The most beautiful cities of Europe: rating, small, as it is called, interesting, medieval


Europe is not found in the old woman, because on its territory, the story of the past epochs captured in architecture remained on its territory. Winding streets of European cities and looking toy in photographs at home not only remember the events of the past centuries, but also force the traveler's heart to tremblely tremble from the indescribable attractiveness of these cozy places.

About the most beautiful cities in Europe, large and small, who retained the old buildings and medieval charm - in the ranking without places drawn up by the editors 24cmi.


Particularly among the world's oldest city, where all the roads were led, once the capital of the Great Empire, fallen under the onslaught of Varvarov, Rome is not only a masterpiece of architecture, familiar at the secondary school. This is also an embodied story that has been preserved in the weathered buildings of buildings.

The Majestic Colosseum, on the sand of which the centuries ago, the blood of gladiators strengthened, now representing considerable interest for foreign tourists, and remaining to grow it in the pebbles for memory.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

Pantheon, as it is called the built-in antique architects in honor of the wreated gods temple, whose dome rises above the Piazza della Rotonda area by 42 meters, while maintaining with such impressive sizes, the feeling of ease of construction, and not approved by its own power on the enjoyable zooak.

St. Peter's Cathedral is the largest Christian Catholic Church in the world on the site of Nero Gardens in the IV century. The market survived from the XV century on Piazza Navona Square, where in winter, in Christmas holidays, you can buy memorial souvenirs. Or Fountain Trevi, from which each year is caught 1.5 million euros.

The listed places and architectural monuments are Rome in its own variety and antique-medieval splendor. And this is only a small part of Rome, able to conquer the heart of the traveler not only in the past, but also real. No wonder it is called "eternal".


And another Italian city, which is part of the top most beautiful in Europe. With a Polystable Fleler of Romance and Love, inspired by the string of brute force and melodious handles, leisurely shadows of the Gondola, moving along a mirror stroit, and a reflection of night lights in the waters of the canals. Venice is Italy, and another, unique world, with an annual carnival and an interesting, unique atmosphere.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

You have come to Venice worth a visit based in the 9th century, which is the name of St. Mark, based in the 9th century, and the Cathedral is also named after the follower of Christian teachings. After all, this chance lively seeing the legacy of the Byzantine Empire who went into oblivion, saved in architecture and mosaics causing a reverent thrill with the decoration of Basilica.

For those who wish to learn more about the old times, it will be curious to visit the Museum of Correra, where through the objects of life, clothes, paintings and old papers are illuminated by entertaining nuances of the life of the city. Especially the part that is associated with the sunset existing with the VII century to the XVIII century.

And, of course, this is for visiting Venice, if at least a bit of ride in the society of a smiling gondoller along the streets of this amazing city!


The city hitting the combination of European and Eastern is both in customs and instructions and in architectural delights and the charming spirit of involvement in the turning points in the history of countries and peoples. Istanbul, who was before the proud name of Constantinople, retained the gifts and scars from the creators who came to the change of owners and unborn conquerors. Repeatedly passed from the hands of the largest city of Turkey, whose old bridges remember the Sandals of the Romans and their heirs - Byzantines, Osman's Ostronous Boots and Leather Boots of Slavs, is able to tell a lot to those who can watch and listen.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

Here are intertwined in the bizarre equilibrium religious poles. St. Sophia's Cathedral, a monument to the art of the Byzantine masters, now converted to the museum and under the protection of UNESCO. And the Sultansky Palace of Topkapy, symbolizing the former power of the Ottoman Empire left into oblivion. People of different denominations are found on the streets of Istanbul - Muslim Sunni, Sufi and Alevita, Catholics and Orthodox.

On the territory of the city there are 64 mosques and 49 churches, of which are not only curious from the point of view of architecture historical buildings, but are at the same time museums, like, for example, a blue mosque or Church of Christ the Savior from the ensemble of the Choir monastery. And the city is divided into the Bosphorus, which is why the landscapes opening at sunset only touched the heart of the traveler.


Another contender for the first position in the dispute about which city in Europe is the most beautiful, - the capital of Hungary, divided into two halves, hilly (Buda) and the flat (pivest), carrying water through the city of Danube, Budapest. In the city there were traces and Turkish conquerors who built in the mountainous bud, replete with hot springs, oriental baths. And the Europeans who built the masterpiece of eclectic architecture in the plain fellow.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

Mandatory to visit the place in the Hungarian capital - the city park is vyoshlygette, on the site of which the royal hunting grounds were once located. As well as the Heroes Square, decorated in 1896 by the Millennium of the state, in which the Avengers Avenue is resting, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the first line of the Hungarian Metro held under him, who eased in the continental part of Europe.

And do not forget about other sights. For example, the Hungarian State Opera House is an architectural monument created by the Ibral Miklosh. Or Drexler's Palace, who is considered a real decoration of the Paradinary Prospectus of the Main City of Hungary. Located on the Embankment of the Danube Palace of Sin, built in the style of Modern and named after the English merchant of the XVI century, is also worth attention. Yes, and the embankment itself has become such a popular destination of residents of the city and guests of the Hungarian capital.

Remembering about the spool

Listed cities are tremblingly beloved tourists. Arriving in the season, beginning in the spring and stretching in October, in a relaxed atmosphere to enjoy beauties will not succeed. Only in winter on the streets of these European cities, it is possible not so often to deal with triorn voting travelers from all over the Okumens. Therefore, a tourist who wants to admire the old Europe in silence, it is worth paying attention to not so popular small towns.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

For example, Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, named after the old bridge constructed by Turks, in the XVI century of the old bridge across the Nerretva River, which belongs to the worldwide heritage. This is a small, surrounded by mountains a cozy city with ancient architecture, divided by the river in half.

Or Maltese Valleta, and now more resembling a medieval city than the capital of the modern state. Here are available for visiting dozens of old chapels and cathedrals, palaces and castles - and all this is surrounded by blue sea stroy, from all sides of the washing island.

The most beautiful cities of Europe

Finally, French Pocket Venice - Annecy Town, located in the Alps, on the shore of the Lake of the same name, where the streets replaced the channels over which the medieval castle rises. There are still many historical sites and monuments of architecture, although developing tourism and influenced the city in the XIX century. However, such a crowd of people like on the canals of Venice, it is definitely not found here.

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