Anton Becczhev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Leading Project "House-2" 2021



Anton Bekcuzhev - chief editor of the magazine "Dom-2", a permanent member of the Borodin show against Buzova and an expert of the transfer dedicated to building relationships. The young man became a media person after the start of cooperation with TNT television channel and quickly gained popularity among the spectators of the evening ether.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of Anton Becuchev is known not so much. He was born on September 8, 1992 in Moscow.

Judging by the nontrivial appearance of a young man, it can be assumed that his relatives had Asian roots, but Anton did not apply to the nationality of parents. In 2014, the guy graduated from Moscow State University, having received a red diploma in the specialty "Television and Broadcasting". So began his career in the field of journalism.

Journalism and television

The television project "Dom-2" was interested in Bekkuzhev for a long time. The long-lived transmission gradually developed, opening new directions, and a novice journalist was lucky at the right time and in the right place. The media argue that Bekkuzhevy gave the project about 10 years of creative activity.

At first, the author entrusted the maintenance of social transmission networks. Gradually, he managed to gain confidence, and high performance helped to get the prestigious post editor of Dom-2 magazine. In this post, Anton changed the unbalanced fan of the chicken. Among the professional merit of the journalist, the transfer of publishing from paper into electronic format. It also owns the initiative to invite the most popular and bright participants in the live broadcast of the Youtyub-Channel.

Anton's activities started with interesting interviews with project participants. Over time, he began to act as an expert on regular issues of the accompanying show. The young man actively gave comments, helping the participants to deal with personal problems, and opened the veil of the project in front of the audience. Beczuzhev often talked about what was happening behind the cameras, compromising the heroes of the show. The journalist justified his behavior with rectiality.

Having created the image of a meticulous journalist, easily asking uncomfortable questions, he was remembered to the viewers and increasingly appeared on the "frontal place" "House-2". As the project has grown, opening the child show, Bekcuzhev received a new field for activity. So, he became the leading heading "True or False" as part of the transfer of Borodin against Buzova. Anton displays the secrets of personal life from the participants who remain in the shadows on the main show, and represents guys and girls in a new light, supporting the image of a provocator.

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Around the work of Bekkuzhev constantly appear rumors heated by the "yellow press". For some time, information was actively discussed about the possible dismissal of the journalist, as well as the emergence of lawsuits caused by the scandaling of his articles. Despite this, Anton Bekcuzhev is still a regular expert show. In 2019, he received an award "The most seeming expert of the year from" House-2 ".

The growing popularity of the young journalist helped to go beyond the native project. He repeatedly appeared on the broadcasts of "Let them talk", "in fact", "direct ether".

Personal life

Anton Bekcuzhev does not apply to his plans for the construction of a family. Some time, the orientation of the young man was discussed in the press and among the participants. His passionate for cosmetic means, a glove and lack of official relations with a girl gave a reason for ambiguous hints. Bekcuzhev tried to get rid of them, stating his novel with Anna Bryansk, the former participant "Dom-2". But for the regular viewers of the show it was obvious that these relationships were provoked by mutual benefit.

After becoming a new informational reason, they were discussed for some time by journalists, but soon, as the scenario, ended. In a personal account of a young man in "Instagram", photos do not appear photo girls who are not related to the transmission of the TNT channel, which gives reassigns for new rumors.

Anton, in turn, does not pay attention to them. He loves to travel and at the first opportunity tries to attend new cities. Free time, the journalist dedicates exercises in sports, self-education, hikes to theaters and exhibitions. Among the favorite places in Moscow, he calls the "workshop of Peter Fomenko." Anton finds pleasure in reading books and watching movies. True, the tight schedule makes it in advance to plan rare moments of leisure.

A young man is a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, so, in addition to sports, pays attention to balanced nutrition. He eliminated flour and harmful snacks from the diet, but sometimes an exceptions allowed.

Anton Beczuzhev now

In January 2020, it was officially known that Anton Bekcuzhev was on par with Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina took the post of leading project. During the six months, the participants discussed who would get enviable status, with his Zaharu Salenko, but the producers decided otherwise. By sending on vacation to the mentor Julia Efremmenkov, replacing it in this position was offered to Bekcuzhev. According to Anton, at the beginning of the career, he could not dream of such prospects and refers to the appointment with full responsibility.
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Now Anton regularly appears on the broadcast of the "House-2" transmission. He gives advice to the participants, builds the content of the evening discussion of events taking place on telestroy, and moderates "frontal place." Despite the increase in the status of Bekkuzhev, he remains a dark horse project and does not advertise personal information. Even the growth of a young man remains secret.

News about the favorite project and their own everyday life, Anton Becczhev, continues to share in a personal account in "Instagram".


  • "Borodin against Buzova"
  • "House 2"
  • "Question answer"
  • "Actually"
  • "Let them talk"
  • "Live"

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