 10, 1983 (Zodiac sign - Gemini). The native city of Girls became Kazan. Parents were far from art: the father worked as an auto mechanic, the mother is a kindergarten of a kindergarten. In the family, the elder brother Maxim was brought up, in honor of whom the artist subsequently took a creative alias.

Music interested Marina at an early age. The girl learned vocals and the game on the piano. In addition, the future singer went to classes in the Karate section and received a red belt on this martial art.

Marina recalled that in his youth was an emotional teenager and once after a quarrel with her parents even ran away from the house. At this time, the girl jabble on his shoulder the first tattoo, which then improved, turning into the image of the cat. She also loved experimenting with hair color. The nature of the rebellion did not prevent her in the youth to graduate with the KSTU. A. N. Tupolev, Faculty of Public Relations.

Carier start

The first steps to the future musical career Marina began while studying at school. In 1998, when Abrosimova was only 15 years old, she firmly decided that he would connect life with singing. Future celebrity has become a participant in the vocal contests "Nefertiti Neferti" and TeenStar. And after the Pro-Z group recorded the first three songs: "Passerby", "Alien" and "Cast". The latter in a short time was popular in Tatarstan clubs.

After some time after popularization in the clubs, the track appeared in the collection "Russian ten". Instead, Maxim Artist included group T.a.t.u. The error of the compilers of the pirated album led to the dissemination of the opinion that Marina imitates the well-known team.

However, Maksim did not confuse this, and the actress confidently continued his own promotion. This period in the career can not be called light and cloudless. To get at least some money, the singer collaborated with little-known groups, wrote songs, phonograms, under which other performers performed. Among the more or less famous teams with which the star worked was "lips" and "W-Cola". For the last Marina created the texts of the songs "cool producer", "fly so".

In 2004, vocalist released the song "Santimeters of Breath". This moment became a turning point in the life of Marina. The song quickly gained popularity and occupied the 34th line in the total chart radio in the CIS. After spending a few speeches in the clubs of Kazan, the singer decided to move to the capital of Russia.

Peak popularity

After moving, Maxim began to prepare material for the debut album. As soon as the preparation ended, the performer began to look for a company to issue a project. The choice stopped at Gala Records. Marina appealed to the organization by providing video with a concert in St. Petersburg, on which, along with the artist she sang an audience in 15 thousand people.

Gala Records decided to give a project green light. After the video appears for the new version of the Heath "Tenderness" to Maxim, real fame came. This composition occupied the 1st place in the chart of the Golden Gramophone radio station and lasts there 9 weeks, and on the song of the year - 2006 he received a diploma.

In 2006, work on the debut album "Difficult Age", which included tracks "wind to become", "Do you know" and others, ended. Several months have passed, and the project reached the mark of 200 thousand sold copies, he was assigned platinum status. Then Marina, along with the singer Alsu, released the single "let go" and the clip on it. The video in a short time gained popularity and took 1st place in the total chart of the CIS radiiudi, where it was held for 4 weeks.

In October 2006, Maxim went on tour in support of the record. During the tour, the artist gave more than a hundred concerts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany. Tours lasted for more than a year, ending in November 2007.

In October 2007, the singer received two awards at once on Russian Music Awards: "The best performer" and "Best Pop Project of the Year." By this time, Gala Records began to rush the star with the release of the next project. As a result, by the end of the year, the release of the album "My Paradise" with the tracks "I will learn to fly", "The Best Night" and others. Fans happily met the project, and for 2007 more than 700 thousand copies were sold.

Then Maksim participated in another tour of the tour, conducted the first official autograph session, and at the end of 2008, the performance of Abrosyovoy was broadcast on the NTV channel during the pre-New Year transmission. During 2009, the singer actively worked on the next album - "single", the release of which took place on December 1 of the same year. The artist continued to perform, held a concert in the Olympic. By the end of 2010, the debut album Marina entered the list of the main releases of the decade.

Popularity turned to the artist and the negative side. At one time, the press began to spread rumors about its addiction to alcohol. Maxim even had to initiate a trial to protect honor and dignity. But because of the poor preparations for the process, the lawyers lost the court.

Announcement of the "Other Reality" collection took place in March 2013. Fortunately fans, the release did not have to wait long: the project was released on May 27 of the same year, and on September 5, the single appeared. Work on the next disk began in 2014.

Later, there was information that he was going to publish by November 2015. While working on the project, McSim released several clips, the compositions "became free" and "golden fish", entered the list of the most rotated performers on radio stations over a decade. In September, the name of the new plate was known - "good."

During 2016, the releases of two singles were released - "Go" and "stamps". At the end of the year, by the decade from the moment of the beginning of creative activity, Marina presented to the courts of memoirs "This is ...", and soon there was a large-scale concert with the same name.

Later creativity

In June 2018, the singer made a loud statement that was forced to take a creative vacation. The cause of such a statement was the deterioration of the health of the artist. New circumstances forced Maxim to cancel a number of concerts that were announced in several cities of Russia. The singer also abandoned the speech at FIFA fans festival on Sparrow Mountains.

However, in December 2018, the discography of the artist was replenished with a new collection "Polygamy", which includes 10 compositions. In October 2019, the actress pleased the fans of the premiere of Single "Insomnia". And after a year of the vocalist recorded the tracks "devotees" and "Forget" (the latter was released under the direction of the Sony Music Entertainment label).

Personal life

Personal life of the artist turned out to be stormy and dramatic. Marina took several attempts to get a family. During the release of the clip "Let's heal", rumors went that Maksim meets with one of the actors who participated in the project. This actor was Denis Nikiforov, but no confirmations or refutations of these rumors were given young people.

Maxim became the first husband, Alexey Lugovtsov's sound engineer. Wedding couple played Bali in 2008. The newlyweds did not postpone the appearance of a joint child in a long box, and on March 8, 2009, Alexander's daughter appeared. Unfortunately, family happiness was not destined to last for more than 3 years. In 2011, a divorce took place. For almost a year, Marina did not comment on the situation, but in the end I decided to share my state on the transfer of Oksana Pushkin "Women's Look" and in an interview.

After marriage, the actress had a small novel with the soloist of the Animal group Jazz Alexander Krasovitsky, but did not exceed something serious relationship. In 2014, information appeared that McSim is again in relationships. Her partner became businessman Anton Petrov. In the same year they had a joint child, a daughter Maria. This relationship was also not destined to last long. In 2015, the couple was separated.

In 2016, a large number of rumors appeared that Abrosimov and a former beloved vocalist Alexander Krasovitsky again occur. Refutations did not receive rumors, and the singer itself was noticed on one of the speeches of the musician. Although it is not excluded that it was just a friendly visit.

After the birth of the second daughter, Maxim recovered and decided to sit on the diet to come into shape. But, reaching for the previous weight, Marina could not stop. Soon the weight of the artist was already 45 kg (with a height of 160 cm), which could not but notice the subscribers of its profile in the "Instagram".

Folloviers were disturbed that the singer had anorexia. But Abrosimova increased the sports loads and soon he was pleased with the fans with new photos in a swimsuit showing the taped body. The reason for such a change in the appearance of the artist was the new Hobby of Marina - Boxing. In addition, with its weakness of the show of show business, he called a horse ride in an interview, which she also regularly pays time.

In 2016, information about the new novel of the artist appeared on the network, although Marina kept silence itself. The fans decided that the mysterious chosen was the famous TV presenter Ivan Chuikov, but a pretty quickly appeared an explanation for the meetings of the artist and the widget - they were preparing for the "Stamps" clip.

In December 2019, in his microblog in "Instagram", the singer shared with Folloveria news that she was married. Abrosimova posted a photo with a ring, but the chosen name did not name it (although the name Oleg sounded in some sources, it was also reported that a man is engaged in business). In 2020, in an interview with the singer, he was previously preparing for the third time to become a mother, but the pregnancy was interrupted on a large period. It provoked problems with alcohol and mental health.

It was then that she agreed to answer the offer of the hands and the heart of one of his fans and even took the ring. After frightened that Maxim really leaves, the businessman hired a guard for Marina and took off for rehabilitation. For almost a year, the artist was insulated without a phone. The daily schedule included 4-hour sports, talking with a psychologist, allowed to visit the Church and confession.

Health status

In early 2018, McSim began to experience strong dizziness, the noise in the ears and weakness that wrote off for overwork. Doctors stated in the abrosyamic problem with the cardiovascular system and with brain vessels. It was not a speech about a particular disease, and Marina itself calmed the audience by returning to the scene after the holidays.

In April 2019, the performer fell into an accident, the cause of which was bad weather conditions and a punched wheel: the car was listed on the side of the road and a vocalist crashed into a curb. The incident occurred on the road to the airport - the artist was supposed to fly to Moscow to shoot a clip to the "Subscriber not available".

As a result, the singer's accident received multiple injuries. All details, like the photo of Maxim after the accident in the hospital chamber, shared the artist manager Margarita Sokolov in the Account in "Instagram". There were no threats to the life of the singer, but rehabilitation required time. Therefore, Maksim had to leave the scene for a while - all previously planned concerts were canceled.

In February 2020 Sokolova on the ether of the program "You will not believe!" He stated that the vocalist is still in the hospital. She is tormented by insomnia, headaches and pain in the legs. According to doctors, this post-travelery syndrome and artist will need a long time for recovery. In November 2020, McSim became a guest of the program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. In an interview, the celebrity told about complex rehabilitation after an accident.

Maxim now

At the beginning of 2021, the singer pleased the fans with the release of new work - the Single "Thank you", which later took off the clip. In early June, Maxim opened his own art school for children and adults. Before the solemn event, the artist decided to progress and pass the Coronavirus test in the absence of symptoms. The 11th, according to the execution of the performer, she had symptoms of colds, but the results of the re-commissioned analysis did not confirm the disease.

Therefore, the vocalist did not cancel the concert in Kazan, speaking with a temperature of 39. Since the improvements of well-being did not come, the singer turned to doctors. Doctors diagnosed in Maxim pneumonia with lung damage by 40%.

Since the Saturation of the celebrity was low, the specialists decided to introduce the performer into a state of medication sleep. The artist was connected to the IVL apparatus. At the same time, according to the manager of the vocalist, Yana Bogushevskaya, the Doctors gave favorable forecasts for recovery.

However, at the end of June, the media reported that the singer was in extremely serious condition.


  • 2006 - "Difficult Age"
  • 2007 - "My Paradise"
  • 2009 - "Single"
  • 2013 - "Other Reality"
  • 2015 - "Good"
  • 2018 - "Polygamy"

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