Kevin McCalister (character) - photo, "one at home", Makolay Kalkin, movies


Character History

Kevin McCalister - Hero who loved many series of comedic films "one house". The history of a little boy, accidentally produced far from the family, is full of bright scenes, unexpected turns of the plot and touching moments. The injection of the hero, the ability to stand up for itself, decisive and intelligence allow the McCaller to find a way out of difficult and insoluble, at first glance, situations.

History of character creation

The first part of the film was released on the screens in 1990. The film director became Chris Columbus. The main hero of the comedy, Little Kevin, appears in front of the audience a typical youngest child in a large family. The boy constantly bulges the elder brother Basz and the older sister Megan. Trying to answer offenders, the hero is constantly punished by parents. Parents themselves - Kate and Peter Maccaleters - do not pay due attention to the younger son.

The film does not have accurate instructions for the age of the boy. However, on the events of the picture, it can be assumed that the character in the first part of 8 years. The child is quite subdominous, which contrasts the appearance of the base - the elder brother is large, chunky, which allows him to offend the young hero with impunity. Kevin's role for the first films was chosen by Makola Kalkin. For a young actor, who at the time of filming of the first part of the comedy was 10 years old, the role became starry.

Calkin received the Golden Globe Award in the nomination "The best male role - comedy or musical". In the fourth part of the younger mackelist, another actor, Mike Winberg, embodied on the screen. The third series of franchise has a plot with new characters that are not associated with the mackey family.

The fate of Kevin McCaliefer

In the first part of the film of a small hero, exciting adventures await. The Kevin family is going to hold New Year's holidays in Paris. On the eve of the boy's departure after another quarrel with Basz, send to a punishment to sleep on the attic. At night, electricity failure occurs during the wind, and the alarm clock does not ring at the right time. Waking up, the family begins to gather at the airport, forgetting about Kevin.

Realizing that he remained alone, the boy comes delight. Now, no one bothers him, does not offend, and Kevin can do everything he wants. However, soon the joy of a young hero is replaced by a feeling of anxiety - the child is frightened by a terrible neighbor, the old Marley, who, by rumors, killed the family. In addition, the boy learns that two thiefs - Harry and MarV - are going to rob the house of McCalinese, believing that everyone went to rest.

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Now Kevin has two tasks: not to get caught the old man and protect the house from the invasion of robbers. With the second task, the hero copes brilliantly, setting up for Harry and Marva a lot of cunning traps, after which the police takes the thieves. As for the old man, he accidentally be near Marli in the Church, where the children's choir acts, Kevin finds out that his neighbor is not terrible. The man came to listen to how his granddaughter sings in the choir, and also wants to make a sang. Kevin soon also reunited with the returned family.

In the second part, the hero will have a new test - the boy must fly with his relatives in Florida for another Christmas, but at the airport, the junior McCalister accidentally serves another flight to New York. Realizing that one again was one, Kevin was not lost and settled at the Plaza hotel, which he learned from advertising. A child's bag remains with money and a credit card.

A favorite place in the city of the boy becomes a toy shop "Dankana Chest". The young hero meets the owner of the store, and soon he learns that Harry's thieves and MarV are planning to rob this place. Kevin again includes resourcefulness and intelligence, which allows you to neutralize robbers. In addition, the boy makes the photo proving a crime. In this case, the youngest Maccaler helps a new acquaintance - a bird.

Like the Character Marley from the first part of the film, the old woman, surrounded by pigeons, scares the child. But then, having acquainted with her closer, Kevin changes the opinion of a familiar. A woman holds a boy on the attic of Carnegie Hall, from where the heroes are watching a Christmas concert. Soon, the hero meets with mom, and then with the whole family.

In the fourth film, Kevin franchise is reappearing in the center of exciting events. The action unfolds in the castle, where the boy's father lives with a new sweetheart. The youngest McCaller becomes known that the already famous thief Marv and his wife faith want to rob the castle. The young hero will reiterate efforts to destroy the plans of attackers.

Kevin McCalister in films and games

In addition to the immediate appearance of franchisees, Kevin can be seen in the series of popular Internet series ": Dryvrs". Here the hero shares the experience of a child who left one house. In addition, at the end of December 2018, Google Assistant removed the commercial, in which the adult Maikola Kalkin, as if when he was in childhood, repeated several scenes from the first picture.

On the Internet among the fans of the horror movie "Saw" there was a version that the protagonist John Kramer is an adult Kevin. The director "saws" and Maicolai Kalkin liked this theory.

The image of the younger mackelist is popular not only in the cinema, but also computer games. So, in 1991, the game Alone was released, created on the basis of the plot of the first part. On the game platforms, the concept of the game varied: in some versions (Nes and SNES platforms) Kevin defended his home, in others (SEGA) - saved several builders from the robbers.

In 1992, HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK was published, the basis of which also compiled the main storyline of the second part of the film. In 2006, a new version of Home Alone was released. Here, unlike the first series of games, Kevin defended the house from the thieves not independently, but with the help of friends.


  • 1990 - "One House"
  • 1992 - "One house 2: Lost in New York"
  • 2002 - "One house 4"

Computer games

  • 1991 - Home Alone
  • 1992 - Home Alone 2: LOST IN NEW YORK
  • 2006 - Home Alone

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