Birthday of Vladimir Kuzmina: 2020, biography, personal life, songs


On May 31, 2020, Vladimir Kuzmin celebrated the anniversary birthday - the People's Artist of Russia and the Rock Musican of the Old School was 65 years old. Written in the 80-90s written by them continue to remain popular in people of different ages and looks still, and the artist himself does not want to stop, continuing to create and try new directions. On interesting facts from the scenic biography and the privacy of the star - in the article 24cmi.

About songs and guitars

Vladimir Kuzmin The first musical team collected in the 6th grade - the guys performed at school evenings and performed the processed compositions of foreign groups. They played songs written by Kuzmin himself - he wrote her first at 6 years old. And the guitar mastered and at all in 5 years.

To the guitars at a musician who owns a variety of tools, among which the piano, violin, flute and saxophone, a separate passion. There are no less than 140 pieces in the artist's collection. Moreover, most of it acquired exclusively by the will of the spiritual impulse, and not because of the need.

The only exception - a lightweight guitar bought by Vladimir a couple of years ago. With a weight of 2.5 kg, the tool loads the spine less, and the musician suffers less from pain in the back, which began to appear with age.

About Soviet stage

All-Union fame came to Vladimir after cooperation with Alla Pugacheva - the young artist was a soloist accompanying the star of the "Recital". As part of the team became the winner of the "Song of the Year" in 1986, then for 2 years he performed in the Soviet Union and abroad: in San Remo, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and other countries.

On the wave of such success, Vladimir Kuzmina song sounded from everywhere. But the artist himself after such a "dive" hated the stage even more - "Star Passions" did not like.

About wives and children

Kuzmin officially married three times. The first chief of the musician became Tatyana Artemieva - the poetess even wrote texts to the songs of the artist. Their marriage has been launched from the 77th year to the 85th. The second spouse was a fashion model from the US Kelly Kerzon, with which Vladimir played a wedding in the 1990s. With the last wife, Catherine Trofimova, the artist lived together for 17 years - from 2001 to 2018.

By 65, Vladimir became Father 5 times. In the first marriage, Elizabeth were born (killed in 2002) and Stepan (died in 2009 due to a fire). The third daughter from Tatiana Artemieva, the participant of the "Star Factory", Sonya, develops his own business and sometimes performs with his father.

Out of marriage, Kuzmin was born two more daughters - Martha and Nicole. Also, the musician has a foster son Nikita, which has become a person involved in a major criminal case in the United States in 2013.

About youth and finance

According to the artist, in his youth, playing in the group "Speaker", the musicians did not see money. What is there, Vladimir Kuzmin recalls, at that time he did not have the opportunity even for the guitar to pay. The reason is that the mass of dubious personalities circled around the team, seeking to earn his success. So finances floated past the guys for whom it was more important to create.

About initiation and symbolism

The song "Tale in my life" The singer addressed his wife Catherine. He says that nothing else devoted to anyone. Although rumors went that "I will never forget you never" written for Lena Lenin, according to the musician, he came up with a song back in 1992. The composition has become a kind of symbol - when after the translation to Spanish came out in Mexico, even there they understood what Siberian frosts are.

About theft

In September 2018, Kuzmina House in the Moscow region was robbed - the safe was revealed and carried out at least 10 million rubles in cash. Because of the incident, the artist was forced to return to his homeland in an urgent order, interrupting a trip to the United States.

On literature

Vladimir Kuzmin, in 19 years old, wrote a good novel "good, but blind." A semi-infantastic fighter on weekdays of ordinary Soviet hippies - the author's peers took 3 account books of A4 format.

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