Putin's Annual Message to the Federal Assembly: 2020, Important Moments


On January 15, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an annual message to the Federal Assembly. The head of state raised such important issues as a constitution, the natural population growth and the improvement of the lives of citizens.

Important moments of speech by Vladimir Vladimirovich - in material 24cm.


The President noted that the main task of the government is the savings and increase in the people of Russia. Therefore, one of the main instruments of Putin is the extension of the Maternal Capital Program until December 31, 2026. Previously, she acted until December 2020. Moreover, from January 2020, the right to this payment will receive families who have a firstborn born. The head of state ordered to increase the amount of this payment by 150 thousand rubles. Thus, a family with two children will receive 616 thousand.

These rules should relate to all families in which children were born from January 1, 2020. So, at the birth of the firstborn, the family receives 466,617 rubles, for the second child, 616,617 rubles are given., And for the birth of the third - the state will pay 450 thousand rubles for the family of 450 thousand rubles. The mortgage loan takes it.

Also from this period simplifies the conditions for obtaining payments to low-income families. Now families will receive before the age of reaching a three-year-old age, and those whose income may not exceed two subsistence minimum per person. Another new payment is introduced - 5.5 thousand rubles for children from 3 to 7 years.


The President announced the need to make it easier to make it easier and improving the lives of young parents. To do this, it ordered to increase the number of places in the manger, to introduce high-quality free hot food to students from 1 to grade 4, to equip dining rooms and to spend high-speed Internet in all schools in the country.

Motivate need teachers. Cool leaders will receive a surcharge of 5 thousand rubles.


For the development of medicine, the president proposed to change the order of admission of applicants to medical universities, to make places in such educational institutions targeted, as well as provide doctors and hospiters housing.

"You need to do the housing problem of doctors and paramedics. Especially in the villages, "Putin said.


The President proposed a number of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Among them are the consolidation of the role of the State Council (the authority under the President), where members of the State Duma, the heads of the subjects of the Federation, as well as the Speakers of the Council.

The order of choice of parliament should change. The State Duma will approve the candidacy of the president to the role of the Prime Minister, and he will already appoint ministers.

According to him, in the form of the Parliamentary Republic, Russia cannot exist, and therefore suggested that the country continues to exist as a "strong presidential republic."

As for the president, Putin agreed that this position could not be held more than two terms in a row:

"I know that in our society there is a constitutional provision that the same person should not hold the position of president of the Russian Federation more than two times in a row. I do not consider this question principal, but I agree with this, "said Vladimir Vladimirovich.

In addition, the head of Russia raised the topics of income of citizens, business development, as well as protection of ecology.

10 facts about Vladimir Putin

10 facts about Vladimir Putin


10 facts about Vladimir Putin - background

10 facts about Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin twice received the title of Master of Sports. For the first time in 1973, the future president became a master of sports on sambo, and in 1975 - on judo.

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10 facts about Vladimir Putin - 0 background

10 facts about Vladimir Putin

The head of state has a legal education, and he defended a diploma on the topic "The principle of the most favored nation". Then Vladimir Vladimirovich has not yet planned to become president, all his life he dreamed of being intelligence.

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The current president, to work by Advisor Anatoly Sobchak, worked as an assistant to the rector of the Leningrad State University on international issues.

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The president collects geographic maps and brands with images of famous people.

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In Russia, there are three streets, named after the president, and another street in Bethlehem.

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One of the "chips" V.V. Putin - wearing a clock on your right hand. So, according to him, the crown does not rub the brush.

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The head of state has two daughters who have given other names at birth to secure them. And also, by rumors, the president has two grandchildren.

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Vladimir Putin disroudly applies to traditional medicine and often uses folk methods for its treatment.

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The president loves fishing, in 2013 caught a 21-kilogram pike.

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Favorite musical team of the head of state - "Lube".

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10 facts about Vladimir Putin


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