Little Muk (Character) - Pictures, Story, Tale, Wilhelm Gauf


Character History

Little flour - the hero of the same name of the fairy tale, created by the German writer-romantic Wilhelm Gauf. An exciting plot with an oriental flavor, the atmosphere of the magic and elements of the moralness made the work of the German classics popular not only in Germany, but also far beyond the country.

Character author

The creator of the story about small flour, Wilhelm Gauf - famous in Germany by the author of Romanov and Novel. Like other German-romantic writers who fond of folklore, Gauf included elements of folk legends and legends. In the creative biography of the classic, 3 books of fairy tales were popular, in which the author outlined the original stories.

Novels of the first part of "Almanac of fairy tales for 1826 for the sons and daughters of noble classes", which entered the story of the flour, built in the spirit of the famous Italian "Decameron" Boccaccio. The action unfolds in the desert, which is followed by merchants with caravan camels. In the evenings, travelers make a hat, and one of them tells a bright story, imbued with mysticism, elements of magical transformations and other details.

In addition to works with oriental flavor, in the work of Wilhelm, many works, which was based on the German folklore. Among them, the "dwarf nose", "White and rose", "Cold heart" and others. In addition to fairy tales, Gauf created two novels in the genre of mysticism, as well as a number of poems that later became folk songs.

History of little flour

With the content of the history of the main character, the tales of readers introduces the young merchant muley. The narrator recalls how in his childhood and his neighbor boys attracted a mysterious figure of dwarf living nearby. By that time, little flour was not young, but the teenagers loved the evil to joke over him. Once the old man could not stand and complained to the father of a young mule. The boy received a sentence, and then found out the story of a neighbor.

After the death of Father, Muk remained without a means of existence and went on a trip in search of a better life. When a couple after a couple of days, hero saw the city, he was already without his strength. Having passed through the city streets, Muk hoped that he would be offered food, but the doors remained closed.

Unexpectedly, the young man heard someone calls those who want to eat to her house. On the call from different ends of the city began to escape cats and dogs. The hero decided to go beyond animals - they had nothing to lose. The hostess of the house, the old woman Ahavtsi, having heard the story of the tired traveler, fed him and offered to become an assistant, take care of her pets.

Initially, everything was fine, but when the Ahavians left the house, the cats began to run around the house, destroying items on the way, - the old woman believed that everything broke the assistant. Once, taking advantage of the lack of hostess, Muk decided to look into the room, to enter which was not allowed. There were many wonderful things, dishes, and when the hero took the old vessel in his hands, with that covers flew and crashed.

Understanding that now Ahavtsy will punish him, the young man quickly left the house. With you from the mysterious room, the young man captured huge shoes - because his own has already become unusable - and a cane with a carved embodious. Having left the city in a hurry, Muk was very tired and soon fell asleep in the meadow. Dwarf dreamed of an amazing dream, in which it was reported that shoes and a cane were magical. The essence of the magic was that the shoes helped to move quickly, and the cane is to find gold and silver coins.

Reaching the neighboring city, the Muk got up to work by the royal sword, demonstrating the court dexterity in the race. The courtii penetrated the jungle of envy, and he decided that he could have money envious to themselves. With the help of a cane, the hero soon found a treasure and began to excrete court. But this led to the fact that the dwarf was behind bars - the Spear accused of stealing money from the royal treasury.

The young man opened the king of the property of his belongings, which immediately selected, and the hero himself was kicked out of the city. On the path of the flour, two trees met with figs. It turned out that revealing the fruit of one, you can find ears and nose like a donkey, and the fruit of the second returned the face for the same features. Collecting Figi, the hero returned to the city and quickly sold the fruit of the Royal Cook.

When it became known that the king lost the human appearance, the dwarf returned to the palace under the guise of a scientist who promised to save the ruler and the royal approximate from the unknown "Kvory". The young man was offered wealth from the treasury, and the dwarf chose shoes and cane. After that, revealed his king himself and left the royal chambers.

The ruler never returned the former appearance, and flour with the help of magic shoes was transferred to his hometown. The trials made the hero wiser, now the dwarf preferred secluded walks through the streets and kept the people. Having learned this story, Mouli and his friends began to treat an old man with reverence.

Empty and cartoons

In the twentieth century, Gauf's fairy tale was repeatedly filmmed, and cartoons were created on the work. Bright among them became the film "The Adventures of the Little Flour" of 1983, whose director became Elizabeth Kimugarov. The actor Bakhtier Fidoev played the main character. The picture includes songs on the words of Yuri Entin.

There were also many prints with wonderful illustrations, for example, the drawings of Viktor Nevitale, Oleg Cominarca and others. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is a good heart and honesty help to cope with the tests - remaining relevant today.


  • 1921 - "Little Muk"
  • 1938 - "Little Muk"
  • 1944 - "Little Muk"
  • 1953 - "Little Muk"
  • 1971 - "Little Muk"
  • 1975 - "Muk-Skorozhod"
  • 1983 - "The Adventures of Little Flour"

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