Group 2ne1 - Photo, History of creation and composition, collapse of the collective, songs



The famous Korean group of 2NE1 pleased fans of hip hop and pop tracks for 7 years. Four fragile girls during this time declared themselves as talented artists who collect full listeners halls. For the entire existence, the team managed to write not one full-length and mini-album, as well as remove a large number of clips on their songs.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the 2NE1 group began in 2004, but formally the year of its creation is considered to be 2009. Before the team has been formed, 4 girls have passed an internship in the agency for searching for talent, and part-time and audio recording studio Yg Entertainment. Initially, the name of the team sounded as "21", but learning that the group with this name already exists, they renamed 2NE1.

4 participants entered the staff. Li Chhe Rin (CL) took the place of leader, the main rapper, the leading soloist and dancer. Pak Bom Lee (Bom) was the main vocalist, Pak San Dara (Dara) - vocalist and Sab Rapper, and Gon Min Ji (Minji) - the main dancer and leading vocalist. In this form, the team began to promote their songs, after concluding a contract with YG Entertainment.


During the period of the first years of cooperation of the group with YG Entertainment, many tracks were recorded. Of these, the debut album subsequently developed. The first single of the group was introduced at the end of March 2009, the Lollipop song was created specifically for advertising smartphones of the LG brand, and a day after its release, the clip was presented.

The team then released the Fire song and immediately two versions of the clip (street and cosmic). On the first day, after the release, the rollers scored about 1 M of the views. And after the premiere of the show 2NE1, which demonstrated the moments of the promotion, the team and was completely popularly popular.

The debut mini-album 2NE1 appeared in the group's biography in the summer of 2009. Single I Don't Care turned out to be softer in the sound, and the girls appeared in more feminine images. Such a step of producers made the song for the most downloaded in July. Then they were waiting for the second wave of recognition in the form of won premiums in all sorts of nominations.

In early 2010, the girls recorded another 10 new songs, and in half a year their discography was replenished with the first full-format plate to anyone. And again they start talking on TV and radio, as well as presenting new awards. This breakthrough was the receipt of the MET ASIAN MUSIC Awards award in three main nominations. Until then, such success for one ceremony could not achieve any Korean artist and the team.

Since 2011, artists begin to work not only for the Korean audience, but also for listeners from Japan. The English version of the song CAN't Nobody is released for them, then Single GO Away, and in March 2012 presented the Debut Japanese album Collection.

After that, they represent the song Scream. Japanese versions of their old compositions and a Caver on Like a Virgin Madonna were also included in the record. As a result, the music of the 2NE1 group in Japan had the same popularity as in Korea.

Almost all 2012, the Group spent in the world tour, posters with photos of Korean girls decorated many concert halls, during this period they managed to visit different countries.

The next year of the artists rested, periodically presenting new tracks, and only in 2014 pleased the fans of the second long-awaited album Crush, which came out immediately in Korea and Japan (in the second case it was a special Japanese edition). This was followed by a number of concerts in Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore and other Asian states.

Collapse of the collective

After the deafening success, the girls decide to relax a little, and throughout the year each is engaged in solo career. They return to the scene only in 2016, just then they ended the contract with the company, there were talks about its extension.

It turned out that Minji refused to sign it, so now the group had to act as a trio. But in the fall of the same year, the YG Entertainment announced the final collapse of the collective. Releaseing in early 2017 a farewell single, 2NE1 ceased to exist.


  • 2009 - "2NE1"
  • 2010 - "To Anyone"
  • 2011 - "Nolza"
  • 2012 - "Collection"
  • 2014 - "Crush"


  • 2010 - "I DON'T CARE"
  • 2010 - "Fire"
  • 2010 - "Go Away"
  • 2010 - "CAN'T NOBODY"
  • 2011 - "Lonely"
  • 2012 - "I Love You"
  • 2013 - "Missing You"
  • 2013 - "Falling in Love"
  • 2014 - "Coma BACK HOME"
  • 2014 - "GOTTA BE You"

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