Dmitry Grigorenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Government Office 2021



January 2020 has become a hot month for the Russian political life, which has not yet been presented to citizens of such bright news. Personnel permutations in the highest echelons of the government, associated with the resignation of the government, cause wary of wary of interest. In the meantime, new names appear on key positions. Among them, Dmitry Grigorenko, who became the head of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Mikhail Mishoustina.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Yuryevich comes from Siberia. He was born in 1978 in the city of Nizhnevartovsk Tyumen region. The biography of the Vice-Prime Minister is not generous to family information and children's years. It is known that with time Grigorenko moved to the south and the institute ended in Kuban. As a specialization, the guy chose jurisprudence, receiving a diploma of the Institute of Economics, Law and Natural Specialties in 2000. Already then the graduate began to build a career, setting up a tax inspectorate by a specialist of the 1st category.

To expand the arsenal of opportunities, Dmitry received the second higher education, this time on the economic profile. During his studies, continued to work in Krasnodar. Colleagues at the first place of work remember Grigorenko as a qualified specialist and a polite, educated young man. Literacy and responsibility allowed the employee to quickly advance at the service staircase, and for this, the future Deputy Prime Minister did not regret either the time or strength: literally a day and spent the night at work.

Economist's education gave Dmitry additional competencies: he understood in accounting, demonstrated the flair during the checks of enterprises, plus everything - understood in information technologies. At 22, Grigorenko has already become leading the department of field inspections, which for so young age was the post more than solid and responsible.

Personal life

Personal life, the Deputy Prime Minister arranged in Krasnodar, being an employee of the tax service. Love man met in the next department. Galant, decent and authoritative Dmitry conquered the girl with beautiful courtships, in front of his colleagues, bringing flowers to her and inviting me.

Young people got married and moved to Moscow, where the spouse began to build a brilliant career. Information about his wife and children politician prefers not to advertise.

According to the 2018 Tax Declaration, Dmitry's income was 8.711 million rubles, and the spouse Grigorenko did not have declared income. Judging by the document, there is a minor child in the family.


Having received the second higher education, Dmitry moved to Moscow, where he continued to serve in the tax office. In 2003, Grigorenko became the main inspector in the consolidated-analytical department of the Department of Taxation of Profit FTS. Year after year, the official improved his position in the career hierarchy, by 2013, by the Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishoustina.

Over the years, the future Deputy Prime Minister managed to lead a number of departments of the department, as well as to establish the work of large information systems. Under the start of a man, a mechanism for the implementation of personal accounts, automation of processes, creating cloud registers and Tax-3 systems, storing information on interrogation, checks, banking documents, was debugged.

Dmitry Grigorenko, Mikhail Mishustin and Vladimir Putin

Despite the fact that Grigorenko was mainly engaged in information technology, he has also established himself as a wizard of management tasks. Collecting a team, coordination of its actions, work on the launch and implementation of a new product - all these issues The young official has solved systematically and efficiently. In addition, Dmitry has gained experience in collaboration with the presidential administration and the government, which laid the foundation for future hardware.

Grigorenko has repeatedly encouraged by state awards and prizes, recognizing the employee with an excellent student of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the Honorary Worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. By the position of the head of the government of the Government of the Russian Federation, a man approached the class of valid state-owned class II.

Dmitry Grigorenko now

On January 15, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared with an appeal to the Federal Assembly, which, to surprise for most citizens, caused a number of fundamental changes in Russia's political arena. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that he was resigned together with the entire parliament, and the former head of the FNS Mikhail Mishustine was appointed to his place.

On January 22, 2020, the official "Instagram" government of the Russian government published a guide to the new government, submitting an updated composition of the Cabinet of Ministers with photos and a list of posts. Following the head of Mikhail Mishoustin and his first deputy Andrei Belousov, Dmitry Grigorenko, appointed by Vladimir Putin, to the position of head of the Russian government office. Previously, this position was held by the nearest associate of Dmitry Medvedev Konstantin Chuychenko.

Decree on the appointment was signed on January 21, 2020, that is, 5 days later, from the moment the new Prime Minister joined the post. Grigorenko became the member of the renewed parliament, who came there following the former head of the FTS, which gave reason to speak that now the country will manage the tax authorities.

Dmitry Yuryevich entered a responsible post in 41 years old, having a 20-year-old work experience in the tax branch. The primary tasks of the Deputy Prime Minister include building a control and monitoring of management signals, since national projects will not be able to be implemented without a well-established and effective interaction between departments.


  • Excellent FNS of Russia
  • Honorary Worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

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