Andrei Gelasimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The writer Andrei Gelasimov is the most popular Russian-speaking author on the homeland of Balzak and Duma. Prosisais is not interested in politics, and fortunately understands the abundance of free time.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in Irkutsk in the family of the personnel officer. Gelasimov's birthday celebrates simultaneously with Vladimir Putin - October 7, but the writer is under the president of the Russian Federation for 14 years.

Among the ancestors Andrei Valerevich - Bondar and Chairman of the collective farm. Prosisaic considers his last name to Cossack and the stationery. Memories of grandmother and the aunt of the writer, who lived in Transbaikalia, formed the basis of the novel "Steppe Gods". In the home library of the writer's father was the book "Dauria", presented by the author Konstantin gray.

At 10 years, Andrei began writing history and tell them the younger sisters. The boy was more interested in books of English-speaking authors than Russians, it determined the choice of his first specialty. In 1987, Gelasimov graduated from the Yakut State University in the specialty "English and literature". The writer believes Joseph Brodsky, William Folkner and Ernest Hemingway.

Gelasimov believes that the readers are not interested in the reflection of the characters: the heroes should be revealed through the actions. Scenic approach to literature determined the second education of the writer: In 1992, Andrei Valerievich received a diploma director's diploma. Behind the shoulders of Gelasimov internship in the UK and the defense of the candidate dissertation on the bibliography of Oscar Wilde.


Dmitry Bykov called Gelasimov's books "literary mainstream" and "sweet wool", as they are forgotten as easily as read. Andrei Valerevich claims that a lot reports to the reader between the lines and consciously simplifies the speech of the character of the character of the narrator, approaching the language of works to colloquial speech with its characteristic errors. On the Internet are popular quotes from the works of Gelasimov about life and death.

The debut story of Andrei Valerevich about the youthful love "Fox Mulder looks like a pig" entered the short list of the Ivan Belkin's literary premium. The work of the "Thirst", which tells about the veterans of the Chechen war, in which the author consciously calculated the situation from the film "Belorussky Station". Roshil's novel was awarded the Student Booker Prize. "The house on the lake" is a modern family saga, and the work of the "Rose of Winds" tells about the development of the Far East.

Personal life

About the personal life, the writer tells less than about childhood, but it is known that Gelasimov is married. In an interview with the 2013 Agency "", Andrei Valerievich said that two sons and daughter - Boris, Roman and Sophia, who dedicated the book "The White Wolf Ring", are now adults.

The main feature writer considers dislike. The writer argues that not "literary center", but "Vettyentaric". The favorite dish of Gelasimov - Pasta, and the most antipatichna Andrei Valerevich Herostrat and Robespierre. Fresh writer photos can be seen on his page in "Instagram".

Andrei Gelasimov now

In October 2018, Andrei Gelasimov, Anna Starobinets and Alexey Varlamov held a series of meetings with French readers. In the spring of 2019, the writer together with the Publishing House "Gorodets" presented the first result of the Book project "Ark" - a collection of stories of young authors.

In 2019, a new novel wizard "Pure Kaif" was released. The work was based on the biography of Rapper Basta and his musicians.

In May 2019, a writer, working as an associate professor of the department of literary mastery of the Litin Institute, visited the International Festival "Literature of Pacific Russia". In September, Prosais participated in writing meetings in a clear glade. In the estate of Lion Tolstoy Andrei Valerievich, together with the director Sergei Solovyov, presented the film "Ke-dy", delivered by the story of Gelasimov Paradise Found.


  • "Memories are beautiful only when you do not share them with the rest" ("Rachel")
  • "Who came to you first to help, that and friend" ("thirst")
  • "The world is more than people see. And death is significantly less than what they are afraid "(" Rose of Winds ")


  • 2001 - "Fox Mulder looks like a pig"
  • 2002 - "Thirst"
  • 2003 - "Year of Deception"
  • 2003 - "Rachel"
  • 2004 - "Gentle age"
  • 2008 - "Steppe Gods"
  • 2009 - "House on the Ozernaya"
  • 2010 - "White Wolf Ring"
  • 2015 - "Cold"
  • 2016 - "Ten Love Stories"
  • 2018 - "Rose Winds"
  • 2019 - "Clean Kayf"

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