Alina Botanovna - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger, "Instagram", "YouTube" -Kanal 2021



Alina Botanovna worked as a lawyer, but she threw the unloved profession for the sake of a blog on a social network, which brought her the popularity and love of subscribers.

Childhood and youth

Alina Botanovna was born on December 17, 1990 in Voronezh. The real name is Alina Gennadevna Ivanova, after marriage took the name Levda. The girl's father left the family, so she was brought up by a single mother.

In school, she was an excellent person, hence the idea of ​​the pseudonym Botanovna appeared.

The girl dreamed of going to Moscow and become an actress, but was afraid to stay alone in a big city. As a result, he entered the University of Voronezh and received a lawyer's diploma. After setting it on a job in the specialty.


In 2014, Alina created a page in "Instagram". She began to share with the subscribers of proper nutrition recipes, which herself used. In the early stages, the blog did not bring income. He was a hobby, helped distract from the hard workers everyday life.

Gradually audience grew. When 10 thousand subscribers typed, Botanovna thought about expanding the subject. Since its other enthusiasm was a sport, she received a fitness instructor certificate and began to give advice on training. As a motivation for follovers, the girl laid out a photo with its own results.

After the number of fans overcame the mark of 100 thousand, Alina realized that the posts in "Instagram" bring higher income than the profession of a lawyer. She fired from work and devoted all his free time to the development of the blog.

In addition to the recommendations for weight loss, the blogger laid out on the Pictures page with girlfriends and sweetheart, but the format of records has changed when the girl learned about pregnancy. Gradually, the account began to turn into a family. The photo of the newborn baby Alina was pleased with the subscribers, and the staff with the spouse received more positive feedback.

The blog continued to change and improve. Colorful photos of a young family came to replace pictures with food. Botanovna realized that fans more like to watch the life of real people, so turned the page in the series on the basis of his biography.

Alina travels a lot, so in its "instagram" you can find pictures from different points of the world and read tourist advice. Also, the girl created a canal on Yutubeub, where it shares the details of the ridic life.

Blider did not be limited only to accounts on social networks. She created its own Coffee Story coffee brand. The grains for the drink chose herself, trying to combine flavors.

Together with the mother, blogger started a business for the sale of swimsuits. She opened a store in Native Voronezh, where the goods of the Italian brand are presented. Another source of income is advertising. Botanovna advises subscribers only what she likes, and uninteresting offers rejects.

Personal life

With her husband, Artem Botanovna met in adolescence, but their relationship began only after release from school. In 2015, the couple got married, and 2 years later the son of Timur appeared.

For the personal life of celebrities, millions of subscribers are followed. In an interview for the magazine Cosmopolitan, she admitted that their relationship with Artem was not so ideal as in the photo. Lovers quarrel, but always come to understand.

Timur often appears in the posts of Mom and Father. A man also leads a blog in which shares family stories.

Alina Botanovna now

In September 2019, Alina first tried herself as a singer. Together with her husband, she recorded the song "Depending". The next day, the composition ranked 1st position in the iTunes rating. Later, the couple appeared in the emotional clip of the relationship.

Botanovna is not going to dwell on the achieved. She plans to continue to engage in vocals and start filming a movie.

Blogger spends a lot of time to maintain perfect appearance. After giving birth, she gained overweight, but quickly led himself to normal. Now Alina weighs 55 kg with a height of 174 cm. In winter, it decided on plastic operations - adjusted the shape of the nose and increased the chest.

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