Stas Shmelev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actor Stas Shmelev is known among young people, as it often appears in films and serials designed for such an audience. But not everyone knows that the man succeeded both as a director: spending a lot of time on the set, he realized that the work for the scenes he delivers no less pleasure than in front of the cameras.

Childhood and youth

Stas was born in the summer of 1988 in Tula, the children's years of his biographies were not the best. The boy's father worked as director as soon as the son turned 3 months old, the parents divorced. The Sr. Shmelev went to Murmansk, from there he received a good proposal for work, and Mom went to Surgut. She left her parents to her parents, in Aleksina (Tula region) he ran school.

Under 16, Stas lived with his grandparents, his parents almost did not visit him, the lack of attention from adults affected the character of the boy. He learned poorly, spent his free time on the street, early began to smoke.

At the insistence of Grandma Shmelev attended numerous mugs. At different time, he was engaged in ballroom dancing, basketball and visited a music school. Summer holidays spent in children's camps, and earned the first money, collecting and passing glass bottles.

Personal life

As soon as Stas has the first recognizable roles, along with them the guy acquired numerous fans. At the same time, the actor does not like to devote the press in the details of his personal life. He himself told that the first girl appeared in his 12 years. Saved on dinners money he was postponed to make a girlfriend a gift. These relationships lasted 6 years, for what reason the lovers broke up, the artist did not specify.

Later on the Internet there were many different assumptions about the novels of the actor. If you believe, Schmelev met with Rudnev's anju, playing guitarist in "Ranetki", then with a model of Diana Melisson and the singer Victoria Alien. Later in his "Instagram" began to appear photo with a Kursk model Mary Leaf. And in 2017, Lera Kozlova was often present in the rollers on Yutubeub. Also, they were attributed to the relationship with Liza Broservina.

In his free time, Schmelev is engaged in running and boxing, sometimes visits the gym. With a height of 188 cm, its weight is about 70 kg.


The profession of the actor and the first shooting did not immediately appear in the life of Shmelev. At 16, from Alexina, he moved to Moscow, where and ran school. This was helped by the Father, who from Murmansk moved to the capital and decided to transport the eldest son at the same time. Having received a certificate, he could not decide for a long time than he wants to do, tried himself as a hip-hop artist, later his father helped him get to work for the studio. There was his acquaintance with Leonid Yarmolnik, who advised the young man to act on the acting faculty.

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The opinion of the actor was authoritative for Stas, he was credited with the second time in VGIK. As a student, he visited numerous castings and often received roles in low-budgetary series due to high growth and attractive appearance. The first in his filmography of full-format film was the "countdown", which was directed by the Sr. Shmelev. True, Stas appeared only in the episode.

The most productive for the actor was the period from 2008 to 2011. It was then that he played the main character in the "adult games", and the real popularity was revealed after work in "Ranetki" in the form of Stas Komarov. Then he threw VGIK, as the study took a lot of time, and took up his own films. As a director in 2015, he presented the viewers a picture of "not a pair", another year later - the series "provocateur", and after again returned to the actor, playing Flash in Schubert and Maxim in "Alien Blood".

Stas Shmelev Now

Stas and now periodically appears in films, but no longer as often as in the early 2010s. In January 2019, the series "Lancet" was released on the screens, where the main roles went to Paul Trubiner, Polina Agureva, Ivan Rudakov and Boris Kamarzin. Schmelev played in the tape of a young man named Edik. This is a medical drama where events unfold around the hospital doctor. In his life, the black strip comes, and fate throws the chance to get out of it, which the doctor with great pleasure uses.

Periodically, Shmelev publishes posts in Twitter, "Instagram", in Vkontakte and floods the videos on Yutubeub, it's clear that the actor travels a lot, and therefore there was no news about his projects for 2020. Apparently, for some time he decided to devote life in other countries.


  • 2006 - "Countdown"
  • 2007 - "servant of sores"
  • 2008 - "Adult Games"
  • 2010 - "Nanolyubov"
  • 2011 - "Vise Silence"
  • 2012 - "lucky in love"
  • 2016-2017 - "Provocateur"
  • 2017 - Schubert
  • 2018 - "Alien Blood"
  • 2019 - "Lancet"

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