Newt Salamanander (character) - portrait, harry potter, suitcase, faculty, quotes


Character History

Newt Salamanander is a young scientist from Spin-Off "Harry Potter, which studies rare animals. It is a generous and hardworking, albeit a slightly unrestrained character in the manifestations of his wide soul, which is generously gifted by magical abilities, but is ready to use them only for good.

History of character creation

It is believed that for the first time a magosthologist appears in the book "Harry Potter and the Philosophical Stone" as the author of the textbook for care of magical beings, but in the first edition of the book his name was Nudiwander, and in the expanded universe he acquires the name Newton Salamanander. Later in reprints, the editors changed the surname in accordance with later stories. In an independent hero, the Nut turned only after the release of the book Joan Rowling "Fantastic Beasts and their habitats."

The main features of Newt - kindness and naivety. When the thought is voiced in the first film about the mercenary use of obscura, he sincerely does not understand how it is possible to apply the ability of an innocent creature in the name of evil. Thoughts about the cruelty of others simply do not fit in his head.

Salamander once again demonstrates devotion to friends - not only Albus Dumbledore, but also Jacobu, Quinni, Tine, as well as numerous pets, whose well-being is worried about much more of its own.

Despite the external indecision, the young magazoologist manifests itself a brave person. He does not care about the opinion of the rest, since it was used to disapproval and neglect, the eccentricity of the actions is not hesitated and the fact that the breeding and content of his favorites is considered illegal. When it comes to important things that are important for Newta, he is ready to show and hardness of character, and short ingenuity.

Fate Newt Salamantera

The "fantastic creatures" is mentioned that the Nut was born in 1897. Whether Salamander occurs from the family of purebred wizards - is unknown. Most likely he is half a bug. The passion for the magical creatures of the young man inherited from Mom, enthusiastically divorced hypogrifs.

As a child, Novyt studied in Hogwarts at the faculty of Puffenduy, but addiction to the content of dangerous animals led it. One of his animals attacked another student and almost killed, and Salamantera, despite the intercession of the director, were excluded.

A similar situation occurred with Hagrid, however, if he was selected and broke a magic wand, because of what he had to make a rest of his life to earn physical labor, then Newta did not deprive the opportunity to conjunction and even subsequently took to work in the Ministry of Magic. Perhaps the reason for such a different attitude is that Hagrid was excluded from the third course, and Salamantera had remained for several months before the end of the study. In addition, the events of the book shares 65 years, and the rules during this time could change.

About the appearance of the hero in the book nothing says, so in the movie the director had to create his image from scratch. In the film, the young tide appears in an almost unchanged coat and scarf, and his romantic nature emphasizes the naughty curly hair. Salamantera wand is made of ash, with chips of bones and sea shell inside. In matters, a suitcase is helped - an incredible magical artifact, which enlists the collection of magical beings, a muggy-bearing field tent and a complete set of necessary fixtures.

In the magic world, Newt glorified his book about magical beings, which, withstanding 50 reissues, falls into Harry Potter. It is known that Salamanner made a career in the Ministry of Magic and managed to achieve the introduction of a ban on experimental reproduction, and was also awarded the Order of Merlin II degree.

The wife of Salamantera became Poppenty Goldstein, a former obscurity. In the film she played actress Catherine Waterstone. When the Nut is retired, the couple settled in Dorset along with her son and three handheld frills. The grandson of Magosologist Rolf married the All-Russian Lovegud and, together with her, continued his family case, devoting himself to the study of rare animals.

Tyute Salamanander in films

In addition to one-time appearances in the books of the original series, the Newt is mentioned in computer games based on the film: you can notice his portraits on the walls and cards from chocolate frogs. In the movie "Harry Potter and the Mystery Room" the name of Salamantera flashes on the map of Marauders.

In the painting "Fantastic creatures and where they live" a young maghosologist played Eddie Redmein. The interpretation of the image caused a lot of controversy and discussions among fans: in the film, the Nut is shown by a detached, evasive young men with strange manners. A part of the audience came to the conclusion that it is the name of the director, since at times the behavior of the scientist and the expression of his face look completely inadequate.

However, there is another version according to which the actor tried to portray a person suffering from high-function autism - asperger syndrome or savantism. In favor of this theory, says the inability of Salamantera to communicate with people and raise close contacts, his clumsiness and confusion, sometimes reaching the absurdity. Quotes from Eddie Redrene interview confirm that he wanted to show Newt "special," although he did not relieve on the symptoms of a particular illness.

Total producers planned the exit of three parts of "fantastic creatures". If the first film was recognized as successful, the second turned out to be the worst in the Harry Potter Universe, both in cash collecting and estimated critics. The project was temporarily frozen, but in 2019 the studio announced that he conducted "work on errors" and ready to start shooting the final part, the premiere of which will be held at the end of 2021.


  • 2001 - "Fantastic animals and their habitats"
  • 2016 - "Tyute Salamanander. Notes of the Magosologist "


  • 2016 - "Fantastic creatures and where they live"
  • 2018 - "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes"

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