Lingoloa #350

Michael Bloomberg - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, New York Mayor 2021

Michael Bloomberg - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, New York Mayor 2021
Biography Michael Bloomberg ke ralipolotiki ea hlahelletseng oa US. E tsejoa e le mong'a naha ea Bloomberg, milione le pherekano, le baahi ba New York...

Ivan Bolotikov - Photos, biography, bophelo ba motho, sesosa sa lefu, moetapele oa moferefere

Ivan Bolotikov - Photos, biography, bophelo ba motho, sesosa sa lefu, moetapele oa moferefere
Biography Lebitso la Ivan Yevich Bolonikov o ile a kena Lingoloa tsa nalane seterekeng le mabitso a baemeli ba sesole le ba lipolotiki. Fednik Lhadmium...

Andrei prodeus - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, ngaka, ngaka, prichiarian 2021

Andrei prodeus - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, ngaka, ngaka, prichiarian 2021
Biography Andrei prodeus - ngaka ea Mahlale a bongaka le Prenseter ea TV. Boemo ba boemo bo ikhethang ke li-preathe, empa hape e sebetsa ka lehlakoreng...

Neil Degrads Tyson - Photo, Biolography, Bophelo, Litaba, Bastrophyss 2021

Neil Degrads Tyson - Photo, Biolography, Bophelo, Litaba, Bastrophyss 2021
Biography Ka lebaka la lethathamo la sehlooho sa "sengoliloeng" "se seholo", le batho ba bangata ba nang le bo-'bane le metsoalle e meng, e ile ea ithutoa...

Setšoantšo sa Elliphent - Photo, Biography, Bophelo, Litaba, Litaba li na le lipina tse 2021

Setšoantšo sa Elliphent - Photo, Biography, Bophelo, Litaba, Litaba li na le lipina tse 2021
Biography "Rata mefokolo ea hao le ho li fetola ka seriti!" - Morekisi oa Sweden le moqapi oa thepa ea Sweden le moqapi oa thepa ea ho phela ka tlasa letto...

Heinrich III - Portrait, king of Forrait, King of Fora, biography, bophelo ba motho, bohelehele, boto

Heinrich III - Portrait, king of Forrait, King of Fora, biography, bophelo ba motho, bohelehele, boto
Biography Henry III e bile oa ho qetela oa babusi ba Fora. O ile a fumana naha ka 1574 a bolailoe ke lintoa tsa bolumeli, a sa tsitsa a bile a sa futsaneha....

Boris Zermin - Photo, Biology, Bophelo, botho, Litaba, Rakhoebo ea 2021

Boris Zermin - Photo, Biology, Bophelo, botho, Litaba, Rakhoebo ea 2021
Biography Ka la 22 Phato 202020, khanyetso ea hantisistist ea Russia Alexe e na le lipelaelo tsa chefo ke motho ea sa tsejoeng "Sharal" ea bitsoang Clice....

Vladimir Cesler - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, botaki ba 2021

Vladimir Cesler - Photo, biography, bophelo ba botho, litaba, botaki ba 2021
Biography Seteishene sa Vladimir Testist ke sebapali se khanyang sa lebala la Gelarishian, seo e leng sa rona se tsejoa ka lona naheng ea habo le hole...

Kingsley Comer - Photo, Biograph, Litaba, Litaba tsa botho, Bophelo ba Boitth 2021

Kingsley Comer - Photo, Biograph, Litaba, Litaba tsa botho, Bophelo ba Boitth 2021
Biography Sehlopha sa Marena ke sebapali sa bolo ea maoto se ts'episang sebapali sa bolo ea maoto, se bohareng. Hona joale o boemong bo botle bo emela...

Daria Navagy - Bophelo ba botho, Bophelo ba botho, Litaba, Litaba ka ho ba le lifolaga ", lilemo tse 20,21

Daria Navagy - Bophelo ba botho, Bophelo ba botho, Litaba, Litaba ka ho ba le lifolaga ", lilemo tse 20,21
Biography Ho hotle ho ba Muscovite o monyane oa kutlo ebile o fumana thuto ho e 'ngoe ea liunivesithi tse ntlehali lefatšeng. Leha ho le joalo, hore morali...

Ivana Havrak - Photo, biograph, bophelo ba botho, litaba, "Ntlo-2" 2021

Ivana Havrak - Photo, biograph, bophelo ba botho, litaba, "Ntlo-2" 2021
Biography Har'a barupeluoa ba thellang TV ea thelleleng sa TV ea thelleleng "Dom-2" ba tloaelehile 'neteng: Pele ba leka ho fumana lerato la "A re nyakeng!"....

Victor Cross - Photo, biograph, Bophelo ba motho, litaba, "Ntlo-2" 2021

Victor Cross - Photo, biograph, Bophelo ba motho, litaba, "Ntlo-2" 2021
Biography Victor Krestovsky e hana polelo e reng, "Ha ua ka ua kenya nokeng e le 'ngoe habeli." Lehlabuleng la la 2020, leo bophahamo ba hae bo fetang...