Dmitry Saranskov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Few people know that many celebrities that glorified in the field of art have medical education by shoulders. Long list from Anton Chekhov, Alexandra Rosenbauma, Garik Martirosyan, Mikhail Shata and others will continue to continue Dmitry Saranskov. The artist repeatedly recognized that 15 years of experience in the dentist helped him in the current profession, especially in convincing reincarnation in the head of the surgical department in the TV series "Dr. Vera".

Childhood and youth

At the end of the summer of 1978, August 28, when the Orthodox world celebrates the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin, Military officer Gennady Saranskov became the Father. His wife gave birth to the heir - son Mitu.

The artist does not particularly like to frank with journalists about the early biography and loved ones. But on the official website you can find more black and white photos of parents from a wedding celebration, grandparents and other relatives.

In the younger classes, Dmitry studied in the Odessa High School No. 119, and in the elders - in Gymnasium No. 1, where the guy's heart seriously and for a long time the scene took possession of the scene. He visited the Youth Theater "Youth", after becoming one of the leading actors. However, when it was time to be determined with the university, the choice fell at the Medical University.

"I came to medicine from the scene, by formation I am a maxillofacial surgeon. And the first time to combine something, and the speeches did not go. Medicine occupied the whole of my life. The courtyard was the beginning of the 2000s. The cinema was not filmed, the theaters stood empty, people watched cable television. At that time, "Actor = Beggar", "said celebrity in an interview in the 2020s.

To somehow survive, a graduate put on a white robe and worked for almost 10 years a dentist, not knowing recreation and holidays. For many years of hard work allowed a man as a result of acquiring a separate office and conduct receptions on recording. And then, he managed to return to art and combine two professions.

In 2015, Saranskov left the native city, the Russian Drama Theater with the cultural center "On Nezhinskaya" and moved to Kiev, where he lives now. In a new place, he continued his studies in the famous Knutusht named after Ivan Karpenko-Karoi.

Personal life

"I am grateful to my wife for every step in my acting profession. I know that it became possible 100% thanks to her support and faith in me. The first years were completely difficult. She worked as an HR director in a major IT company and could not leave Odessa. I also had to move to Kiev, "Dmitry told.At first, the lovers lived at a distance, courageously noticing, as the "well-wishers" whisper and see for their back. After all, Saranskov and Natalia Talalay knew that they could not do each other and no obstacles were terrible. Wedding they played in 2017. Photo from a celebration and other pictures that shed light on a personal life, occasionally flicker in "Instagram" blue-eyed beauty.

There are no children at the pair yet, but the couple does not lose the time for the gift and "trains" in the upbringing of a pet - "wonderful cats" or "whim" of the dust-peach color named Vasilisa.

A man (height 190 cm with a weight of 94 kg) to keep himself in a sporty form, regularly visits the gyms, follows food and does not forget about a full-fledged vacation.


Even at the end of the 90s, Saranskov lit up in the episode of the Italian drama "Legend of Pianist", filmed by the titled director Giuseppe Tornator. After the debut with cinema, the actor spread more than a decade.

During this time, he managed to work on the radio ("Phil"), in the film company "Mark and Peter" and on television ("24 channel"). For almost 15 years of his professional biography, Dmitry gave audio recording studio, parallel to the year "served" on "Duke FM" and in Kalambur.

In 2012, a triumphal return of Odessa in cinema took place from the Russian-Ukrainian "Dragon Syndrome". Dmitry flashed back in a pair of the series, and then received an invitation to Nikita Mikhalkov on the shooting at the Sunny Strike on the story of the same name and the "Okyan Days" of Ivan Bunin.

The filmography was gradually replenished with new works. "Maid" changed the "cop wars", "What does your wife do?" Gave the road "Alien Prayer" and other projects.

Especially fruitful issued the 2018th and 2019, when the artist managed to be held in many movie recorders, including in "testing for strength", "according to the laws of wartime", "other" and "salted caramel."

Dmitry Saranskov Now

On March 16, 2020, the premiere of the Motheric Melodrama "Dr. Vera" was held on the Ukrainian TV channel "1 + 1", where one of the main male roles was entrusted with Dmitry Gennadevich.

Saranskov more than once mentioned that during filming the so-called "operating" days, when the help of a medical consultant was simply indispensable. The specialist suggested the actors the correct pronunciation of certain terms, taught the technique of using tools, etc.

It is also known that in the same year, the celebrity was involved in the 2nd part of the "ringing" and "Beggages", "on the edge of the abyss" and "plot from the DVR". And all this happened in parallel with the receipt of knowledge in the field of producing audiovisual art in the magistracy.


  • 1998 - "Legend of Pianist"
  • 2012 - Dragon Syndrome
  • 2014 - "Sunflow"
  • 2015 - "City Day"
  • 2017 - "Maid"
  • 2017 - "Menting Wars. Kiev"
  • 2017 - "What does your wife do?"
  • 2018 - "Love Horizons"
  • 2018 - "According to the laws of wartime - 2"
  • 2019 - "Other"
  • 2019 - "Total Check"
  • 2019 - "Salt Caramel"
  • 2019 - "Lost memories"
  • 2020 - "Beggages"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Vera"

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