Petr Katsiv: Biography of the State Worker, Personal Life, News, Photo 2021



The professional path of Peter Dmitrievich Katse is a vivid confirmation that a person from a small regional town can independently achieve career heights, become a talented manager and a respected statesman. In different years, Peter Dmitrievich held responsible posts in government bodies, as well as in large system-forming transport industry companies, successfully embodied priority state infrastructure projects. It is no coincidence of its achievements marked by orders:
  • "Badge of honor",
  • "Friendship",
  • "For merit to the patrols" III and IV degrees.

Childhood and youth

At the school, the future statesman was well given accurate sciences, therefore, having received an secondary education certificate in 1970, he decided to enter the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute. In Soviet times, Madi was considered one of the prestigious metropolitan universities.

Peter Dmitrievich Katsiv

After his end, Katsiv continued to lead scientific activities that combine her with work. He graduated from graduate school, first defended his dissertation on the topic "Improving the technology of the organization of passenger traffic in a large region" (1999), and then doctoral (2002). On the example of the organization of the work of passenger transport in a large region, Katsyv analyzed the methods that allow improving management models of such large-scale organized systems.


Peter Katsyv began working in 1975 and until 1982 he worked as an engineer of passenger autocolon on traffic safety in Khimki near Moscow. Then he moved to the Moscow administration of passenger transport to the position of head of the traffic safety department.

Famous Russian Manager Peter Katsiv

In 1983, this agency was reorganized into the Moscow Regional Territorial Association of Passenger Motor Transport. Already in the new structure, Katsiv until 1987 worked consistently:

  • Deputy Head of Move Safety - Head of Department
  • Deputy Head of Transportation,
  • First Deputy Head for Transportation.

Then the company was transformed into Mostransavto State Unitary Enterprise, where the future minister served as the first deputy head of the carriage. From 1987 to 1994, Peter Dmitrievich also worked as the first deputy general director of this state-owned enterprise, and in 1994 he became his general director.

Activities in the Government of the Moscow Region

The new round of Career Peter Katsiva fell in 2001-2014 when he worked in the Moscow Region Government.

In 2001, he was appointed Minister of Transport of the Government of the Moscow Region, and also headed the Regional Transport Committee. In the Government of Boris Gromova (headed the Moscow Region in 2000-2012) was engaged in the development of the transport and road infrastructure of the region, as well as updating the fleet of vehicles and many other issues.

State Worker Peter Katsyv

In 2003, Peter Dmitrievich went to an increase: he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, retaining the post of Minister of Transport. His powers expanded significantly, in particular, during this period he oversaw the following areas:

  • transport,
  • connection,
  • Industrial policy
  • Information Technology,
  • Scientific and technical and innovative policy,
  • Transport security.

In 2012, the management talent of Katsiv Peter Dmitrievich turned out to be in demand and in the new team of the Moscow region of the government, which formed by the governor of the Moscow region in Sergey Shoigu at that time. At first, he headed the management engaged in interaction with the federal authorities, and in 2013-2014 successfully worked as an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region.

The largest project implemented under the leadership of Katsiv Peter during the period of work in the Government of the Moscow Region, was the construction of the central ring road. The superior high-speed highway with a length of more than 300 km connected the three main highways of the new Moscow and Moscow region:

  • Simferopol (Warsaw) highway,
  • Kaluga highway,
  • Kiev highway.
Peter Katsiv - Ex-Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region

Today, it is rightfully considered one of the main links of the transport infrastructure of the region. But only those who participated in the work on the creation of this car rings remember that the CCAD construction project was difficult to implement. In its framework, it was necessary not only to pave the road fabric itself, but also to build more than a dozen bridges and overpasses, as well as three overpass and four transport junctions. All this demanded a large coordinated work of many specialists, which Katsiv organized.

Another important professional affair was the curacing of the construction of railway branches connecting the capital with airports. Projects under the leadership of Peter Katsiv, successfully implemented in this direction, were important components on the way to the creation of a single metropolitan aviation unit.

It is important that for a long time Peter Dmitrievich was in the board of directors of Sheremetyevo airport, where he oversaw security issues. In fact, that over the past years, international experts recognize Sheremetyevo one of the most convenient and secure airports in the world, there is a great merit of Peter Katseva.

In 2014, Russian Railways announced the news that Peter Katsiv became the vice-president of the company, heading the Center for the Development of the Moscow Transport Knot.

Former Vice President of Russian Railways Peter Dmitrievich Katsiv

The personnel decision of the national railway carrier turned out to be true and timely. Peter Dmitrievich joined the decision of the most complicated tasks faced by the company at that time. In particular, under his leadership, the Center for the Development of the Moscow Transport Knot carried out the modernization of the Moscow Ring Railway. As Katsiv himself told, until the start of the project of the Moscow Region was considered in Russian Railways ballast, or a so-called rusty belt, which interferes.

However, already in 2016, the modernization project developed under the personal leadership of Peter Dmitrievich Katsiv, was recognized as one of the best in the region. In fact, the old district railway branch of the capital turned into a modern, partially integrated highway highway, called the Moscow Central Ring. Its undoubted advantages are considered:

  • Increased transport accessibility for the population,
  • Improving urban transport infrastructure,
  • The appearance of the first street vehicle independent of weather and traffic jams,
  • Reduced load on the Moscow metro.

Since the opening of the ICC in September 2016, its passenger traffic is constantly growing. In 2018, more than 120 million people took advantage of the road. As the metropolitan authorities suggest, by the 2030, this figure will rise to 300 million people per year.

According to experts, the contribution of Katsiv to the implementation of the project to transform the ICD to the claimed passenger branch is difficult to overestimate. Peter Dmitrievich was therefore a specialist who in the right place and at the right time carried out leadership, and also established effective communications with the Moscow and Moscow region's authorities.

Peter Katsiv participated in the project MCC

In 2017, Katsiv's position was renamed: he became Deputy General Director - Head of the Center for the Development of the Transport Knot of Russian Railways, but actually continued to perform previous functions.

Railway development in the capital Katsyv Petr Dmitrievich dedicated five fruitful years of life. In 2019, he left the position in Russian Railways due to retirement.

Today, he is an honorary veteran of labor and a well-deserved worker of transport of the Russian Federation. He has medals "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" and "50 years of victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

Personal life

Peter Dmitrievich's wife Lyudmila Eylikovna Katsiv is a physics teacher with great experience, a candidate of pedagogical sciences and a well-deserved teacher of Russia.

Peter and Denis Katseva

Previously, she was headed by one of the suburban lyceums, and today he is headed by the Association, which unites the leaders of the educational industry of the region. Spouses have an adult son of Denis Katsiv, who is currently engaged in business.

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