Emgyr Var Emrais (Character) - Images, Author, Angey Sapkovsky, Actor, Bart Edwards


Character History

Emgyr Var Emrais is a character of a fantasy cycle about the Witcher created by the writer Andrzej Sapkovsky. The ruler of the Nilfgard Empire, originating from the genus of Emrais. The full name of the hero - Emgyr Var Emrais, to which, after coronation, the honorable title "White flame, dancing on the mounds of enemies" is added. It also appears as a hero of television series and computer games.

History of character creation

The first story of the cycle called "The Witcher" was written by Angehee Sapkovsky in 1986. Emgyre Vary Emrais became one of the main heroes of the series, having a difficult fate. Here is the place of witchcraft, betrayal, subtle political calculations, the battles for the empire. The author gives a detailed description of the hero, making it a special character, appearance, worldview, tells about the biography of the character.

Fate and the image of Emgyra Var Emrais

The hero was born in 1221. The father of the boy was the ruler of the Nilfgaard Empire, Fergus Var Emrais. The character turned 13 when the rebellion began in the country. The throne of Father Emgyra took the usurper, the very same of Fergus was tortured for a long time, so that he agreed to serve the new emperor. Since torture turned out to be inactive, the usurper invited the wizard of Braatence. Magic in Fergus turned Emgyra to a monster, resembling a human-like hedgehog. The idea for turning the sorcerer suggested the name of the teenager, which from the local adverb was translated as "Yozh".

Despite this, the boy's father did not change the decision and rescued death. Emgyra, in the meantime, released into the forest and shed dogs on him. The young man managed to survive. From this point on, the hero is looking for ways to escape from the country - at night, when the human appearance is returned to him, the son of Fergus collects faithful people and leaves them with their empire. Now the character calls himself yoj from Erlenwald. The young man keeps his way to the Marnadal steps, where the kingdom of the zintra is located - on the prediction of the Astrol of Xartisius, there Emgyre will be able to return human kind.

Almost reaching the limits of the citra, the young man saves the ruler of this kingdom in the forest, Rogner from Ebbing. The king was dislocated with a leg, and if not help the hero, the ruler would be confused by predators. To the question of Ryugner, that the Savior would like to get as a reward, Emgyr asked to give him what the king left at home and what else does not know. Later it turned out that this award was the daughter of the Tsintra ruler, the grave, which he did not know about the birth.

14 years after the birth of the princess between her and the Roman flashes from Erlenwald. Lovers are found secret. A year before that, the King Ryugner spoke about the promise given to Emgyra, Calanthe's wife. The queen remained unhappy with this position - after all, her daughter's husband should become the heir to the zinc. Unfortunately for the hero, in the same year the king dies, and now the Son of the Fergus has no chance to take a wonderful sequence.

To get rid of the young man, Queen invites the princess of the princess of the Witch Geralta from Rivia to kill Yuzh. When the young man comes to the celebration, a fight is tied, as a result of which the hero is injured. Paveta comes in frenzy, out of the girl breaks down the strength of power, which can destroy the palace. Heralt, together with Druid, copes with this force. After the queen gives consent to the wedding of Dani and daughter. From this point on, the curse of Braatence is removed. As a reward for help, Geralt asks Emgyra, the same thing that the young man once asked the King Ryugner saved by him. Soon the son of Fergus finds out that the grave is wearing a child under the heart.

After some time, Emgyra is born daughter of Cirill. Together with the magician Wilgefuz Dani develops a plan of escape from the zinc. However, feeling dangerous, Paveta leaves daughter on the shore. Same, during the broken storm, falls overboard the ship and dies. The hero disappears. Many believe that Dani also drowned in a storm, but the character successfully gets to the limits of the Motherland, the Nilfgark's Empire, where the coup and captures the throne.

Later, Emgyr with the army invades a zinc, which unleashed the first northern war. The plans of the emperor include not only the seizure of the territory, but also marriage on their own daughter Cirill, which is beneficial to the hero from political considerations. To fight the girl, the character sends a knight to find a princess, but Emgyra daughter manage to escape. In the battle of Nilfgard's army loses the forces of four kingdoms. This does not stop the emperor.

The son of Fergus, uniting with Wilgefor, unleashes a new war. But the hero does not know that Wilgefort is acting in his own interests - he also needs a young princess, which he finds and takes away with him. The emperor entrusts Semi-Elert Shirra to find a princess, but it leads to a false cirill - a girl, outwardly similar to Emgyra's daughter. Seeing this deception, the hero pretends to get the desired, but continues to search. At the same time, Heralt is also engaged in search of princesses.

Heroes simultaneously manage to find fugitives. Wilgefor kill. Heralt recognizes in Emgyre Dani, and he tells the Witcher about his plans for the princess. Heralt was stunned by this news, calls the ruler of the Monster. The emperor picks up a girl with him, but the cruelty of his plans is aware of the road and lets the princess.

In the meantime, the main battle occurs in the second war in the brain, in which the empire is inferior to opponents. However, the outcome of the war is successful for Nilfgard - largely due to the marriage of Emgyra on false cirill. In subsequent years, the conqueror of the North showed himself as a wise ruler. The character died in the 1290s, Morvran Warrhis became the successor.

Emgyre Var Emrais in films

In 2001, the Books Series of Andger Sapkovsky about the Witcher was fascinated. The writer himself performed in a Polish film as one of the authors of the script. Based on the picture in 2002, the series was filmed in Poland. In 2019, the American TV series "Witcher" came to the screens. The main role is Geral, the actor Henry Cavill is playing. The image of Emgyra Var Emrais embodied the performer Bart Edwards, and the daughter of the emperor, cursions played the young actress Freya Allan.


The emperors own empires, but two things can not own: their heart and their time. Both belongs to the empire.


  • 2002 - "Witcher" (Poland)
  • 2019 - "Witcher" (USA)


  • 1993 - "Last desire"
  • 1994 - "Blood Elf"
  • 1995 - "Hour of contempt"
  • 1996 - "Baptism of Fire"
  • 1997 - "Swallow Tower"
  • 1998 - "Lady Lady"

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