Cryper - character history, "minecraft", image and characteristic, photo


Character History

"Minecraft" is a game that has become a legend. With minimal investments and different design, she managed to collect millions of fans in all countries. Reliable strategy and aggressive "shooting", users adopted minecraft with great curiosity and interest.

History of creation

Crypers - Characters of the game. They are monsters who are considered the most terrible among other heroes. The biography of creatures is a confusing history, which began long before the modern version of the game, when the first editions are released.

Crypers turned out to be the oldest characters "Mininraft". According to their author, notch (Marcus Perspson), the cryper became the first aggressive mob. He was added to the project in 2009, although it was an unplanned decision. The idea of ​​notch was the creation of a pig. Instead, a quiet destroyers appeared, which the creator calls an error.

The creators of the game - Marcus Persson and Jens Bergensten

Notch wrote heroes through code in the absence of three-dimensional editors to create character characters. The model parameters were randomly shot down. It turned out to be increased not in height, but in length. It turned out a high monster with four short legs. The mistake inspired notch, and he frowned by the brainchild. Green monster in a duet with Alfa-Version is designed to catch up the players.

Initially, the power of explosive kamikadze was several times more than in the current edition. Unlike zombies, which can be avoided, the cries are dangerous at the time of approaching the player. If you have reached a high level of complexity in the game, then Mob-Kamikaze will explode you even if there is armor. In the case of using diamond armor, you will lose a health resource, but not all your life.

Cryper B.

The explosion of Cryper is able to throw back the player in Lava or in the paws of other terrible monsters. The specifics of the cryper is silent. Their appearance is not accompanied by a song or melody. This is an additional danger to those who are used to playing, turning off the sound.

Crypers for a long time did not enjoy popular. These were treated as temporary characters, whose behavior was similar to the behavior of zombies. But their influence on the fate of the players was so great that the developers designed for mobs a new texture, finalized the accompanying sounds and thought about behavioral features. If earlier, the cries in the attack were thrown into players and exploded after the death, that now they attacked the victims.

In the game "Mauncraft"

Crypers are capable of changing the space, and this is their danger for players who have functions of builders. Green silent mob-kamikdze does not burn in the sun and it differs from skeletons and zombies. If a player comes out of the radius of an attack of a creeper, then it has a chance to avoid a deadly explosion.

Confine a house using when it is erected explosive material like obsidian. Prevent the explosion, attacking the creeper from the wall height in two blocks. The journey of the Cryer is composed of more complicated than other mobs, creating evil. Creatures often do not go on direct contact with the player and prefer the dirtyness.

Anime Creeper version

For example, they do not mind to wait around the corner or sit in the ambush. Sometimes they prefer to move through waterfalls and stairs. When shots from the near distance, the cryper managed to reach the player and involve it in an improvised explosion. In a second before the explosion, the monster begins to swell, hiss and blink, signaling about the attack.

After the thunderstorm, players are looking for charged cries. It's not easy to find them, as Lightning falls into mobs rarely. To perform the task, steady armor and weapons are required, since the explosion of such a creature is fatal. Charged cripples are surrounded by a luminous ring.

It is difficult to protect the house from these monsters, even with weapons and cobblestones. The structure will be sustainable only if it is built from obsidian. When shooting, the player turns out to be in an enlarged radius of the explosion. If the cryper takes death from the skeleton, the musical plate falls out of it. Killed with a charged cryper, mobs lose their heads.

Cosplay on creeper

When working in creative mode, players risk undergoing damage from creeper. The developers thought about the fixes of this nuance, but this for a long time seemed a challenge. Running several updates, creators realized that the cryper becomes predictable. Therefore, their destructive strength and horror have been increased, lazy to the players. An additional feature of the monster was the surprise of the attack.

Even after a number of refinement, the crypers retained their appearance and continue to carry destruction at their appearance. Creating these characters has taken a large amount of time. Developers have repeatedly returned to it for edit and adjustments.

Crypers in real life

Mobs should have run from cries, iron golems - to protect the villagers from them, but this did not happen. There were failures in the behavior of artificial intelligence, and the villages disappeared in the devastating explosions. This happened due to the presence of bugs, and even in the latest versions there are some mistakes in the work and behavior of cries.

In 2011, Minecraft made the face of this character with his logo, which provoked the emergence of a number of memes. A line of branded products, which included plush toys, clothing, and even the cover for the Bible was launched. Notch has always treated the character with disregard and did not estimate these creatures high.

Cryper and Enderman (ART)

However, art fan fiction, memes and anime appeared on the Internet, describing the journey of cries on the edge of the walls and attacks on Endermen. Girls such games are unlikely to seem attractive, although the network is full of photos of the fine sex, with the enthusiasm of driving cries.


  • Small tricks will help save life when meeting with a cryper. To do this, observe banal caution and be careful. Hit the monster in advance, and it will become vulnerable to the preparing attack.
  • To avoid a collision with this creature, it is recommended to walk along a flat relief or go to existence in superplane. The proximity with the cryper does not promise anything good. It is better to stay away from it. Especially in the event that it works not alone.
  • Crypers are afraid of cats and ocelotov, so these characters act on your allies. If the player fails to lure monster to get up between it and the skeleton, the likelihood of a plate is great.

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