Timon - Character Biography, Elementation, Song, Photo


Character History

The cartoon character "King Lion" and its continuations, as well as the cartooner "Timon and Pumba", where it becomes one of the main characters. Anthropomorphic meerkat (the view of the Mangoste, in Russian doubles Timon is sometimes called the mardy). The best friend of the bearder of the Pumba, who a couple with a friend helped Lyreece Simba survive heavy times, who had arrived after the death of the Father.

History of character creation

Timon has a skinny elongated body, a red-haired skin, black stripes on the back and a stain on the tip of the tail. Friend of Timon is a gullible and touchy wart of Pumba. Timon uses it as a vehicle and riding a riding paddle when you need to overcome a long distance. Pumba is easy to remove him, calling his "pig". Hearing this word in your address, Pumba immediately rushes to straighten with the opponent.

Timon (ART)

The nature of Timon in the series from time to time puts their friendship with the pompan at risk. Timon greedy, prone to manifestations of laziness, allows himself to let go of jokes and behaves arrogant. However, the hero tries to keep friendship with the pomp, correct the situation and restore the shameless relationship. Pumba goes Timon to meet, despite sarcasm and rudeness, which he demonstrates.

Full-length cartoons and serial give two different versions of Timon's biography. In the animated series "Timon and Pumba" the story of the hero sounds like that. Timon was one of the inhabitants of the city of Meerkat. The hero was put to perform a unwanted worker - guard the spare city gate, which no one uses anyway.

Timon and Pumba.

There are duke in the city, and the Duke is a daughter, and one day Timon leaves the post to meet her. In the meantime, Cobra penetrates into the city through the empty gate and kidnaps the very duke daughter. Meerkats are horrified and expelled Timon. Everyone believes that the daughter of the duke is dead.

The hero wanders in the savanna and faces with hyenas who chase him. During this chase, Timon meets his future best friend Pumba and two heroes manage to take away from Hyen. Timon and Pumba wore together and once find the most duke daughter stolen Corre.

Friends manage to win Cobru and together with the liberated Duke daughter they go to the city of Meerkat. However, the ungrateful duke refuses to leave in the city of the warter, and Timon leaves their homeland along with the other.

Dodke daughter

Another version of Timon's biography is given in the full-length cartoon "King Lion 3: Akun Matata." Here Timon initially, too, was part of the community of the meerkat, but worked as farm. From this work, the hero was removed after the fault of Timon fell a couple of tunnels.

The hero was put on the guard, but this idea was unsuccessful - hyenas attacked meerkats. After that, Timon decided that he was better to get away from fellow meerkatov, and went to the land of Praid, where the lions lived, where the rocks of the ancestors rose.

Simba, Timon and Pumba

On the way, the hero meets the wartwork of Pumba, who also fell off from "his". Slight Timon decides to call a warter with him: At first, solely because the smell smells badly, and this smell, according to Timon, should scare predators. By passing the land of Praid, satellites find a paradise place where they stay.

Later, the pleasures are encountered by Lion's Simba, which escaped from the house, considering himself guilty of the death of his father. Egoist Timon suggests Savior Lion and keep it from practical considerations - friendly lion will protect them from other predators. Later, pleasants begin to patronize and raise Simba, and the liononas grows into their company, conducting carefree life in the style of "Akun Matata".

Russed Simba, Timon and Pumba

Later, Simba decides to return to the land of Praid to take away the throne of the father from the insidious killer-uncle. Cowardly Timon initially plans not to go along with him and the pompa, but to stay in his paradise. However, realizing that no friends the life is not the same, Timon is in a hurry after them in the land of Praid. There Timon helps Simba to return the throne and drive out from their lands of Hyen, and then remains with a new king as an adviser and teacher of the little daughter Simba.


The image of Timon in all three full-length films of the King Lion series voiced actor Neanan Lane. The actor initially came to the samples with the desire to voice another character, but met a colleague, together with whom he played in the musical "Guys and dolls", and they decided to work a couple. At first, the actors were going to voiced hyenas on a couple, but the directions saw them in the form of Timon and Pub.

Timon in cartoon

In cartoons, the hero plays a minor role, and in the TV series "Timon and Pumba" becomes a central character. Timon adores worms and in the series "Captivity of a large worm" for a couple with a puby, worst devaways a monstrous worm, who at first swallowed the heroes themselves.

In the cartoon "King Lion 2: Simba's pride" Timon and Pumba are pressed to follow the royal daughter, a small lioness Kiara, but it's not too good. Kiara notices the heroes, which "imperceptibly" accompany her during the first hunt, is angry and running away, leaving those behind.

Kiara and Timon

Becoming a nanny for Kiara, Timon is trying to "educate" a young lioness just like before it brought up her father Simba. That is, teaches the heroine how to make life carefree and easy as much as possible.

In the cartoon "King Lion 3: Akun Matata" The story of the first cartoon "King Lion" series is shown again, but under a different angle - from the point of view of Timon and Pub, which in the first cartoon were secondary characters, and then they went to the fore. The entire heroic pathos of the first cartoon here is raised, and the events are served in a comic key. In Russian dubbing Timon, the actor Sergey Dyachkov is voiced here.

Interesting Facts

  • In the cartoon "King Lion" (1994), Timon and Pubs have their own song - "Hakuna Matata". The music to her composed the British composer and singer Elton John, and the words wrote a playwright and the author of Libretto to Rock Operators Tim Rice.
Timon and Pumba in
  • Characters Timon and Pumba are in the game "Minecraft". This couple wanders around the surroundings of the "pridelands" location, and the player can replace various things on the beetles.

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