Group "Megapolis" - photo, history of creation and composition, news, songs 2021



Musicians from the Moscow team "Megapolis" are considered to be one of the prominent figures of Russian rock, since their creative biography lasts over long years. Speaking at the concert halls, clubs and in open festivals, the group presented the audience tens of albums, the most successful of which were "SuperTango" and "from the life of the planets."

The history of creation and composition

The history of the MEGAPOLIS group is associated with the names of Oleg Nesterov and Mikhail Gabolaev, who in 1986 met in the Moscow Hall for rehearsals and recorded a debut magneto album. In his work, they were helped by bass guitarist Andrei Belov, Drummer Mikhail Alesin, Keychers Arkady Martynenko and Alexander Suzdalev, as well as Percussionist Igor Zhigunov.

Looking at the position of intellectual rock, the team earned the attention of the press and producers and joined the musicians from the center of Stas Namina, who was the author of many hits. And then Nesterov managed to agree on recording with the well-known Soviet company "Melodia", where a former participant of the vocal ensemble was a sound engineer - instrumentalist and singer Herman Petrov.

This person helped the metropolis to find the rhythms and sound fit and largely determined the changes that were touched upon the initial composition. As long as Maxim Lenon and Alexander Filonenko did not come to the group, the team had problems with a guitarist and a drummer, but across a decade and these people left Nesterov, and he was very worried about it.

Looking at it, the remaining colleagues agreed for a break in creative activity, which came to the beginning of the 2000s, and then Gabolaev found Dmitry Pavlova, Andrei Karaseva, Anton Dashkina and Dmitry Chevyakov, who became an updated "megapolis" and now, speaking regularly on stage , please the game of the soloist and fans.


The birthday of the Rock Group "Megapolis" is considered to be on May 27, 1987 - the date when Gabolas and Nesterov released a debut album on the cassette. A month later, the team was speaking at the festival in the Gorbushka, awarded article in the Moscow Komsomol Center, as well as the laudatory reviews of critics.

In 1988, with the help of the production company Stas Namina, the musicians fell to the company "Melody" and released on the vinyl composition with "morning", which highly appreciated the sound engineer. The plate quickly spread to the capital, hitting the showman Ivan Demidov, with which the group released 2 video clips and went on tour organized by ARS.

In the 1990s, after participating in the International Music Festival in Berlin, Nesterov and the company wrote a number of songs to the poems of Joseph Brodsky and Andrey Voznesensky, who entered the lyrical album "Mottle bins" and together with popular Russian compositions were translated into German.

And then work began on a MEGAPOLIS record, partially represented on the show "Generation-93". This was a real breakthrough in the creative career of the group, and their clips on the songs of "Karl Marx Stadt" and "I Spring" quite unexpectedly hit abroad.

In order to secure popularity, the founders of the group initiated the creation of an acoustic album based on the speech at the Utopia Club and, judging by the published photo, organized a large solo concert in Oktyabrsky. Then their discography was replenished with a project called "Thunderstorm in the village" and a collection of songs in the Best format.

In subsequent years, due to frequent change of the composition, the founders of Megapolis suspended their own activities and engaged in producing young teams, among which there was a project from Krasnodar "Masha and Bears", as well as the Russian-Ukrainian team "Underwood". In the 2000s, gradually returning to the working rhythm, Muscovites wrote the song "Winter" and hit with the controversial text "Hedgehog, attached between your legs."

In 2010, Nesterov presented to the public Album "SuperTango", which demonstrated a modern attitude to music and a new look from previous projects. And after some time, "Megapolis" presented to the audience surprise in the form of a play "From the life of the planets" and Zerolines plates, which were based on the films "Seven pairs of unclean", "Premonition" and "Pier".

"Megapolis" is now

By 2019, the Megapolis group had already had a dozen studio albums in the piggy bank and continued to replenish it with a new material, submitting a clip to the next single.

This time they became the song "Three Matches" on the poems of the French author of Jacques, who, after the first execution at the concert, was regarded as a real hit.

According to musicians, she became the beginning of the 11th full-format studio record, the release of which is scheduled for 2020.


  • 1987 - "Morning"
  • 1989 - "Poor People"
  • 1990 - "Mottle bins"
  • 1992 - "Women's Heart"
  • 1994 - "Megapolis"
  • 1995 - "Negro"
  • 1996 - "Thunderstorm in the village"
  • 2010 - "SuperTango"
  • 2014 - "From the life of the planets"
  • 2016 - "Zerolines"


  • "One, one"
  • "Karl Marx Stadt"
  • "SuperTango"
  • "Three matches"
  • "Angel"
  • "There"
  • "I am Spring"
  • "Snow goes"

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