Masha Hima - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Masha Hima, whose real name is Maria Himchenko, is a Russian rap performer serving concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow. A girl learned about the creation of the thematic YouTube channel and cooperation with the singer Emelevskaya, as well as to the competition from Yuli Kiwi in the popular metropolitan musical Battle.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of the rap performer in public information is quite small, but judging by the official page "VKontakte", Maria Khimchenko appeared on June 26, 1992 in the metropolitan district of Brateevo and, brought up by his grandmother and who worked by her parents, held childhood mainly in Moscow .

Due to the fact that the family experienced financial difficulties, at the end of the 9th grades in the middle educational school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union V. V. Markina Masha was forced to enter the technical school, and then in search of his own path in life decided to try to ride around the country.


In the late 2000s, the first compositions appeared on social networks with a cleft "Focus Box", represented by a young Muscovite under the pseudonym Masha Hima, which led to participation in the Chess Ma project, and then to the final of the final and the subsequent victory in the Internet show Battlefree .

In 2014, Maria started his own account on YouTube and published a video "Vitamins in Tablets", which scored dozens of views and was regarded as a good track.

The cherished dream of a girl was a visit to the Northern Capital, and thanks to Leme Emeleevskaya, who was at the start of a creative career and was a familiar online correspondence, one day Himchenko gathered things and sat down on the train, following St. Petersburg.

There, being in the hip-hop performers, Maria was seriously fascinated by music and, starting experimenting with different styles, demonstrated the ability to read rap. And in 2015, she joined the group called "Mamin Undigun", organized by a new girlfriend, and agreed with the singer Mozee Montana, who also sought popularity and supplemented the project at the last moment.

By parallel with the solo career, Masha became a member of Battle with an impressive prize pool, but he lost to Yule Kiwi, who had a rich competitive experience. And then, together with colleagues in the creative union, the girl won in the 3rd round of the "Rip on Bits" show, subsequently laid out in VKontakte and on YouTube, and began to cooperate with other singers, including Alphavite.

In 2018, having suspended participation in public events, Hima began recording a debut album, and soon "a collection of love disks" appeared on several Internet resources. The text of the singer expressed consent to the position of women, sequence of feminism, developing their ideas in the group "Group".

Support for colleagues and positive feedback feeders gave impetus to the replenishment of solo discography, and after a short period after the first release of Maria published a playlist "sound". Among the 10 genre and plot distinguished compositions, the tracks "Go home" and "Piper", as well as a semi-autobiographic song called the author "St. Petersburg grunge" deserved.

The official presentation of the new brainchild of Hima took place in the clubs "Biggi" and "Forest Villa", and then continued interviews and a living performance held on the airline of Studio 21 radio stations. And then DJ Pill has released electronic remixes on some memorable students of Mary's Recatatives and thanks to the regular Internet Rotations quite successfully unwound them.

Personal life

After leaving the battle in the personal life, Himchenko appeared a string of fans, but she did not look for a beloved in the society of producers and famous colleagues. As a result, the artist acquired her husband, whose name was left unknown, and when realized that this was not her man, followed the divorce.

From Masha's marriage, a daughter, named Anastasia, was left, but her photographs are not in "Instagram" and other networks. In the songs from the Album of 2019, the singer told about the past, making focus on relationships that were crashing.

Masha Hima now

In 2019, Masha Hima returned to cooperation with Lima Emeleevskaya, and they released the album "I'll die now." The compositions spread to iTunes digital sites, Google Play, Boom and VK Music, which made it possible to visit Moscow with a concert.

In addition, in the beginning of autumn, a solo project Himchenko was released, which is known on the Internet called BlackWork. There are songs dedicated to daughters and interpersonal relations, which are periodically tied in an undisputed ball.


  • 2018 - "Collection of love dissyss"
  • 2018 - "Sound"
  • 2019 - "I'll die now" (together with Emelevskaya)
  • 2019 - BlackWork.

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