Oscar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Oscar is a rapid star of the Russian pop, a person causing public resonance. The singer does not cease to surprise the fans of his creativity with bright stage images and candid lyrics. Artist's compositions are permeated with dramatic notes as well as his personal life. Years of searching themselves, experiments on appearance and creative samples as a result helped the performer to find harmony in which he lives now.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the artist, who was born on January 15, 1979 in Nalchik, - Shamil Vladimirovich Malcanduev. Military father shortly after the son appeared on the light of the Son was directed with his family in Yakutia, where the early years of the biography of the future performer took place. Returning to his homeland and graduating from school, the young man entered the Kabardino-Balkar University. H. Berbekova. Later, the guy moved to Moscow, wanting to engage in music.

Personal life

While as a child, Shamil understood what was different from other boys. The child was not interested in male sports and boyish games. Much more he liked to try on dresses and wear heels. Study at school, the teenager received the nickname Madonna.

Of course, the people's hobbies created problems in communicating with peers: the future singer had no friends. Already then, the guy had an understanding of what you need to move to the metropolis, where it is easier to get lost and easier to be ourselves without hiding true entity.

Oscar in youth

Moscow turned out to be more friendly to creative personality. Shamil could dress as he liked, to apply makeup, paint nails. Despite the fact that the young man often attacked skinheads, still in the capital his life was more calm than in his homeland.

In an interview, the artist confessed that he always felt like a woman and thought it was natural. At some point, feeling the pressure of the relatives, the young man thought about the effort of the will to remake herself, marry, to have children. However, weighing everything, he refused to go against his interests and desires.

Changes in the views of society towards tolerance allowed the artist to be the one who he felt all his life. In 2003, the Contractor admitted bisexuality, and in 2019 officially changed the floor and took the name Scarlett (Scarlett Queen).

The main heroine of the novel "Gone by the Wind" was as a source of inspiration for the new Ipostasi singer. Transgender woman, frankly talking about finding himself, does not rush to share with the press details of personal life. It is not known who today takes place in her heart.


The artist's creative path began at the beginning of zero, during the period when in Russia after the collapse of the USSR began the boom of Western Freedom. In different areas, including in music, the topics began to appear, which were not accepted to speak openly earlier. In particular, along with the motives of traditional love in songs, you can hear more frank texts.

Some groups of that period ("Tattoo", "guests from the future") openly spoke about same-sex relationships. The time was successful for the appearance on the scene such a singer as an Oscar. This creative pseudonym came up with Shamil producer Sergei Izotov, with whom the guy met in the metropolitan club.

To begin with, a fascinating legend came up about the fact that the artist had earlier in the mountains, lay down for several years in a coma and, coming out of it, suddenly gained a musical gift. At that time, in the piggy bank of a young man there were several songs written for him by Artur Azalamov, the leader of the project "Dead Dolphins". Among these compositions - Megahiti "Running on the edge of the knife" and "Maja Vaseline".

A truly popular singer has become, fulfilling a romantic track "Between me and you." For him in 2001, Oscar received the Golden Gramophone Prize. In 2002, the guy's repertoire was replenished with the song "Do not", openly expressing a protest against war in the Chechen Republic. A clip was removed on it, which included documentary frames of battles in Chechnya, as well as a terrorist attack during the performance of Nord-Ost. Malcanduev gave concerts, often drove on tour.

In 2003, the artist interrupted cooperation with Sergey Mesotov, having lost the right to the stage pseudonym. The guy tried to perform under his own name, and soon moved to the United States. Here Shamil became a student of the film school, created his own musical project The Oskar & Psycholovers. The talent of the singer made it possible to gain certain fame in the West. The singer released an album here, removed the video and took part in the American television show.

Despite success, the performer decided to return to Russia in 2008. At the Night Life Awards 2 years later, he presented the Single "Gagarin", which created with Andrei Ivanov, a musician of the Triplex group. This period was difficult in the life of Shamil: he took up religious searches, worried internal crisis.

By participating in the program "Let them say", the singer admitted that Muslim and reads Quran. In 2018, a man moved to Hollywood to film, but soon left this idea and continued to create music.

Oscar now

In 2020, the singer continues to engage in creativity, participates in photo shoots. Together with the Italian producer and DJ, whose name is holding secret, he released a single Chocolate. The artist serving now under the name Scarlett plans to conquer its projects not only Western, but also Russian listeners.

Oscar (Scarlett)

Cardinal changes that occurred with Shamil at the end of 2019, his caumbling-out in Vkontakte caused a rapid discussion not only among the public, but also from the singers. In "Instagram", the Contractor admitted that people close by blood indulge and demand that he refuses their kind and surname. This artist declared that he would do it only if he would ask for a father.



  • 2000 - "Running on the edge of the knife"
  • 2001 - Oscar II
  • 2001 - "Last. Album"


  • 2005 - "O'Kar killed - Shamil is detained (analyzing it!)"
  • 2012 - "Be yourself"
  • The Oskar & Psycholovers:
  • 2005 - "Make Love to America (Talking to God)"
  • 2009 - "Fantasies of a Rockstar"

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