Archie Goodwin (Character) - Detectives, Niro Wolfe, Author, Detective


Character History

Archie Goodwin is one of the main characters of a popular series of detectives created by the American Writer Rex Staut. The young assistant of the legendary detective Niro Wolfe enchant readers with a sense of humor, charm, wit. Having excellent memory and knowing how to find an approach to everyone, mainly to the ladies, the character took a special place among other famous literary heroes.

History of character creation

The first book of the series about Niro Wolfe and his assistant came out in 1934. Literary criticians found the general features of the author with the main detective. The surname of the writer is translated into Russian as a "full" - the detective is also completely complete. Stout loved to grow strawberries, his Wulfe also has a favorite passion - orchid. As for the creation of an image of Archie, here, most likely, the American classic used collecting traits.

Goodwin reminds literary assistants of famous detectives - Dr. Watson, always located near Sherlock Holmes, Hastings Inspector, helping Erkül Poirot. But unlike these heroes, Archie takes direct participation in the disclosure of crimes, is the main "collector" of information, since NIRO rarely comes out of the house. The young man is found, the deft is endowed with an acute analytical mind.

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The story is conducted on the face of Goodwin himself, so the hero is known to this. About the appearance of a young man can be judged by several quotes from books. The readers become known for the growth of the assistant detective - 183 cm, weight - 81 kg. Outwardly Archie, according to his own words, reminds Hollywood actor Gary Cooper. The man is brown eyes and a smoky nose.

Creating the image of the secretary and the driver of Wolf, they put the character with special, memorable features. So, in the text, the author reports that Goodwin loves milk and drinks at least a glass a day. In this case, the assistant detective can combine drinks with apples, bananas and even pomegranate juice. At the same time, Archie rarely uses alcohol and prefers exquisite meat, with a predominance of meat.

The full name of the hero is Archibald - he does not like. The young man demands that he called "Archi." Goodwin Music, moving well, dancing, masterfully plays poker. Baseball matches, hockey tournaments and boxing fights, also loves.

The fate of Archie Goodwin

About the biography of the hero The writer reports the following. A young man was born on October 23, 1913 (1914) of the year in Ohio. Father detective, James Arner Goodwin, married a charming girl Tit Leslie. The wife gave a spouse, besides Archie, two sons and two daughters. In the text of the story of the League of Crosshead Men, whose action unfolds in 1937, is given an indication that in the house of Wulf, a young assistant lives for 7 years. Consequently, the detective activities of Archie took up in 1930, when there was a 17-year-old young man.

The guy's relationship with the guy did not work out. In the text of the "final decision", Archie reports that he broke up with the house of the parents as soon as he graduated from school. The reason for this was the domineering maternal character. A little more about the character readers learn from the story "Festive Picnic". Goodwin tells that he tried to study two weeks in college, but I realized that this occupation he was not interested. After the guy moves to New York, it is satisfied with the guard.

The life of a young man is immediately filled with bright events. Goodwin participates in a shootout, kills two, dismissed. Detective Wulf is known about this - the guy gets the first task and masterfully copes with him. After that, it gets a permanent job at the head of the New York Agency. Since that time, the hero acts as an assistant NIRO, and is also a driver, bodyguard and secretary detective.

The character lives in the house of Wulf, where the cook Fritz Brenner and the gardener Theodore Horstmann also live and work. Throughout the series, the young detective remains idle, although it has great success in women, and in addition, in love with Lily Rowan. But to marry Lily Archi is not going, reporting that the marriage will prevent the career of a private owner.

Archie Goodwin in films and books

The image of Goodwin was loved by readers and found a continuation not only in the books of Rex Stata, but also in the writings of Robert Goldsboro. Also, the name of a young detective is mentioned in the book "At the table with Niro Wolf, or the secrets of the cuisine of the Great Detective", released in 2015. The popularity of detective stories invented by Staet was found in the movies. So, in 2001, the American television series "Secrets of Niro Wolfe" came to the screens, in which the role of Goodwin was brilliantly performed by actor Timothy Hatton.

The actor managed to transfer the bright features of the nature of the literary hero, create an image, organic for the era of the 50s in America. Mori Teagkin became a partner of the film, having become Mori Teagkin. On Russian television, the film was also created by several works of American classics - the Russian series was called the "Adventures of Wolf's Adventures and Archie Goodwin". Here the image of Archie masterfully embodied Sergey Zhigunov. The role of the main owner was performed by Donatas Banionis.


  • 1936 - "Get acquainted with Niro Wolf"
  • 1937 - "League of Frightened Men"
  • 1979 - "Niro Wolfe"
  • 1981 - "Niro Wolfe"
  • 2001 - "Secrets of Niro Wolfe"
  • 2001 - "Niro Wolfe and Archie Goodwin"
  • 2012 - "Niro Wolfe"


  • 1934 - Fer de Lans
  • 1935 - "League of Frightened Men"
  • 1936 - "Kill again"
  • 1937 - "Red Box"
  • 1938 - "Too many cooks"
  • 1939 - "Where Caesar has expired"
  • 1940 - "Only through my corpse"
  • 1941 - "Black Orchids"
  • 1942 - "Death there has not been there"
  • 1944 - "Death Trap"
  • 1945 - "Requires a man"

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