Muslim Magomayev: Singer, Biography, Personal Life, Children, Death, Facts


In 2020, the famous pop singer Muslim Magomayev would have been 78 years old. The songs of their loved ones by millions of artist live in the hearts of people. On March 9, the first TV channel will host the premiere of the series about the life and great love of Muslim Magomayev. The editorial office 24cmi recalls interesting facts from the life of the celebrity.

About artist making

Back in childhood, the fate of little muslim was closely connected with the work: parents called the boy in honor of his grandfather, composer Muslim Magomayev. However, neither actor as a mother, nor the artist, like a father, the future idiot of millions did not see himself. Muslim successfully tried himself in sculpture, and in painting, but later noted that he did not like scrupulous work. Creative improvisational gusts The artist valued more at the time of time. From 7 years old, the boy has already tried to write music, and the purest baritone has mastered by 14 years. Later, his special voice noticed teachers.

About school

Muslim Magomethodovich loved to joke about school times and noted that he studied badly. Neither mathematics, nor physics, nor other items of the future artist have segregated, and only practical lessons in chemistry caused live interest due to the experiments. His uncle, Jamal Magomayev, never visited parental meetings due to party activities.

About character

Generosity, incredible intelligence, kind humor, the ability to communicate with people and, of course, everyone allowed Muslim Muchomethovich to make useful acquaintances, but the artist himself believed that he was shameful to apply for help to famous persons. In addition, the singer noted that the only person in front of he was trepidated - Arno Babajanian teacher.

Being a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR, Muslim Magomayev became an inviolable person (the singer did not even be checked at airports). In the transfer "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" (2007), the singer remembered a smile that he could serve at a meeting at no more than an hour, and the absence of him was unconditional. The generosity of Muslim Magomeovich went incredible rumors, but the fact that the artist after the concerts rolled out noisy parties in the most luxury rooms of hotels is true facts.

About family

The father of the boy, Magomet Muslimich, died at the front, saving his comrade, three days before the victory in the Great Patriotic War, when Muslim has not yet turned 3 years. Mom, Ayjeth Magomaeva, worked as a dramatic actress and, on the will of her husband, gave Muslim to the upbringing of Uncle Jamal, as the constant tour did not allow the mother to engage in a child.

Ophelia Velieva, the first wife, who gave birth in 1962 by Artist's daughter Marina, reacted with the understanding to the rapid divorce: Muslim Magomayev did not see life without touring and music.

In 1973, the artist met a woman with whom he had a hand in hand to death - the primaudonna of the Bolshoi Theater Tamar Sinyava. Fate has reduced future spouses three times. The privacy of the couple tried not to advertise, but the fans were confident that Muslim and Tamara would definitely live "soul in the soul."

Oh daughter

The Magomaev family offered Muslim Magomets to call the born daughter Jamil. However, the famous singer found that the girl comes up with the name Marina. The daughter of the artist played a wedding with Alik Kozlovsky and lives Cincinnati (USA). Contrary to the opinion of the media, moving the girls in the United States was not a shock for Muslim Magomayev. Moreover, with the future husband of the only daughter, the artist was familiar and even gave permission to conclude a marriage.

Marina supported a warm relationship and with her mother of Ophelia, and with Tamara Sinyavskaya (who, by the way, gave the number of Marina Alik Kozlovsky), and with his father. Muslim Magomaeva's daughter avoids communication with the press and only in 2019 gave the first interview with journalists of the first television channel about the biography, memories of the Great Father.

About creativity

Muslim Magomethodovich in the documentary film Tatyana Archiphetsova "Muslim Magomayev. Draw, then sing "noted that the word work with respect to singing always caused a light tremor. Music in the biography of the singer occupied the central place. For her, Muslim had to peacefully part with the first spouse of Ophelia Veliyeva. The artist himself always said that there are only three real love in his life: Tamara Sinyavskaya, a daughter Marina and music.

Muslim Magomayev recognized that he considers the most difficult demanding complete emotional returns, the songs "thank you" and "melody".

About opera

In the internship in the Italian theater "La Scala" (Milan), Muslim Magomayev understood that the performances in the opera did not attract it due to the lack of opportunity to improvise, sing in mood. For the same reason, the artist refused to work in the Bolshoi Theater.

About death

The Kumir Millionov believed that the people who contributed to art were not applicable to the Him. Muslim Magomayev himself noted that he would not have to blush after death for his work, and saw the light, and buried in the archives. The cause of the death of the artist on the 67th year of life was the ischemic heart disease. Muslim Magomethodovich was preparing for surgery (coronary shunting) on ​​the heart on November 11, 2008, but died on October 25.

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