Stars who canceled the wedding at the last moment: Russian, Hollywood


Often in the scenes of movies in love with couples in the most responsible moment change the decision to tie themselves to marriage and run away from their own wedding. In life, such cases are also not uncommon. The editorial office of 24cmi amounted to a selection of Russian and Hollywood stars who canceled the wedding and escaped at the last moment.

Ksenia Sobchak and Alexander Shusterovich

Russian TV star of Ksenia Sobchak and American businessman Alexander Schusterovich was going to become spouses in 2005. The bride ordered a gorgeous wedding dress at the famous designer, rented a yacht - preparations went might. But on the eve of the celebration, everyone was canceled. It is unclear that it was the reason for the gap, the Ksenia itself later admitted that he did not want to lose independence.

Victoria Loping and Fedor Smols

The wedding ceremony of the Rostov model of Victoria Lopierva and football player Fedor Smolov twice was canceled. The first time the bride proposed to transfer the triumph due to the change of team and difficulties at work at the groom. For the second time, the lovers quarreled right before leaving the registry office, the bride passed the nerves. Guests and parents were shocked, Victoria did not appear on the ceremony. Later, the couple was still her husband and his wife, but unofficially - in the Maldives they swore each other in loyalty and lived a civil marriage for three years.

Maria Sharapova and Sasha Voyachich

Famous athletes Maria Sharapova and Sasha Voyachich were in the status of the bride and groom two years. Unfortunately, the wedding was canceled due to a dense workout schedule. Maria initiated a gap, saying that relations at the distance were tired of her and it hard to take this decision.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

The fans of "Twilight" vigorously discussed the love relationship of the main characters of the series Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the screen and in real life. The news about the upcoming wedding caused delight and gave rise to the mass of woven. But the ceremony did not take place, the star couple broke out due to the bride's intrigues on the side. The beloved groom did not forgive.

Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow

A stormy novel between famous movie stars Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow happened in 1995 on the film "Seven" film. After two years of relationship, a solemn engagement took place and the wedding date was appointed. But unexpectedly for fans a couple broke up. Girls attributed to the bride of treason, but she herself stated that she was still young for marriage.

Julia Roberts and Dylan McDemmott

Hollywood Beauty Julia Roberts broke not one men's heart and did not even escape from his own wedding. The first "victim" was her film colleague actor Dylan McDermott. Young Julia has changed its decision to marry in the most responsible moment.

Next failed wedding Roberts - with actor Kiefer Sutherland. On the day of Celebration, Julia escaped with the best friend Jason Patrick.

Jude Lowe and Sienna Miller

Full Jud Lowe and his colleague on the film Sienna Miller began to meet on joint shooting. But soon, Jude Lowe publicly admitted to treason, and the bride canceled the appointed marriage ceremony.

The most unusual weddings of stars

The most unusual weddings of stars


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The most unusual weddings of stars

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden celebrated the wedding in the style of the 20-40s. The celebration took place in the mansion of the father of the bride, inside everything was decorated with roses.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

For the evening, Nicole changed three dresses. The jewelry of the wedding was a trained elephant, who also "kissed" the bride.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

Maria Belova and T-Killah played two weddings: for relatives and for friends. Alexander was in a leopard costume from Leonid Grevko and the car was decorated into the color of the pink leopard. In the registry office, the newlyweds were joking, and Sasha did not immediately say "yes."

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The most unusual weddings of stars

Behind the restaurant was white VAZ-2101, on which each of the guests could put his signature. By the end of the evening, by playing the "stone-scissor-paper" bride and groom played a car among the guests. Won Actress Anna Hilkevich.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

Marilyn Manson and Dita Background TIZ played a wedding in the Gothic style in the Irish castle Helnweins. The wedding date was the anniversary of the death of Kurt Kobaine. Called a couple directed by Alejandro Hodorovski using 4 elements: water, land, fire and air.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

The groom was in the Gothic Grima. The dress code of the guests corresponded to the style of the celebration, all invited were smashed into ancient, gothic outfits. The celebration lasted 4 days. At the wedding, guests could shoot from Luke and hunt with falcon.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

Arun Nayar and Elizabeth Herley married in the presence of two witnesses. Solemnly marriage couple noted in the English castle of Sadley. The 3rd wedding was in India. The bride was dressed in red sari with emeralds and rubies.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

Elizabeth rushed on an elephant, and her groom, dressed in a national diamond suit, on a white horse. The guests had their own dress code. Women were dressed in pink sari, and men in turbans. The bride performed the National Belly Dance.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

The wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantina Bogomolov took place in the fall of 2019. The dress code at the wedding was black, and the bride with the bridegroom came to the marriage ceremony on the black orcap, decorated with cloves.

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The most unusual weddings of stars

At the wedding of Ksenia and Konstantin were already in a carriage-free carpet. The banquet was in the Gothic black and red style. The bride gave a special dance to the groom. Under the song "Log in to me" Sobchak performed the dance "for adults".

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The most unusual weddings of stars


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