Matthew Broderick - biography, foto, bophelo ba botho, litaba tsa li-filimi tse 2021



Bashebelli ba lefatše lohle ba ne ba tloaetse hore na bana ba kenang sekolo ke nako e telele ba ne ba tloaetse 'nete ea hore ba kenang sekolo hangata ba bapaloa ke batšoantšisi le batšoantšisi ba fumaneng khale libutsong tse joalo tsa thuto. Leha ho le joalo, bataki ba bang ka lebaka la ponahalo ea bona e hlile e khona ho etsa mosebetsi o lilemo tse kae, o ile a makala. Mohlala o motle ke Matthew Broderick.

Bongoana le bocha

Setsebi sa moso se hlahile ka la 21 Hlakubele 1962. E etsahetse New York. Ntate oa Mattheu, James Bredrick, o bile le metso ea Iriri le mosali oa hae Patricia Bio - Sejuda.

Matthew Shebederick ea Bacha

Brodick o ile a sebelisa lilemo tsa sekolo sekolong sa New York sa Sekolo sa Walden. Matsatsing ao, monna eo o ne a rata bolo ea maoto haholo mme a se a ntse a nahana ka mosebetsi o motle oa setsebi sa setsebi, empa thupelo ena e ne e lokela ho hana ka mor'a ho lemala mangole a tebileng.

Matthew o ile a koata ka nako e joalo ea liketsahalo, empa a fumana matla a ho khutlela ho ea monyakang o le mong. Sebakeng seo, brodsik e ile ea ingolisa ho The Beait lemati. Kamora likhoeli tse 'maloa, o ne a se a bonoa sethaleng papaling ea "Valentine ea" Valentine ".


Ponahalo ea pele ea Matheu bukaneng e etsahetseng ka 1981 - mokoliki o ile a bapala karolo ea TV lethathamong la liketsahalo ". Cinema e etsahetse lilemong tse peli hamorao karolong ea Herbert Ross "Ho khutla ha Max DaagA".

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Kamora filimi, Ross Matthew o ile a nka karolo sebopeho sa thuto ea khale ea ts'ebetso ea sehlekehleke sa Nile Simon of The Kholofetso ea Kholo ea Tohrish White. Motšoantšisi o ile a ithuta motsamaisi oa lifilimi "feberu Moqebelo mantsiboea" le "potoloho ea hae e ncha - setšoantšo se reng" lipapali tsa hae tsa sesole ". Filimi eo e ile ea otla 'me ea tlisa sebapali sa lefatše ka bophara (ho kenyeletsa le USSR).

Ka 1985, Mattheu5 o ile a tlala Motsamaisi e tummeng Rishard Donner ("Omer", "Superman", "Balbey") Mody -wking ". Ntle le ho boelana, Michelle Pfaiffer, Rutch Molina le Alfred Molina o ile a keletsoe filimi.

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Selemo se tlang, moetsi oa thepa o fihlile ka theipi "beke le beke ea marang-rang", e kentsoeng ke motsamaisi John Hugle "," kudryshka sue ", koetliso, koloi"). Matthew o ile a ba le monyetla oa ho bapala le kankere ea Alan, MIA Sarah le Jennifer Gray.

Ka 1988, Brodik, hammoho le Christopher, Wacnen e ile ea fepa skrineng ho skrineng ea Bilcy Blues Mike Nicholson ("Trunk-22", "kubu ea Henry").

Matthew Broderick - biography, foto, bophelo ba botho, litaba tsa li-filimi tse 2021 16406_4

Hamorao, Mattheu o ile a tlameha ho phetha karolo ea setloholo sa Sean sehokelong sa Sean "Business" ("Serpiko", "Serpiko", "Serpiko" ka bochabela ho hlalosa "). Hape ho filimi e belelitsoeng ke sebapali sa Rosensanna Dethono.

Ka hare ho 1989, likhatiso li ile tsa tsoa lits'oants'o, tse qaloang Edward Zwikira ("Samumo ea ho qetela", "boitelo ke paware". Khamphaning e behiloeng, Brogerdika e ile ea etsoa Morgan fream, Denzel Washington le Cary Elvis.

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Ka 1990, Matthew o ile a khona ho bapala le marllon Brando ka boeona ka filimi "novice". Setšoantšo se ile sa beha motsamaisi Andrew Bergman, ba tummeng ka mesebetsi e joalo e le "monyako oa las Vegas", "mosali oa 'nete". Ka mor'a khefu ea lilemo tse tharo, motšoantšisi o ile a khutlela likenkelong "bosiu, moo re ke keng ra kopana le" Warren.

Ka selemo se le seng, Brodik o ile a leka ho etsa hore a qape liphapang, a fana ka lentsoe la hae semelo sa hae semelo sa theipi "le setša. Phihlelo e ile ea atleha, 'me ka mor'a selemo, le Matthew o ile a bua ka selemo, SIMBAC E BATLANG "KHOTSO E KHOLO". Ka 1998 le ka 2004, o ile a fela a e etsa.

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Hape ka 1994, filimi "Tsela ea Filimi ho ea Alville" e tsamaisitsoeng ke Alan Parker ("Mots'eare Express", "Mississippi o ile a fihla litenteng. Ka filimi ea filimi, ntle le bukana, apdika, anthony hopkin e nkile karolo, gudget motheo, John Culk le Lara Flynn Boyle.

Lilemo tse peli hamorao, hammoho le Jim Kerry, Jack Black le Leslie Mann Matched Stalls Filimi eo e ile ea tlosoa ke sebapali le motsamaisi Ben Styler. Ka 1997, Broledick e ileng ea bolaoa ke Brusick ka har'a ribbon "durma of Love" Ganal dana ("Boloini bo sebetsang", "Monna ea Hlollang"). Hape ka filimi eo u ka e bonang litšoantšiso tsa Meg Ryan le Kelly Preston.

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1998 Ke hopola sebapali ka lebaka la ho thunya "Roland Emisich (" Stargate "," Letsatsi la Itloaetse "). Khamphani Brotherika e ne e le motšoantšisi oa Mofora Jean Reno. Ka 1999, Mattheu o ile a kelekelloa ka "Alexander Payne le ProsertPecter ea" Gadget "le" Michelle Trachttt le Michelle Trachttt le Michelle Trachttt le Michelle Trachttt le Michelle Trachtttt le Michelle Trachttt le Michelle Trachttt.

Lilemong tse likete tse peli, Brotshedik ha e na monyetla oa ho hlaha ka har'a linepe tse tsoang lifiliming tse ncha. Ka 2000, o ile a bolaoa ke Kenneth Loonergan ka theipi "o ka ntšetsa pele hammoho le Lori Linni, Mark ruffalo le rory calkin.

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Ka 2004, motlalehi o ile a phetha mosebetsi oa ho tloaela mosebetsi oa mosebetsi oa mosebetsi oa Ayra Levin "Stampford Weas." Setšoantšo se ile sa tlosoa Frank Oz - motsamaisi oa "Horror Shop", "mudzhetter" le "lefu le lepato". Hammoho le Mattheu ka filimi, Nicole Kinman le Christopher Wacnet ba bapala.

Hape ka 2004, ntoa ea metlae "sebopeho sa ho qetela" Jeff Natanson o ile a lokolloa ka har'a linepe. Filiming ena, Mattheu Hello Byderrick Starred le Alek Baldwin le Tony Comptt. Ka 2006, hammoho le Danny de Voto, a le bapatsa baahelani ka potlako Comedy "a amohelehang, kapa baahisani o thibetsoe" John Whitella.

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2007 'Me 2008 e fetiselitsoe mosebetsing ka har'a lentsoe la ho etsa lintho ka' nete "Bigi: Letona la ho tsamaisana le 'mele" le "Devpero". Ka 2011, sebapali se ile sa tlepetsoa ka har'a mositi oa Comed, "Dragon e khubelu", "lak" ea Bincratler, "Michael Pluña.

Ho tloha ka 2014, Broger, Brodick e nkile karolo ho tšollang pokello ea pokello ea thepa ea batho ba baholo "horsed ea lipere." Ho tloha ka 2016, hammoho le John, Tows, Torsolta, Kuba Poleson e ea fihla letotong la "botlokotsebe ba botlokotsebe".

Bophelo ba Motho

Bocheng ba hae, ba kopana le Actress Jennifer Grey. Ka 1987, balekane ba ile ba hlakoma.

Ka 1996, kopanya linepe tse kopaneng tsa Brogerka le Sarah Jessica Parker e hlahileng mecheng ea litaba - naleli ea nako e tlang ea ho kopanela liphate toropong e kholo ". E se e le selemong se tlang, batšoantšisi ba ne ba bapala lechato.

Matthew Broderick le Sarah Jessica Parker

Ngoana oa letsibolo oa Sara le Matheu a ile a hlaha ka 2002 - ba fetoha mora oa James Wildick. Ka 2009, ka lebaka la 'm'a oa ho bua, Sara le Matthew ka lapeng ba ne ba hlopha hape - lebotho la Marion Loretta eel le Tabita.

Matthew Brotherik hona joale

Ka March 2017, Warren Helti (Setsebi "Bonie le clyde," Leloko la Motsamaisi oa Amerika Hughesa, o ile a lokolloa haholo rente. Ntle le Warren, hammoho le ho ekelletsa ho Mattheu Broerder, likokoana-hloko li ile tsallohile filiming, Alec Baldwin.

Ka 2018, bonyane lifilimi tse tharo le Mattheu - Sheba "Monti Whiteney le Andy Slidney e tla lokolloa ka har'a linepe tsa Dylan.


  • 1981 - lu grant
  • 1983 - "lipapali tsa sesole"
  • 1985 - "Lady hawk"
  • 1989 - "Khoebo ea Lelapa"
  • 1993 - "Bosiu, moo re ke keng ra kopana le"
  • 1994 - "King Tax"
  • 1996 - "Cableman"
  • 1998 - "Godzilla"
  • 1999 - "Gadget Gadget"
  • 2004 - "Basali ba Stampford
  • 2006 - "Rea u amohela, kapa eo baahisani ba thibetsoeng"
  • 2008 - "Mahlaleng a Dospero"
  • 2011 - "Mokhoa oa ho utsoa skyscraper"
  • 2014 - "EdJoack"
  • 2016 - "Nalane ea Maeme ea Bolaoli"

Bala Haholoanyane