Diseases transmitted through a kiss: Herpes, on the lips, through saliva


Kiss is an affordable way to express romantic feelings and tender emotions. But from the point of view of medicine and hygiene, the kiss on the lips does not always become pleasant and safe. Through the kiss there are unpleasant and dangerous diseases and infections, more about them - in the editorial material 24cm.

Infectious mononucleosis

Diseases transmitted through a kiss

This is a common disease, it is even sometimes referred to as the "kisses disease". The Epstein Barr virus belongs to the herpes viruses family. Symptoms of mononucleosis are similar to the signs of ORZ - sore throat, temperature, increased lymph nodes. Also marked pain in the stomach. The consequences of mononucleosis can be serious - from the defeat of the central nervous system to the development of hepatitis.


Herpes virus in passive condition is present from most people, but it can not appear in any way. If the disease in the active stage, and the inflamed bubbles with liquid appeared around the mouth, then the kisses need to be abandoned. If the treatment start on time, external manifestations will disappear without a trace and without complications. But sometimes contact with a sick person threatens serious health consequences.


Diseases transmitted through a kiss

In 90% of cases, infection occurs during sexual contact. But the cases of infection with a kiss through saliva were recorded. Symptoms of syphilis are not manifested immediately, the incubation period lasts 3 weeks. When ulcers appear (Shankra) on the mucous membrane of the mouth, you need to visit the doctor as soon as possible. If the treatment is not started on time, syphilis may entail serious consequences. Venusical infection progresses, affecting all the internal organs of the human body, destroying them, and can lead the fatal outcome.

Prank ulcer

Through saliva with a kiss in the body, 80 million bacteria and viruses fall into the body. Their large amount is neutralized by gastric acid. But with a weakened immunite, the body cannot fully struggle with bacteria. Helicobacter Pylori bacteria hitting the digestive system becomes the cause of the development of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, and even stomach cancer. The peptic disease is fraught with dangerous complications, so it is important to determine its development at an early stage.

Human papilloma virus (HPV)

Diseases transmitted through a kiss

Papillomavirus is transmitted not only with intimate proximity, but also through a kiss on the lips. The problems will signal the appearance of skin ravis, the growth of warts, itching and unpleasant feelings in groin. These signs should not be ignored, the papilloma virus in the human body provokes the development of cancer states.

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