George Cambridge - Photo, Biography, News, Parents, Prince 2021



George Cambridge has not yet had time to be born, when at least one eye on him wanted to look at all the United Kingdom. It is not surprising that the first child of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine and the Duke of Cambridge William caused such interest among residents of the country. Then not yet born George called the most famous baby in the world.

Childhood and family

Prince George was born in the summer of 2013 in the London Holy Mary hospital, on the sign of the zodiac cancer. The fights at his mother began early in the morning, but, arriving at the hospital, the Duchess of Catherine (in the master of Kate Middleton) was able to give birth only after 11 hours. The weight of the boy at birth was 3.8 kg.

Honor to accept the childbirth fell to the share of the Gynecologists of Queen Alan Farming and Marcus Satchela. As soon as it became known that everything went to successfully, in honor of Prince Cambridge over the Tower and Hyde Park, salutes sounded.

After a couple of months after the birth of the Prince, his biography was replenished with one important event - baptism. The rite was held in the Saint-James Palace chapel, and before that, all members of the British throne took place this sacrament in the Buckingham Palace. Thus, the parents of the boy decided to move away from the old tradition. The full name sounds like George (Georg) Alexander Louis. He received him by adding the names of the father of Queen Elizabeth's Prababato II, the second name of the Queen and Uncle Prince Philipp.

Prince William, like his spouse, conservative, and therefore did not complain about the photographs of the primary reporters, the more heated interest in his son. They tried not to take the baby to public events, and if George traveled with them, then members of the British Royal Family simply showed the Son. So, in front of the fourth birthday, he visited them in Poland and Germany, then the parents demonstrated the media photos of his official portrait and did not show up the press on the rest of the summer.

The hidden from the public George quickly smasted, like his younger sister - Princess Charlotte Cambridge, who was to visit the kindergarten for the first time in January 2018. The next time the reporters captured the family in April 2018, when William and children met the spouse with a third child from the hospital.

It is worth noting that George is very friendly with brothers and sisters, including cousins. This is evidenced by touching pictures on which he is captured with his native Charlotte and with the cousin of Savannaya Phillips and Mii Tindoll.

The next time the prince appeared in the public in the summer of 2018, it was the baptism of his younger brother Louis. The sacrament was carried out in a circle of only the closest people, but a couple of reporters of the duke decided to invite the event. And after 1.5 weeks, the boy celebrated the 5th birthday, the children's holiday was not covered in the press.

In September 2018, the dukes again shared with selected reporters with pictures. Their son first went to school, to the preparatory class. William took him alone, his mother could not accompany them. Judging by the pictures, George himself was not too happy, although parents chose the school for him in difficult. The private educational institution Thomas's Battersea, in addition to traditional items, also trains pupils with art, ballroom dancing and good manners.

George Cambridge now

In the summer of 2019, George celebrated the 6th birthday. Now the boy continues to learn at school, in the fall he went to the 1st grade. In the free time from lessons, the future king, along with his sister, goes to the private sports club Hurlingham Club, where different sections attend.

Despite the young age, as the first child in the family, George responsibly refers to his own status of the elder brother. Reporters who are present at various events with the Dukes of Cambridges, not once stood that the boy looks at the younger, and when some of them is upset or crying, tries to calm down.

It is worth noting that when children have grown up, Kate and William began to bring heirs more often to events. Only for a short time in 2019, George managed to visit the weddings of Princess Charlotte Sophie Carter with Robert Snagggs and Princess Eugene with Jacob Brooksbank, at the anniversary of Prince Charles, visited the spa center in Norfolk with his brother, sister and mom, was on the Trooping Cener parade Color 2019 - official birthday of the great-grandmother. And then came with his parents and on the summer festival to Berkshire.

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