Anastasia Mishina - Biography, News, Personal Life, Photo, Figure, Alexander Galymov, Programs 2021



Anastasia Mishina had to repeatedly change partners to get a chance to stay in figure skating. She managed to become a champion in junior sports and loudly declare himself after the transition to adult competitions.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Viktorovna Mishina appeared on April 24, 2001 in St. Petersburg. Parents took a girl on figure skating on her initiative when she was 4.5 years old. Nastya began like a single and already in early years showed the will to victory, conquering prizes in competitions.

Soon the results of a small athlete worsened, it turned out to be at the very end of the tournament table. During this period, Mishina was disappointed in figure skating, dreamed of throwing sports and become an actress. Father supported the decision of his daughter and insisted that she needed to pay more time to study, and Mom decided to fight to the end. Thanks to her, Nastya remained on the ice, moreover, it was a pity for the efforts spent on attempts to stand on skates.

On the advice of Elena coach, the Klimova girl moved to pair skating. Its advantage was miniature, but even with this condition, it turned out to find a partner. The first one left six months after the inexperience of the athlete, then under the leadership of Nicholas and Lyudmila Glaikov, she got a couple with Maxim Kudryavtsev, but he was not palpable again.

Nastya has almost ceased to hope that the love of figure skating will return to her, but suddenly she was offered to start playing with Vladislav Mirzoyev. So began a new stage in the biography of Mishina, who soon became a champion.

Personal life

About his personal life, the girl prefers not to speak, paying time to sports achievements. In his free time, Anastasia loves to read a cup of coffee, a joke calls himself a book-friendly coffeeman.

The athlete leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and willingly respond to comments followers.

Figure skating

The debut season paired with Vladislav Mirzoyev brought Nastya victory at the Bavarian Open tournament. After that, the skaters stated loudly about themselves at the Russian championship among juniors and won silver at the World Championships. The period of 2016-2017 became no less bright, and the athletes were able to replenish the piggy bank of the advances in the stages and in the Grand Prix finals.

In 2017, the news about the collapse of Mishina and Mirzoyeva's pair appeared. Partner did not suit the weight of the girl who reached a mark of 46 kg with a rise of about 159 cm. After that, she did not speak more than a month, trying to find a replacement Vladislav. During this time, the athlete managed to gain extra kilograms and worried that they would have to say goodbye to the career.

Salvation was the duet with Alexander Gallyamov, with whom she appeared at the Golden Horse Zagreb tournament, where the gold won. Partners managed to surprise to quickly work out and not lose the form, in the 2018/2019 season, they managed to impress the audience by performances at the stages and in the final of the Junior Grand Prix who brought gold medals. However, in the championship of Russia, they failed to shine.

In 2019, Alexander and Anastasia moved to adult skating. They decided to leave the already familiar arbitrary program to the music from the "Master and Margarita", but added new elements and changed costumes. The reason for this choice was enthusiastic fans and the desire to be confident in their room.

No less spectacular was the indicative performance of athletes under the song of the Muse - Feeling Good. But the short program caused a squall of critics. Experts and viewers remained dissatisfied with the skating of the skaters under the Je Suis Malade composition Lara Fabian, which was considered unsuitable for them. As a result, the number was put under the track from the movie "Witch Hunters".

Problems with musical accompaniment did not prevent Galymov and Mishina to win on the Finlandia Trophy tournament and climb the pedestal at the Grand Prix stages in Japan and France, they took bronze in the final.

2020 began for athletes with a bright victory at the Russian Cup, which was held by Veliky Novgorod. Also, she appeared on the "hot ice" of Elizabeth Tuktamysheva, who decided to compete with Tatiana Navka in creating a bright ice show.

Anastasia Mishina now

The 2020/2021 season was marked for the pair of Anastasia and Alexander Change of coaches: the athletes switched to the beginning of Tamara Moskvina and Arthur Minchuk. Apparently, the decision turned out to be true: the pair performed perfectly at the Russian Cup in Kazan and received silver Grand Prix Rostelecom Cup 2020.

Another bright show, in which Mishin and Galymov took part, - the Cup of the First Channel, held in February 2021.

And in March, the couple went to the figure skating world championship, passing in Stockholm. In the sports couple competition, they ranked 1st place, overtaking representatives of China. The victory gave Anastasia and Alexander the right to go on the team World Cup in Osaka, where the duo won gold in a short program.


Junior Career:

  • 2015/16 - Russian championship among juniors. 1 place
  • 2016/17 - Stage of the Junior Grand Prix: Germany. 1 place
  • 2016/17 - Stage of the Junior Grand Prix: Russia. 1 place
  • 2016/17 - Final of the Junior Grand Prix. 1 place
  • 2018/19 - Stage of the Junior Grand Prix: Slovakia. 1 place
  • 2018/19 - Final of the Junior Grand Prix. 1 place
  • 2018/19 - Junior World Cup. 1 place

Adult Career:

  • 2019/20 - Grand Prix Stage: France. 1 place
  • 2019/20 - Final Grand Prix. 3rd place
  • 2019/20 - Russian Cup. 1 place
  • 2021 - World Championship, 1st place (sports pairs tournament)

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