Major Pronin (character) - photos, jokes, author, Lev Ovalov, grandson Captain Pronne


Character History

Major Pronin - the character of the novels of the Writer of Lion Ovalova, who became the hero of countless taques and jokes. Over the years, it has turned into a canonical image of an indicative policeman, Soviet James Bond, who is on the shoulder any business.

History of character creation

The novels about the detective did not go into print for a long time: in the USSR, detective was considered a low genre, and the first stories about the penetration were published in the magazine "Around the World", and not in the form of books. Until 1941, Lev Ovalov managed to release 7 stories and the compilation "The Adventures of Major Prien" before he was arrested. The writer was accused of disclosing the secrets of Lubyanka. Prove that the plots were taken exclusively from the head, and the real prototype of Pronon no, Ovalov failed, and he received 15 years of camps. However, barely coming out, he again settled for the writing, for the security adjusted the place and time of the Romanov: the events of the first full-fledged book about Major "Copper Button" unfold in Riga occupied by the fascists.

The reason for the slightly ironic relationship of the public to the hero was the fact that the writer inevitably had to contribute to the novels "Moral Element" with an obvious collapse of official propaganda. At the same time, oval himself, despite the loud popularity of novels, referred to them condescendingly and did not consider significant elements of his literary biography.

Despite the presence of political propaganda, the history of penetration was by no means he was oversaturated. In the preface, the author even apologized for the fact that his stories are not instructive enough. His goal was to provide an entertaining reader to the reader, and excessive assesses would prevent the success of novels.

Biography and the image of Major Prino

Ivan Nikolayevich Pronin is a bold and patient detective, whose ingenuity in the search for criminals has become the basis for jokes. In the plot, he constantly falls into incredible grill, but with ease it comes out of them and unharmed. In the early stories, it was mentioned that Pronin serves in the rank of captain, later he was sent to the colonel, but the Major remained in People's Memory forever.

Books about Major distinguishes the atmosphere of mystery, such a necessary spy saga. The author used in the narrative elements of a narrow detective. Major's eternal antagonists are the imperialist agents Rogers, Blake, Smith - wander from the novel to the novel, but defeat them finally penetrate can not exclusively from the need for the further development of the plot.

The character is characterized by a subtle sense of humor. The peaks of his southerness Pronin reaches in the novel "Blue Angel": his replicas are full of hidden irony, although in the plot it is seriously ill and does not feel bad until the end of the narration. Often, he in the mockery issues the secrets of the investigation by other heroes - Domrabotan Agha, the head of Evlanov, Chekist Zheleznov, realizing that they were deprived of an analytical gift and could not dispose of the information received.

In the novels a lot of reference to the works of Arthur Conan Doyle: the general characteristic of the hero hints at it, and the plot parallels. The Soviet Major has its own Watson - an active, but rustic assistant Victor Zheleznov.

With Sherlock Holmes and Erkühul, Poiro Pronin Rodnitis and the fact that he is a bachelor. The 30s in the USSR were the time of revival and popularization of family ideals, so the lonely literary hero looked atypically, but the reason for the idle position of the major is not that he rejects the family, and not that he is not lucky with women - just loaded The work of intelligence is once to spend time on a personal life. In addition, Ovalov was not interested to describe love lines, and the hero would have become obvious in all spheres of all spheres.

Major Pronin in modern culture

In 1992, a cartoon series was released about the adventures of the grandson of the famous Soviet detective - "Captain Pronin". The grandfather himself also appears episodically in the series. The cartoon contains dozens of reference to American mass culture, for example, it appear in it Don Corleon, Darth Vader and James Bond. From 1992 to 1994, the 4 series came out, and later on their reasons, the authors wrote a book in the genre of parody detective and released a computer game "Captain Pronne: one against everyone."

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In the comedy Gaidai "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation "" there is a character paroding prone, "Major Casimir Kronin.


First Form Be Destiny. The doctor is not having to sleep. Louds themselves do not cause suspicions, if only they are not cretins and know how to keep themselves in their hands. The suspicion causes things, and therefore the fewer things the better.


  • 1938 - "The Adventures of Major Prien".
  • 1939 - "Blue Swords"
  • 1939 - "Winter holidays"
  • 1939 - "Tale of a cowardly feature"
  • 1940 - "Chicken Dusi Tsareva"
  • 1940 - Agave Mexicana
  • 1940 - "Glass of Water"
  • 1941 - "Blue Angel"
  • 1958 - "Copper Button"
  • 1962 - "Secret Weapon"
  • 1996 - "Superment - Trillers about Captain Prone"


  • 1992 - "Captain Pronin"

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