Rustam Reptilid - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Nationality, Growth, Instagram 2021



Rustam Reptilid with a true friend and colleague Tamby Masayev is a vivid example of how you need to stop and move towards your dream by anything. The duet "Lena Cook" from Nalchik first appeared on "Comedy Battle" in 2014, came to the number of finalists, but, unfortunately, did not won. The guys were not upset and did not lower their hands, but prepared and reached twice to the cherished championship in the show.

Childhood and youth

Rustam Saidakhmedov (Such is the real surname of humorist) appeared on the light of September 1991, the 25th, in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria - Nalchik. Two months earlier, another artist was born here, famous for the native Republic, - directed by Kantemir Balagov ("Tesnette", "Dolda"), who has repeatedly conquered the Cannes Film Festival.

Periodically, the archival publications flashed in the "Instagram", for example, a black and white shot of a father, on which he is surprisingly similar to, made in 1985, or his own photo from school graduation (the guy graduated from the local secondary institution No. 6), dated 2008- m.

Unfortunately, despite popularity, information about the early biography of the Star TNT is a bit - unknown, who wanted to become when he grows, if he has other talented relatives, etc.

The only thing that the young man shared with his fans is that his parents, although they showed a severity in the upbringing of the Son, never forbidden to do what he wanted to try to maintain in all endeavors. By the way, most of the first prize "Comedy Battle" (7 million rubles), artists gave the family, and they took so much to have enough for a gaming console.

Personal life

The personal life of humorous cases master prefers to keep secret, while not hiding that in the girl most appreciated the kindness. Rustam, judging by publications in "Instagram", not far from sports and regularly visits the gyms and the pool.

Career and creativity

Ask major questions to comedians - "Liberty", although trying, of course, it was worth it. For example, the creators of the Youtube-channel Ingeborga, working in Youtubequestion, asked Rustam, why he, actually, reptiloid and what is engaged in life.

"Reptilid, because by mom I am the Komodsky Varan, Reptile. I try to be a comer, and I grow up, "he said with serious species.

The creative biography of Saidakhmedov began with the School Junior League of KVN, and he and Masayev played then against each other: Rustam in Hauti and Co., and Tamby in the "guys". The next stage was the victory in the republican "tower", where young people, already being student, united in "Cookies". Gradually, the team renamed Lena Cube in honor of the girl with this nickname in social networks, from time to the mud and left unsightly comments towards Cavencers.

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The path in the club cheerful and resourceful continued in Elbrus-express - in the Central Krasnodar League, the guys played the season from KBSU (Native University Reptiloid), then financing ceased, and the next year they returned under the name "Lena Cook". By the way, the return was held thanks to the local deputy, which, from hopelessness, for 2 days before sending Rustam, simply asked for money.

Then, in order to somehow prove to the official that his help did not leave anywhere, Saidakhmedov and Masaev, already as a duet, decided to try the forces in the "Comedy Battle". Here they started with the "operation" of the national color, as a result, evolving the absurdity theater in the original genre. Changes could not help but notice attentive mentors who decide twice to award the Kabardians first places.

Rustam, although it is devoted to the art of mixing people, tried himself and in cinema, shutting up in the movie Sultan Khazhico "on the sky barefoot."

Rustam Reptilid Now

Now Reptilid is one of the permanent participants of the YouTube show "What was next?", Created by Standap-comic Nurlan Saburov in 2019. Also, Saidakhmedov willingly appear as a guest in the Bar in the Big City, Chat-roulette, "Consonance" and "Soyuz Studio". In addition, he is busy promotion and its own project "Blitz Creek", while Tammi successfully copes with the role of the leading "Radio".


  • 2014 - "Comedy Battle. Superseason "
  • 2015 - "On the sky barefoot"
  • 2016 - "Comedy Battle. VS experience youth "
  • 2018 - "Comedy Battle. Standap vs miniatures »
  • 2019 - "What happened next?"
  • 2019 - Blitz Creek

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