Anton Arbuzov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Death, Decembrist



Lieutenant Guards Crew Anton Watermelov is known as the Decembrist, a participant in the uprising that happened in the Senate Square. Being an officer with a good reputation, he fulfilled the assigned tasks many times and always returned from the battlefield winner. But the December events of 1825 became fatal for him.

Childhood and youth

Anton was born in 1797 (according to other data, in 1798) in the Novgorod province. His father was a retired guarantor, a small nobleman. The biography of Arbuzov was predicted at 13, when parents sent the Son to the Cadet Corps. Very quickly, he began to show good results in his studies, was obedient, did not argue, and therefore after 2 years the young man appointed Gardenemary.

Military Career

Anton's first swimming was performed in 1812, between Kronstadt and St. Petersburg, he stayed in it for 2 years. And a year later he was transferred to Michmans, this officer rank was the first in the career of a young sailor.

The next 4 years of life of watermelons stayed in the Baltic Sea, passed service, and in 1819 he got into the Guards Sea crew, famous for the fights with the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. In February next year, a man raised to the title of Lieutenant. In the future, this provided him with the command of the Guards Ship "Pallada", on which he went out to the Baltic Sea in the spring of 1821.

Portrait of Anton Arbuzova

After another 2 years, he passed the way from Kronstadt to Iceland on the frigate "Verny", which he also commanded. In 1824, Anton had the opportunity to travel to "Sysh Great", on board which was the prince of Nikolai Pavlovich.

At the time that the watermelons spent in the fleet, he folded a good impression about himself. Representatives of the Supreme Command said that he was smart, kindly, has a good knowledge, and his behavior was called noble. In his spare time, he studied mathematics and other sciences. Interested in history and at the same time read the works of Alexander Pushkin and Alexander Griboyedov. The dreams were often transferred to the ancient republics.

Decembrist revolt

The idea of ​​creating a secret society of revolutionaries in the Guards crew of watermelons filed in 1824. In addition to him, Vasily Divov and Peter and Alexander Belyaev entered there. The idea was to overthrow the royal family with the throne and the creation of freedom for society. According to Alexander Belyaev, Anton did not exclude the use of force and weapons for the embodiment of Plan.

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At the same time, watermens did not suspect that such a society already exists, and entered into it only in December 1825, when Kondrati Ryleev (head of the northern society), began to look for reinforcement among the sailors. The Kronstadt naval base he planned to be used as a reference point.

Anton immediately notified the leadership of the Company about the plans of the sea crew and later became the performer of orders of officers of the Northern Society. He was dedicated to a detailed action plan for which he began to prepare guardsmen.

The plan was finally approved. According to him, Anton had to lead the company and bring 3-4 hundred people to the Senate Square. Then, along with another associate, he planned to penetrate the Winter Palace and arrest the king. A couple of days before the offensive, he began to agitate ordinary soldiers, hoping that they would follow him.

Nicholas I and the uprising of the Decembrists

In the middle of December, Sergey Shipov arrived in the Guards crew. As a Major General, a man had to call for sailors to the oath Nikolai I. Having heard the refusal, he ordered the arrest of Arbuzov along with other road commanders. At the same time, Nikolai Bestuzhev arrived at the place, which with the rest of the officers managed to free all.

At the Senate Square, by the time the uprising has already begun, the Guards crew immediately nominated on the face, Anton took into submission of officers. They were trying to stop, but it turned out to be useless, the column out of 1100 people kept the specified course.

Almost until the evening of watermelons with soldiers spent on the square, and attempts to prince Mikhail Pavlovich and Metropolitan Seraphim to persuade the rebel to calm down received a sharp refusal. However, in the evening it became clear that the forces of two opposed parties were not equal, the uprising was suppressed, the arrests followed.

By destroying all written evidence of the conspiracy, the leaders of the Guards crew promised each other to be silent. Anton Petrovich first got into the ranks of the arrested, he was taken to the Winter Palace, where interrogations conducted personally Vasily Levashov. After a brief conversation as the most dangerous rebel, he was sent to the Petropavlovsk fortress.

Decembrists on Senate Square

In further interrogations, he kept persistently, denied the fact that he was in collusion with other representatives of the Company. The man kept until the rest of his comrades revealed the truth. Together with the other Decembrists, Arbuzov appointed a death penalty, but then the punishment was changed to "hard work forever". All seafarers were first kept, and then alternately began to send to the catguard.

In the first 15 months, he spent in the inhuman conditions in the Rochensalm fortress in Finland, and in the fall of the 1827 he decided to transport everyone to Siberia. At first they arrived in Irkutsk, and already there they found out that their further path lies to Chita. There Anton Patients went to work, and when the construction of a special prison in the Petrovsky plant was completed, all the cortishes were transferred to a new place.

After long years of hard work in 1832, the carriages learned that the term of their imprisonment was reduced at first up to 15 years, and then for another 2 years. At his end, Arbuzov went to the Achinsky County of the Yenisei province. There, the man kept a couple of hives and a little more than and earned for meat.

Personal life

Despite the successful military career, the personal life of Arbuzov could not build. But a man already had many relatives who, however, did not help him in moments of need. About the appearance of the Decembrist can be judged by the only preserved photo of the portrait, who drew Nikolai Bestuzhev. The original watercolor was lost.


The heavy calendar life of Anton made himself felt both on the will. A man hurt himself, and when he finally weakened and could not work, he was in a strong need. So without creating a family and without having support from relatives, he often starved. Watermelons reached deep poverty, only fought by the fish, which he caught himself, and, without caught, went hungry.

In one of these days, he owed the hostess money for the accommodated housing. The Decembrist rose a high temperature, but to return the debt, he still went fishing. He left his strength, and the former military fell into the water, got out, but home returned only after finally caught fish. Returning debt, he went to his room, where he died. The cause of death was the disease and the obtained supercooling.


At the end of December 2019, the film "Union of Salvation" was released on the screens, dedicated to the upright of the Decembrists of 1825. The role of Lieutenant Arbuzov got the actor Yuri Borisov. Anatoly Maksimov and Konstantin Ernst, and director, and Andrei Kravchuk, were produced by the producers of the historic tape.

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