Group 'N Sync - Photo, Creation History and Composition, Collapse of the Collection, Songs



The American pop group N Sync entered the story in the late 1990s, when, only having time to arise, gained instant success. The proof of this has become millions of discs, global tours and adoration of the planet fans. Ultimately, Boyz-Bend gave the way Justin Timberlake and left behind a portion of hits, voicing sweet maiden dreams.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of Boys-Benda began to be written in Orlando, Florida, when in 1995 future participants came together at the Mickey Mouse Club show and decided to gather into the group. Then there were four of them: tenors Justin Timberlake and Jacy Chasez, Bariton Joey Fatown and Counteror Chris Kirkpatrick. Later, everyone joined the team holder Bass Lans Bass.

The idea to combine attractive young men who would sing about love and other pleasant things for the maidest ears were not revolutionary. 'N Sync is not the first to go on this path, but she managed to "shoot" as quickly as possible and effectively. Chris Kirkpatrick has already experienced the experience of a performance in Boys-Benda, and it was he who came out on the producer Lu Perlman with a proposal to create a new group.

He agreed to finance the project when he heard the newly educated quintet sounds niciously, which came up with his name by connecting the last letters of his own names. Guys started rehearsal, setting the goal of becoming idols of adolescents.

He led the producer to the process who settled the participants in the same house and hired a manager for them. The performers had not only to sing beautifully, but also to look to look, while it is good to move, for which they began to do the choreography specifically.

Test the effect of male charm of the team decided on the European public, for which N Sync went to Sweden, where, by signing a contract with BMG Ariola Munich, began working on a debut album and give the first concerts. Little to become stars in Europe, the Americans returned to their homeland, where they began to climb to the tops of Glory. Here by 1998 the guys reached platinum sales, and the 2000s became superstars capable of selling 2.4 million disks per week.


Starting the promotion in Germany, N Sync there in 1997 released the same album, which became the first in discography. "The debutnik" on the 2nd week after the appearance was headed by the German charts, and then became popular throughout Europe. In the US, the record appeared in March 1998. The support of the album was carried out with the help of the release of clips, performances at adolescence and tour, thanks to which he eventually hit the 9th line Billboard 200.

The next release of NO Strings Attached (2000) was recognized as the best pop album of the 2000s, setting a sales record in the first week. The Celebrity (2001) disk almost repeated the success of the predecessor, providing anchlags during touring tours, where the musicians earned $ 90 million.

Collapse of the collective

In 2002, by conducting a tour, in the course of which it was possible to collect $ 30 million, the Group declared its intention to take a creative pause. By the time Justin Timberlake, wrote songs for the collective, wished to do a solo project. The guy has become closely within the "N Sync and wanted to embody his own ideas in music.

Although the official statement of the collapse of the team was not voiced, temporary parting turned out to be final. Despite the fact that during 2003 the group appeared at events, performed on the Grammy Awards and even declared the intention to record the album, N Sync no longer did anything new. The fact that will no longer return to the team, Justin Timberlake said in 2004.

Since then, the guys have reunited for single episodes, for example, in 2013 to perform on the MTV Video Music Awards awards, or in 2018, when on April 30 in the Hollywood "Alley of Glory" laid their registered star. In 2019, the quartet of the performers, with the exception of Justin, supported Ariana Grande during a chadliner performance in Coachella.

Without existently 10 years, N Sync remained in memory as a group that has achieved storm commercial success and spectator adoration, becoming a form of generation. In 2002, participants perpetuated in Madame Tussao Museum - wax figures better photographed the moment when the musicians were at the peak of popularity.


  • 1997 - 'N Sync
  • 2000 - NO Strings Attached
  • 2001 - Celebrity.


  • "I Want You BACK"
  • "IT's Gonna Be Me"
  • "Tearin 'Up My Heart"
  • "POP"
  • "Gone"
  • "Girlfriend"

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