Films that have not nominated for Oscar: Premiere, Ranking, 2019


Oscar Award is recognized as the most significant cinematic art in the world. And therefore, even the nomination for her, even without the receipt of award, remains among the most important achievements in the career of the actors; For films, this means, in addition to recognition, also worldwide popularity. However, not to all the paintings manages to achieve this turn - here is a selection of films that have not been nominated for Oscar, although they were worthy.

"Shine" (USA, 1980)

The painting, where the main role was performed in controunded Jack Nicholson, remained out of sight of the Commission of the American Film Academy. Since the premiere and in 2019, the "radiance" firmly occupies a place in the ranking of the most significant horror films in the history of cinema. About impressive acting game, too, do not forget. Despite this, the cherished statuette was made by the creators of a recognized masterpiece in the Gorror genre. Even enter the number of seekers award did not come out.

Terminator (USA, 1984)

Another legend of the cinema, forever hesitating himself not only among the best cinema, but also in the heart of the audience, also turned out to be "gilded little man." The film "Terminator", who grew up from the nightmarish dream of the director James Cameron, forever changed the idea of ​​the fantastic cinema and was counted among the US national toyness, but the nomination did not wait for the nomination.

"Leon" (France, 1994)

Luke Luke's cult film, putting the beginning of the star career Natalie Portman, should not boast of nominations for prestigious filmmaking. "Leon" the views of the overseas cinematic commission bypassed. However, 8 nominations for "Cesar" and the Japanese Film Academy Prize confirm that the representatives of Oscar could be more closely.

"Love Mood" (Hong Kong, 2000)

The complex plot of such wine or belonging to Arthaus, but was not nominated for the receipt of the Golden Figurines and the picture of the director Wong Cargo "Love Mood", which was repeatedly included in the ratings of the most expressive film about love. Fortunately in Cannes did not consider to reward a film for the main male role. And the French and at all presented "Cesar" as a better foreign film.

"Copy of Verne" (Iran, 2010)

Another film, undeservedly deprived by the attention of American academics from cinema, is the picture of the Iranian director Abbas Kiarosts with Julietary Binos in the lead role. Disadvantaged by curious questions of the film on the Oscar did not receive nominations, but at the Cannes Film Festival, the prize for the best female role took.

"Rock Passion" (USA, 2013)

The film "Rock Passion", with Marion Cotiyar and Hoaquin Phoenix, in high roles, worthy of Oscarous recognition is no less than the love of the audience. However, if people who visited the cinemas on the day of the premiere of the picture, met her warmly and enthusiastically, film academics from the USA turned out to be restrained in the manifestation of emotions - invitations to Oscar did not receive the film. However, tapes celebrated premiums diverse financial communities for the operator skill and the fulfillment of the main female role.

"Flaming" (South Korea, 2018)

The South Korean thriller of 2018 "Flaming" managed to conquer the hearts of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival - Prize "Volcano" and FIPress fell into a piggy bank of the creators. However, in the view of American academics, a psychological thriller, a newly revealing story of Haruki Murakami "burn Sarai", served as the basis, was not so good to compile a competition to such a masterpiece as the Black Panther.

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