Immon Farren - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of 2019, the premiere of the mini-series "Witcher" took place at Netflix. He not only showed long-known actors from the new side, but also revealed unknown dating. So, in the role of one of the antagonists, Imon Farren spoke - a native of Australia, whose international filmography was just beginning to be replenished with projects.

Childhood and youth

Immon Farren (Immon Farren) was born on May 19, 1985 in the north of Queensland, Australia. When the boy turned 6 years old, the family moved to Gold Coast. This city has grown up the actor on his noisy beach parties.

"The nights moved to the water for loud music. They were the best parties on which I had ever had a chance. "

Such memories remained in Farren on the turbulent carefree youth. Actor, a native of Australia decided to become in childhood.

"I can not remember the time when I didn't think when watching the film - this is what I want to devote life. The surrounding told me that I should have a spare plan in case, if the acting career does not work out, but I did not believe in defeat, "once said Farren in an interview.

Before diverted into the creative world, Imon Farren was educated in Benowa State High School, which is in Gold-Costa, according to the program FRENCH IMMERSION. Her students study basic items, as in a secondary school, but more than 50% of occupations are conducted in French.

In 2007, Faran graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, the largest city of Australia. Filling the acting skills, the young man was inspired by the talent of Daniel Dei Lewis and Gary Oldman.

One desire to become an actor, by the way, it turned out not enough - Farren entered the Theater Faculty of the National Institute of Dramatic Art from the second attempt: Australian was so confident that he did not even learn the text for the first samples.


Imon Farren made his debut in front of the camera long before receiving a diploma of vocational education: in 2001, a young man starred in the telephone "Outsider" for the showtime channel. Then a few more minor projects followed: "Beautiful" (2004), "Happy Country" (2009), "Pacific Ocean" (2010), etc.

Farren's free filming time spent on the theater's stage. In the 2000s, the novice actor could be seen on the Sydney Theater Company, Griffin Theater Company and Belvoir Street Theater. Success came to Faranu due to the psychological thriller "on the chain" (2012). The actor fulfilled the main role of the rabbit - a teenager brought up by the serial killer.

An unusual role showed directors that Faran is ready for experiments. The next proposal was not expelled to wait - in the television drama "Carlotta" (2014) Australian played transsexual. The acting game was celebrated by Australian Academy of Cinema & Television Arts in the nomination "Best Role of the Second Plan".

At the order of 2010, Immon Farren finally went beyond his native Australia. The international debut took place in the 3rd season of the cult series David Lynch "Twin Pix" (2017).

A little later, the screens came the thriller "Winchester. The house that ghosts built "(2018), where Farren played the artist of Benjamin Blok. The film on the cash collecting took 3rd place in the world and, accordingly, revealed the talent of Australian to a wide viewer.

In December 2019, Netflix TV channel released the 1st season of the mini-series "Witcher", based on the books of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. The main role was performed by Henry Cavill - Superman of the new generation DC. Imona Faranu also got the role of Kagyr, a knight from Nilfgard, who, if you believe the literary works, is a witch's associate, and according to the plot of the series - one of the key antagonists.

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Critics praised casting directors for choosing an actor to the role of Kagyr: Farren "Pries" appearance, which will first force the viewer to treat a character with dislike, and then cause sympathy. However, the director "Witcher" decided to move away from the original Angeya Sapkovsky. In the books, Kagyre becomes the path of correction and helps the Witcher. The transformation serial in a positive character did not happen.

One way or another, Kagyri attracted the viewer, possibly due to the similarity of the immon of Farren with the star of the series "Riverdale" by Harta Denton.

Personal life

How much to judge open sources, now the heart of the imona is free. There is, however, the likelihood that the actor skillfully hides their personal life, pulls his beloved girl from camera lenses.

Farerene is not too confident user of social networks: His "Instagram" is not verified, and the news in Twitter will rarely appear. The only source from where the Australian fans can draw fresh information - official filmauts.

The height of the immon of Farren is 183 cm, the weight is about 80 kg.

Immon Farren now

Does Imon Farren are busy in any major film projects, it remains only to guess. So far, the main thing in his biography is the "Witcher" series.

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At the beginning of 2020 in London, the capital of the UK, the shooting of the 2nd season, in which Australian, judging by the intended plot, should take part. The premiere is scheduled for 2021. The new season, like the previous one, will consist of 8 episodes.


  • 2002 - "Outsider"
  • 2003 - "Night Tusovka"
  • 2008-2009 - "All Saints"
  • 2012 - "On the chains"
  • 2014 - "Carlotta"
  • 2014 - "New Love"
  • 2015 - "Girl awakens"
  • 2017 - "Mochoka"
  • 2017 - "Twin Pix: Return"
  • 2018 - "Alphabet Murders"
  • 2018 - "Winchester. The house that ghosts built "
  • 2018 - "Healing"
  • 2019-index. - "Witcher"

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