John Piq (Character) - Photo, Biography, Film, Keanu Reeves, Actors


Character History

John Weeke - Character of the Militant of the same name, played by Keanu Rivz. Despite the plot simplicity and abundance of a cliché, the picture has won tremendous popularity due to a carefully thought-out visual series and spectacular tricks, most of which were performed by the actor without the help of a dubler.

History of character creation

The plot "John Whita" was inspired by the scriptwriter to Koltadad the comics and graphic novels. This allowed the directors to make it on the screen, to apply for subsequent work on the images of the heroes of the film "Marvel". Callold inspired King's books and McLeni, as well as filmcenery, which formed the basis of the film "Good, Bad, Angry" Sergio Leone and the works of Akira Kurosava.

In 2012, Derek Kolstad brought the script to the Thunder Road film studio, and the head of the company Basil Ivanik supported the project proposed for consideration. Flowing over the artist who can trust the main role, the creators of the film made a bet on an experienced actor. The name of the tape is "contempt" - changed during cooperation, calling the project by the name of the chief hero.

The authors of the project wanted to remove a cool fighter, in which each viewer would see a familiar instead of fantastic and supernatural. The screenwriter liked the negative characters and motives of revenge, which imposed a fingerprint for the entire history.

The Guild of the US Directories objected to the status of the director, but when the disputes exhausted themselves, the casting of actors on secondary roles began. The first were attracted by Ian Magnius, who was playing Winston - the owner of the hotel "Continental" serving mercenaries. Then the team was joined by Willem DEFO, usually not participating in modern projects, he embodied Marcus, mentor and friend Wick. Later, Adrian Nut, Although Owen-Allen and Bridget Moinakhan joined the team. The filming of the film took place in New York.

Career Keanu Rivza received the next round with the appointment on the role of the killer. It was connected to work on the script. Having started the director's career, Keano wanted to be a ribbon and hero's essence and smoother of the hero. Chad Stachelski and David Lytech were invited to the director post. It was influenced by Rivz, who knows about the ability of the producers in the field of Kinotryukov. With Chad Stachele, the actor was familiar with the times of the "matrix", where the future director was his dubler.

A lot of exciting ideas were born in joint work. Invited as trick consultants, the director became the main director of the picture. They planned the film from the first day of work, taking even the color palette of the tape and the nuances of Drak.

Biography and image of John Whita

Character biography resembles a template fighter. Like most Kinokartin heroes of this genre, killer - volitional and purposeful person. He is an unshakable hero, lost everything and not striving for a better life.

The creators seemed a curious idea to tell about a man whose life went under the slope after the death of his wife. The evil strength ruins everything surrounds: The criminals crack the castle in the house, kill the dog, a gift of spouses, and hijaculate the car. The hero is forced to stand on the path of war, defending himself, and the world of crime delays him: Over time, John Piq becomes a legend killer with a huge track record.

According to the story at the hero, Slavic roots - in one of the scenes, John admits that in fact he is the Belarusian sirota Jordan Jovanovich. This item caused a wave of jokes and discussions on the Internet. There are many references to Slavic culture in the film, but they are so inaccurate and primitive that they cause surprise and laughter from Russian spectators: Russian mafia turned out from directors like Italian, one of the enemies, John sends to the light of the Tales of Astafieva, and the characters find out attitudes in Theater, very similar to the historic hall of Mariins.

On the one hand, Fabul seems primitive, even by the standards of militants: a desperate hero, buried a loved one and seeking consolation in revenge. On the other hand, the director deliberately sought to simplify everything and all that the sense of the film was understood by the viewer at the visual level, without dialogues. John's problem is that the emptiness in his soul is not even filled with revenge: he kills the enemies is emotionally, just because you need to fill life something. Retribution distracts it, but does not saturate. He returns to himself, his fierce nature and harmful habits that, after the death of the only close person, no one is able to restrain.

John PEC in films

The release date of the first film about John Wich - 2014. The film was successful, especially considering that among producers was the actress Eva Longoria. With a modest budget of $ 20 million, the picture collected more than $ 88 billion at the box office.

Soundtracks and quotes from the film quickly became popular, and the movie trailer scattered over the Internet at the speed of viral video. In Russian dubbing, the hero was voiced by Alexander Golovsky and Maxim Dakhnenko.

The popularity of the first film was pleased with the creative team, who worked not to twist. The authors of the project put a lot for success and immediately after the premiere began to prepare for work on the sequel. At the same time, John Piq became a playful character of Fortonite and Peys 2 games. The Internet users were enthusiastically discussed by the acting grantee Kiana Rivza, a tattoo on the back of the main character, his costume, favorite phrases and other curious details.

In 2017, the second film franchise was released, provoked a new wave of art fan fiction and photos on the covers of glossy magazines.

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In 2019, the film dealed John Wick replenished another film, in which the chief hero is once again not allowed to retire. In it, he, violating the unwritten laws of the world of hired killers, becomes a target for former colleagues, and to survive, he has to resort to the intercession of more powerful patrons.

Interesting Facts

  • "John Weeke" became an inspiring discovery for the fans of the "Matrix" project, because it happened to the reunion of Lawrence Fishbern and Keanu Rivza. Artists of major roles in the fantastic franchise appeared together in a new project. It is curious that Daniel Bernhardt Daniel Bernhardt also participated in the filming, while the agent in the "Matrix", and the Randall of Duc Kim, the executor of the role of a master of keys.
  • The lion's share of the tricks in Ribe Kiana Reeves performed independently. Only some scenes are created with the use of special effects, among them - drop from the balcony in the club. Reeves struck the membership team by simplicity and unpretentious in work. At the same time, the artist himself did not recognize his own contribution and assured that the implementation of some elements is considered the direct responsibility of the artist.
  • To keep a blow and look in the form of mercenary, Keanu Rivz took the lessons of Japanese and Brazilian martial arts for four months. According to the plot, the PEC is able to kill the opponent with a pencil. The actor was engaged in the staff of the special forces of Los Angeles and representatives of the US Navy. The artist easily overcomed the obstacle course and fell into a target from different types of weapons.
  • In the film, the Wick Wear a nickname Baba Yaga. For the Russian viewer, such a nickname looks comical, but the authors of the project came up with him, focusing on the fact that Yaga in Folklore acts or another, or an opponent - depending on the circumstances and its own interests.
  • There are rumors that Stephen Spielberg plans to remove the "female" version of John Whitch.


- Life is not amenable to logic. Sad days, like this, falling out to our share so that we manage to survive them. Do not change, the times are changed. Right is stuck - the whole bird is abyss.


  • 2014 - "John PEC"
  • 2017 - "John PEC 2"
  • 2019 - "John PEC 3"


  • 2013 - payday 2
  • 2017 - Fortnite.

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