Goodwin (character) - History, "Magician of the Emerald City", Great and Horrible


Character History

Goodwin - Alexander Volkov's fairy tale character "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Thanks to natural tricks and ingenuity, the hero gets the nickname "Great and Horrible", keeps in fear of evil wizard, while Ellie's girl with friends does not expose the cheater.

History of character creation

The image of James Goodwin, as well as the plot of a magical country, is borrowed by the Volkovo from the fairy tale of the American writer Frank Bauma "Wizard from Oz." The first book of the Fairy Tale Cycle of the Western Author appeared in 1900. In this and subsequent books, the writer reveals details of the life of the Oz. It describes in detail the rule of character in a magical country, as well as his path of becoming a wizard.

In the fairy tale Alexander Volkova, the name of the hero is changing, as well as some details of the Gudwin biography. In addition, the author emphasizes the fact that James never possessed magical abilities - an idea of ​​himself as a great and terrible man received among the inhabitants of the country only thanks to tricks and enterprise.

Fate Goodwin

According to the story of the history of Volkova, James Goodwin was born in Kansas. Being young, the hero was an employee of the theater and circus, arranged bright illusions. Later, to entertain the audience, climbed into the air in the balloon. Once, during one of these ideas, a hurricane began. The basket in which James was located, broke away from the rope to which was tied, and the wind moved the magician to the Green Country.

The inhabitants of the country amaze a stranger descending from heaven. Goodwin, using the situation, connects acting skills and convinces everyone that he is a great magician, a friend of the wizard sun. Thus, without applying any effort, the character becomes the ruler of the fabulous town. To secure the status of a powerful wizard, the former circus is decides to build an emerald city, surprising travelers with glitter of precious emeralds. And since the building material is not enough, for the finishing of buildings, the squeezes uses ordinary glass.

So that no one managed to reveal this deception, Goodwin commands the residents of the city and guests wearing glasses with green glasses - so the glass decor looked like a real gem. In addition, the new ruler seeks smaller to show in front of the public. Over time, residents of the country forget the look of the wizard. For audience, the cunning illusionist uses various boutic characters, inspired by the subordinate fear and horror.

In a magical country, in addition to the magician, real fairies and evil wizards live. Two of them - Gingham and Bastinda - especially dangerous for the Emerald City. From the attack of the sorcerer of the residents save only what is alone, and the other believe that James is a great magician. Once Goodwin is trying to attack the ownership of the Bastland to free the subjects of the wizard, but loses in battle. The volatile monkeys who serve the sorcerer are divided by the army of circus, and the magician himself avoids captivity.

Therefore, when James finds out that Ellie's girl - even if not in his will, killed the Witch Ginger, then decides to take advantage of the moment and orders the heroine to deal with the remaining bastind in exchange for returning home. The same requirement of Goodwin addresses the friends of Ellie, who came to the "Wizard" with their cherished desires: scarecrowed wanted to gain brains, gain wisdom, the ironwood asked Goodwin the heart, and the cowardly lion - courage.

To cause fear in the travelers, the ruler of the city decides to appear before each in a special image. Instead of himself on the throne, a man seats different butt creatures from Papier-Masha. So, Ellie sees a huge head in front of him, the sea virgin has been prepared for the terrible, a terrible beast is turned out to be a terrible beast, and for Lion, the magician is preparing a big fiery ball.

The calculation of the deceiver turns out to be true - the heroes are in confusion after meetings with "him" and agree to go to the purple country to cope with Bastinda. However, Goodwin can not assume that friends will be able to withstand a complex test, return and reveal his deception. Now the ruler of the city must fulfill the promised.

For the terrible, James makes "brains" filled with bran, needles and pins. Iron Woodhouse Former circusch sews silk heart, and a cowardly lev is preparing a "drink of courage" with admixture of valerian. With Ellie, James is going to go back to Kansas in a balloon, passing the powers of the ruler of the emerald city.

However, when everything is prepared for sending home, the wind breaks down the rope earlier than the girl has time to climb into the basket of the ball, and Goodwin flies alone. The hero safely reaches Kansas and opens a grocery bench in his homeland. In the second book Volkova, readers again meet with this character. Ellie with Charlie Black learn that the emerald city in danger - Urfin Jys with wooden soldiers seeks to conquer the capital of the magical country. Girl and sailor offer James to go with them to help friends, but Goodwin refuses.

Goodwin in films and books

In addition to the books of Alexander Volkova and Frank Baum, the image of the "wizard" appears in other literary works. So, for example, the writer Sergey Sukhinov publishes the Gudwin, Great and Horrible fairy tale, in which the history of the magician is described in detail. As with the American author, in the composition of Sukhinova James, over time turns into a real wizard. About this readers will learn from the book "Wizard from Atlantis."

Also, the image of the illusionist appears on the pages of the book of Leonid Vladimirsky "Buratino in the Emerald City". In the plot, Goodwin landed on a balloon in the city of Tarabarsk and enters the theater "Zipper", whose head - Dad Carlo.

The character can be found in the ads of a fairy tale about a magical country. So, in the 1994 movie The role of Goodwin performs actor Viktor Pavlov. Children loved the song about the wise wizard, executed by Ellie and the tag in the cartoon created based on Volkova's fairy tales.


  • 1973 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1999-2000 - "Adventures in the Emerald City"


  • 1939 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1963 - "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers"
  • 2001 - "Goodwin, Great and Horrible"
  • 2002 - "Wizard from Atlantis"
  • 2011 - "Buratino in the Emerald City"

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