Valery Garkalin - biography, photo, personal life, news, movies, actor 2021



Valery Garkalin is a talented actor, the star of the 90s, the leading role in the films of the Soviet classics. The artist who began his career at the doll theater, subsequently managed to brilliantly show comedy talent on the big screen.

Childhood and youth

Like other famous actors, Valery Garkalin was born in a family who had nothing to do with the cinema and the theater, nor with art in general. The mother of the future artist worked by the cashier, his father - the head of the garage workshop. As it should be expected, the parents categorically disagree with the choice of the son of such an "empty" craft, as a hyseride. They saw Valeria with a serious person with a good profession, such as an engineer. Although the boy was clearly not a mathematical mindset.

Valery Garkalin in youth

Valery initially was an obedient son. In his youth, he even managed to work as a mechanic at the factory. But after the army, the guy rebelled: against the will of the parents he went to the theater university. And even what they refused to be (found that the appearance inappropriate for the cinema), did not beat his hunt to tie a further life with a movie and theater.

Garkalin became a student of the Gnesinsky school and even fell into the experimental group of the Faculty of Pop Art, where Leonid Hatch and Sergey Sodets were educated.

In 1978, Valery Garkalin graduated from Gnesinka and immediately pulled a happy ticket: Garkalin's acting biography began under the sensitive leadership of Teacher Leonid Khaita. The teacher has formed a group of the "People and Dolls" theater from its student. The team ascribed to the Philharmonic Kemerovo, 6 years old toured in the country and managed to become popular.

Valery Garkalin, whose creative biography started at the Heita Theater, now had every chance to conquer the capital. The young artist returned to Moscow, easily enrolled in the metropolitan theater of the second teacher in Gnesinka, Sergey Exellov and soon even became a student of Gitis. And now no one dared to make comments about his appearance.

It is noteworthy that the question about the nationality of Valery Garkalin responded only later, after the yield of Shirley-Mill's film. The actor stated that he was not a Jew and not Roma, as many believe, but Belarus. But feels out of nationality, since all people are the children of the planet.


In 1988, Valery Garkalin graduated from Gitis and was adopted at the Satira Theater. And let him initially, the director of the theater Valentin Plek did not have to decide how the genre is better to attract the actor with such a non-standard appearance, after several brilliantly played roles, Valery Garkalin became the leading artist of the theater. And diverse. He was successful both in avant-garde productions and comedies, and in a classic amplua.

So, Valery Garkalin, whose biography made a new brilliant turn in the Polek Theater, proved the correctness of the choice and became famous in the capital. In the same years, he was involved in the productions of the studio "Man".

Valery Borisovich played many brilliant movie roles. But at the same time he himself considered the cinema with something secondary, and the theater was the main one.

Valery Garkalin and Tatiana Vasilyeva in the play

Over time, the actor has become less and less on stage - health condition does not allow. Most often, he appears in the entrepreneurs. In addition, Valery Garkalin teaches in Gitis at the Faculty of Estrades. As it turned out, the artist is a born teacher. He is a professor at the Russian University of Theatrical Art.

From time to time pleases fans, leaving for theatrical layouts. In Tandem, with Tatiana Vasilyeva, presented at the court of spectators a performance "Boomerang", in which a person played who has reached in the life of everything, but suffering from loneliness. To correct the situation, he bought himself a family - his wife and daughter who portrayed the comfort and family idyll. The spouse played Vasilyeva.

Theatrians honor Valery Garkalina for his brilliantly played Hamlet. They call some more performances, in which artist's skill revealed especially brightly, showing new faces of the talent. These are the statements of the "auditor", "three-china opera", "Taming of the Shrew", "Kozotok in Milk" and "Schizophrenia, as mentioned." Each of the works in these productions - the reason for the pride of Valery Borisovich.


Valery Garkalin began to film from 1989. The criminal film Sergei Bodrovaya-senior "rolled" became brilliant film book. It is noteworthy that the first work in the cinema was successful: the artist got the main image - he played the hero of Alexei Grekova on the nicknamed Greek, who for the sake of saving the beloved woman is solved for a crime. Elena Safonov and Victor Pavlov also appeared in the film.

And soon, in 1991, the fans of the talent of Garkaline, an externally surprisingly similar to Jeremy Irons, received two more gifts: the films "Tsar Ivan Grozny" and "Obereg" came to the screens.

Then followed the brilliant work in the picture "White Clothes". Hero Garkalina is a biologist a biologist, which entered an unequal confrontation with Joseph Stalin regime. This work is recognized as the best role of Valery Borisovich.

And yet, truly famous Valery Garkalin began after the release of comedic film "Shirley-Merley" Vladimir Menshov. Garkalin played several characters at once. At first time, the director doubted the choice of the main character, but Valery managed to convince the director and brilliantly cope with the work, which was later recognized by the film critics of the All-Russian Film Festival "Rocked". The film was chosen star cast, where Vera Alentova, Inna Churikova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Igor Galnikov, Sergey Batalov, Rolan Bykov, Leonid Kuravlev and others.

I added fame and its images in the television series "Dossier detective Dubrovsky", the comedy "Lily Silver" and the film-fairy tale Eldar Ryazanov "Andersen. Life without love. " In the last project of Eldar Alexandrovich, the actor appeared as a prince of Christian, who became King Denmark.

Valery Garkalin and Vera Alentova in the film

There was a period when Garkalin was not filmed in the cinema. As I explained myself - nothing interesting was offered.

Over time, the actor began to appear on the screens again. Valeria Garkalina filmography today is dozens of diverse roles in full-length feature films and serials. In the last decade, the audience saw it on the screen in the series "Zemsky Doctor. Life anew "," Olympic Village "and" Sitti ".

In the comedy New Year's melodrama, Irina Gedrovich "Day Dodo" he played the chiefcase, and in the family comedy "Baby" reincarnated in the grandfather of a young heroine.

Personal life

Despite the stormy temperament, the personal life of Valery Garkalina is an example of purity and loyalty. With the future wife, he met still in the walls of Gnesink. Catherine was older Valery for a couple of years and worked as a teacher. A feeling broke out between young people, and they began to meet. Soon they played a wedding in the VTO restaurant, inviting femalers Garkaline and youth from the theater.

Later, Ekaterina Garkalina coincided with the excursion-mass sector of the Oblastov doll theater. In this position she worked for 30 years.

Spouses Garkalina hand in hand passed through a lot of difficulties. First, they did not have children. There was a period when Valery Garkalin had a problem with alcohol, and the wife of Catherine had suffered before overcome the preassee of her husband.

Valery Garkalin with family

Fate awarded Garkalin for all suffering and presented them with her daughter Nick, in the future - theatrical producer and art historian in Gitis. And in 2012, Valery Borisovich appeared grandson Timofey. The son-in-law Garkalina, Pavel Akimkin, also an actor.

Valery Borisovich and his wife were so inseparable, which was always driving on tour and shooting together. It is believed that the artist did not even stop the fact that the trip spouse could cost half or even his entire fee. On the joint photo of Garkalina always looked happy and harmonious couple.

Unfortunately, in 2009, Ekaterina Garkalina died. Her health handled a severe sickness of her husband. In 2008 on tour in Klaipeda, the actor at the stage had a hard heart attack, during which he had a heart stopped and clinical death was recorded. A few months later, the second heart attack happened, after which he was barely managed to return to life. All this Catherine was extremely hard, she was diagnosed with cancer. She lived 57 years old.

Valery Garkalin and his wife Catherine

With the departure of the second half, Valery Garkalin could not utter a long time. From time to time, as media reported, the artist, who became a widow, was launched "in all serious".

So, in the spring of 2015 the information surfaceded that the artist was beaten in the center of Moscow. The fight rinsed between drunk Garkalin and his neighbor. Eyewitnesses caused police and urgent. But from hospitalization, the actor categorically refused. During the fight, he was knocked out tooth and broken his nose.

In the summer of 2016, they again started talking about what Garkalin fell into another alteration. The actor was taken to the emergency department with serious injuries. They rumored, he was drunk.

Valery Borisovich himself explained a little later in an interview that everything happened not as journalists described. Allegedly he stumbled and fell in his house. Doctors diagnosed chest injury and abdominal injury.

As for the personal life of Valery Garkalina today, then in his heart is still the most important place occupied by the left spouse. After the actor buried his wife, he was no longer going to marry.

Valery Garkalin and Galina Petrova

However, after filming the family comedy "between us, girls" there were rumors about the novel Valery Garkalina and the performer of the leading role of Galina Petrova. They even rumored that Garkalin married Petrova. The fan of the actresses until the last moment did not believe in the romantic relationship between the artists, because the woman did not declare a divorce with his spouse, with whom two children brought up.

In the Family Album program, which came out in 2017, the actors opened the secret of their personal life. Even on the set of the series, they felt themselves with their loves and in the frame, and in life. However, there were exclusively friendly relations between them.

Later, Valery Garkalin became the guest of MY Hero's gear, Tatyana Ustinova and the "Fate of Man" Boris Korchevnikova.

Health status

In early 2018, Valery Garkalin again visited life and death. After the cold, the actor began pneumonia, which caused complication - swelling of the lungs and hearts. The artist tried not to pay attention to the protracted cough, but after the attack of the suffocation he was taken to the hospital.

Valery Garkalin with his daughter

In an unconscious state, the artist stayed 2 weeks, after which it took artificial coma, since the light Valeria Borisovich had not yet coped with the load.

After the rehabilitation, Garkalin studied again to speak, walk. For several months, Valery managed to recover, gain weight. In the hospital, his daughter Nika was on duty daily with his father. In the summer, the artist moved to the beloved country, where a number of redevelopments for the room of the grandson of Timofey had long thought.

Valery Garkalin now

By defeating Nedug, Valery Borisovich collided with another problem - non-knowledge. In the spring of 2021, the artist visited the project "Empathy Manuchi", where he shared his experiences about his financial condition. The prerequisite for low fees and rare proposals from the theater, he counted his age.

As for the film engineers, then the actor called the main reason for the lack of invitations to shoot his participation in the comedy "Shirley-Merley". Garkalin expressed confidence: he suffered a fate of the actor of one role, so the producers do not see it in a serious dramatic role.

Now Valery Borisovich, as he put himself, "rolled into poverty." Income from teaching at the Faculty of Estrades in Rati, he is missing. And fees for the performance rarely exceed 50 thousand rubles.


  • 1989 - "Kakala"
  • 1991 - "Obereg"
  • 1992 - "White Clothing"
  • 1994 - "Russian Symphony"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 2000 - "Lily Silver"
  • 2000 - "Women offended not recommended"
  • 2001 - "Stop on demand"
  • 2002 - "Elevator goes on schedule"
  • 2003 - "Plot"
  • 2006 - "Andersen. Life without love "
  • 2006 - "National Treasure"
  • 2012 - "Day Dodo"
  • 2013 - "Between us, girls"
  • 2017 - "Rental Bids"
  • 2018 - "Between us, girls - 2"

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