Evgeny Obolensky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist



The biography of Prince Evgenia Petrovich Obolensky is largely similar to the life path of other Decembrists. He took place from a notable last name, was a rich heir and had the most rainbow prospects in building a career. However, along with like-minded people in the "Union of Benennel", I decided to choose the path of military rebellion, so that in accordance with the republican ideals, Russia "picked out of sleep" and got rid of the apox autocracy in the name of progress and freedom.

Childhood and youth

The future Decembrist was born in 1796 in Novomirgorod. The prince's family of Peter Nikolayevich and Anna Evgenievna Obolensky brought up 10 children: 5 sons and 5 daughters. Father reached the rank of the Tula Governor, lived on a good noblefish, providing children to children, which provided French governors that were changed 16 times in 6 years.

At the age of 14, Yevgeny lost his mother, and Alexander's aunt, the older sister of the mother who served Freillan in Empress, but left the yard for the education of nephews, took care of the numerous family. The house reigned atmosphere of love and friendship. The father dreamed of a military career for his son, and he himself was configured to serve his homeland in army rank.

Preparing for the officer rank, the young man has attached a diligence to the assimilation of the exact sciences in the Moscow Mathematical Society, where he studied physics, mathematics, astronomy and geodesy. Obolensky was strong in languages: freely owned French, German and English, and also understood in Latin and Greek. Having moved to St. Petersburg, Evgeny visited professorship lectures, fond of the right and economy. History and philosophy, he mastered his own sense.

Military Career

Eugene began to military service in 1814 in St. Petersburg. The young prince was defined as a Junker in the Life Guard, where he served within 2 years in an artillery brigade, and then was produced in the ensign. Obolensky's career developed methodically and progressively: in 1818, he is already a suboroiler in the Pavlovsky regiment of the Life Guard, and 3 years later - Lieutenant.

Evgeny Obolensky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist 10049_1

Evgenia reflected a brilliant military career, no wonder the smart and fearless officer was determined to the position of the senior adjutant to General Paul Ivanovich Bistroma - the legendary hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, who passed from Borodin to Paris. 1825 Obolensky met in the Life Guard of the Finnish Regiment. From the memories of contemporaries, it is known that General Bistrom loved his subordinate so much that with tears came out of the hall, in which his adjutant was announced.

Decembrist revolt

Being a young ardent and noble, Eugene fell by the way in the "Union of Benencies", whose ranks willingly replenished in 1818. The young man was inspired by the ideas of eliminating the serfdom and establishing constitutional democracy. Then there was no conversation about military rebellion and state coups, and thoughts about fertile changes in the native land were warmly ignited by hot junior hearts.

In 1822, Northern Society was formed in St. Petersburg from the remnants of the "Union of Benency" in St. Petersburg, in which Obolensky took one of the leading places. He entered the leadership group - the board and engaged in the development of the program. Evgeny Petrovich performed the initiator of the unification of the Northern and Southern Societies, which negotiations with Pavel Pessel led.

Decembrists on Senate Square

Comrades appointed his headquarters headquarters, and he took this mission as an opportunity to serve as the truth. At the same time, the Decembrist expressed his doubt about the feasibility of armed uprising and the moral right to impose his private vision of the state device throughout the country.

However, when it became known that the Prince Sergei Trubetskaya would not reach the Senate Square, the place of the commander of the troops was given to Obolensky. Without possessing military experience and consciousness of the failure of the event, which remained without a number of teams, the 29-year-old lieutenant agreed to lead the uprising on December 14, 1825. During the speech, Eugene unintentionally caused a bayonet wound to General Mikhail Miloradovich.

General from infanteria Mikhail Miloradovich

The prince was arrested on December 15, and in July 1826 sentenced to the Eternal Katorga with the deprivation of title and property. After a couple of months, the sentence was revised and the sentence is reduced to 20 years. Obolensky was sent to a link to Siberia, where he managed to work at the Usolski saltwater plant, the grateful mine, the Chita Ostrog and Petrovsky factory. Despite the difficult work and illness, Evgeny Petrovich kept the vigor of the spirit and courage, engaged in self-education, took care of the family.

As a result, the sentence of the Operal Prince has reduced to 13 years, and in the summer of 1839, Obolensky was aimed at a free settlement to the Irkutsk province. From 1843, he lived in the city of Yalutorovsk near the companion and a close friend of Ivan Pushchin, together with whom he helped the local population in economic and legal issues.

Personal life

The personal life of Lieutenant arranged in the link. His chosen was the fastened fortress barbarian Baranov, who worked with a nanny in children Ivan Pushchina.

The girl did not know how to read and write, that did not become an obstacle for the prince. He put the soul into her education, and later "Princess Buryat" could become his own in the noble circle, where she fell in love with modesty, domestic tact and dignity. Obolensky and Varvara got married in 1846, 9 children were born in marriage. The spouse survived her husband for 29 years.


The last years of the Decembrist's life was held in Kaluga, where he settled after the amnesty of 1856. Obolensky continued to engage in public activities and even worked on the draft reform about the abolition of serfdom of 1861.

From the second request, Evgenia Petrovich was allowed to settle in Moscow, but he stayed in Kaluga, where he met the death of February 26, 1865. History is silent about the cause of death, however, it is known that a humble prince will be buried among the simple Luda. His grave on Pyatnitsky cemetery survived and, judging by the photo, to this day is in good condition.


In December 2019, the film "Union of salvation" was released on the screens, where the role of Evgenia Obolensky played Dmitry Lysenkov. The picture is devoted to the uprising of the Decembrists and recall the names of the main characters of those events based on genuine documents of the era. Obolensky left behind notes with memories that came out in London in 1861.

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