Maxim Blinov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



On December 26, 2019, in Russian cinemas, the show of the historical film "Union of Salvation" began, over the scenario of which Nikita Vysotsky and Oleg Malovichko worked, about the Decembrist uprising of 1825. The main women's roles in kinocartine went to Ingeborg Dapkin and Sophier Ernst, and men were distributed among Alexander Domogarov, Igor Petrenko, Ivan Yankovsky, Dmitry Lysenkov, Maxim Plinka, etc.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the last autumn month of 1988, November 24, the marriage of the pancakes living in Leningrad was born firstborn - Son Maxim.

He was destined to be born in the family of physicians - parents, grandmother, great-grandmother and younger sister, who graduated from the first medical university, devoted their lives such a noble profession. In the future, their knowledge and analysis of special terms and concepts greatly facilitated and helped the artist in the work on the "Notes of the Young Doctor", delivered on the work of Mikhail Bulgakov.

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Taiga for stage art was present in the boy from an early age - at the beginning of zero, he was engaged in the theater of youth creativity, founded by the director and teacher Matvey Dubrovin, who once visited Lion Dodin, and Andrei Krasko, and Nikolai Burov, and Boris Smallkin, And Roman Trachtenberg, and others. In 2005, the young man entered the current RGISI, where Grigory Kozlova came under the wing, which created his own "workshop" in 2010.

Thanks to the biography, placed on the official celebrity website, it is known that he played Ganu Ivigina in the diploma performance ("Idiot. Return"), Kola Gladysheva ("Two evenings in a merry house"), Lizandra ("Sleeping in the Summer Night") and Vladimir Busgin ("Senior Son").

Theater and films

According to the release of the university, the guy was in the MHT named after Anton Chekhov, where he was in the "damned and killed" Viktor Astafieva, who brought him a prize named after Oleg Tabakov, "Crime and Punishment" of Fedor Dostoevsky, "Don't part with loved ones" Alexander Volodina, "True - Well, and happiness is better "Alexander Ostrovsky," depicting the victim "Oleg and Vladimir Presnyakov and others.

Subsequently, this Theater Maxim left, settling in the "workshop" of his mentor - here he put his hand to the creation and shone in the "notes of the young doctor", for which he received many awards and a nomination for the cherished "gold mask".

"There was an inexplicable desire to make a monospectacle, I was looking for the material, read the literature, watched what others do. At some point I read the "Note of the Young Doctor" and literally fell in love with this story. I think that the "notes of a young doctor" is a story about our soul. And she is closer, "he shared in an interview.

Cinematic debut Blinov coincided with the year of graduation at the university - July 15, 2010 The premiere of the comedy "Adult daughter, or a test for ..." was held, where Dmitry Maryanov became partners of a beginner actor, Sergey Gorobchenko, and so on. At the same Maxim time invited to work on a multi-sieuled melodrama "Fifth Blood Group".

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Gradually, the filmography was replenished with new projects - Peterburstz flashed in a full-length "fan", TV series, "Sea Devils. Tornado. Fate "," Practice "," Alien "," Heart of Angel "," Menta Saga "," Shakal "and played a major role in the short" San, Lena called you, "I gave him a prize of the Film Festival" Osnifeless "in 2015.

He also willingly take part in literary readings: for example, in 2012, Mandelstam's poem, Mandelstam, I will not see the famous Fedry ... ", as well as within the framework of" Kuitkina ", I introduced everyone to the" Gifts "O. Henry.

Personal life

The news from the personal life of a man prefers not to share with representatives of the media, so it is not known for certain, whether there is now a high handsome (height 181 cm, the weight of the weight is not provided) with the gray-blue eyes, a beloved girl or family, wife and children.

Much more information about his hobbies: Maxim Leonidovich respects sports, especially highlighting skis, swimming, fighting, shooting and light athletics, owns musical instruments - saxophone and guitar, as well as foreign languages ​​- German and French.

Maxim Blinov now

The creators of the "Salvation Union" entrusted the role of the ensign of Ilya Modestovich Bakunin, distinguished when the uprising of the Decembrists of the 1825 and the rank of chandelier and the Order of St. Anne 4th degree, and a year later, who became an adjutant of the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich.

In the same 2019, the premiere of the drama "One person dies a million times," the director of whose American was performed by Jessica Orck. Also, with the participation of the actor, the output of the films "Beauty!", "Threat: Trepalov and Wallet" and "When Storks Fallen".

Despite the tight shooting schedule, Maxim does not forget about the native theater - in 2020 he is busy in the performances "Golden Pig", "Turbine Days", "Idiot. Return "," Senior Son "and" Note of the Young Doctor ". "Workshop" is trying on every day of the employee to devote congratulatory posts on the personal page in "Instagram". For example, in 2018, a touching entry appeared under the roundabout of photos:

"Dear Maxim, you are an amazing, incredibly talented, intelligent, sensitive and kind person! Congratulations on your birthday, we wish you creative success, great love and that you always surround good and interesting people! "


  • 2010 - "Adult daughter, or test on ..."
  • 2010-2011 - "Fifth blood group"
  • 2012 - "fan"
  • 2013 - "Sea Devils. Tornado. Fate "
  • 2014 - "Kuprin"
  • 2014 - "Practice"
  • 2014 - "San, Lena called"
  • 2014 - "Alien"
  • 2016 - "Angel Heart"
  • 2016 - "Shakal"
  • 2018 - "Menta Saga"
  • 2019 - "One person dies a million times"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2020 - "When storks fell"


  • "White Guard"
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • "Outside the system"
  • "Turbine Days"
  • "Fat pig"
  • "Notes of a young doctor"
  • "Moron. Return"
  • "Depicting the victim"
  • "True - good, and happiness is better"
  • "Crime and Punishment"
  • "Cursed and killed"
  • "With your loved ones do not part"
  • "The fairy tale that we can and why not"
  • "Straw Hat from Italy"
  • "Senior Son"

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