Anniversary Clint Isovda: 2020, interesting facts, biography, movies, roles


On May 31, 2020, Clerk Eastwood celebrated his anniversary - the American film actor, the director and the composer turned 90 years. The leaving from the working environment, famous for Western star, thanks to his talents managed to achieve recognition and become a sign figure not only for American, but also for world cinema. Interesting facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the four-time owner of the Oscar - in the material 24cm.

Young years

The son of ordinary workers from San Francisco was still in youth repeatedly offered to try their hand as an actor. However, Clint Eastwood, at that time he studied in the Auckland senior technical school, preferred simple activity. She worked by a pedestal play of newspapers, firefighters, refueling, pianist in the bar. The latter inspired the young man most - he wanted to even enter the Music Faculty to the University of Seattle, but he fell under the call.

About political career

Eastwood is a member of the Republican Party than allocated among most representatives of the American film industry, mainly supporting democrats. It is from the Republicans to the actor and was elected to the post of mayor of the California city of Carmel-Bay-te-si. However, an artist stayed for only 2 years (1986-1988), after which she rushed over the cinema and resigned.


Despite the fact that it was Westerns that made him in demand by the actor, in his 1992 film "Unprofitable" CLINT Ostigov clearly demonstrated that the period of conquest of the Wild West is the time of criminals and murderers. And not the heroic page from the past US, as decades sought to present the events of Hollywood. For such a revolutionary and frank approach to the question, the picture was called the "antifieth" and received 4 figurines "Oscar".

About nutrition

According to the celebrity, his unchanging harmony is obliged by nature, awarded an artist with a body that is not gaining overweight. So he can only follow his own diet and reasonably regulate the arrival of saturated fats. No way in food is no way limits itself.

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About sport

But not only the nature and control of the content of fats in the diet is obliged to its physical form 90-year-old artist - Easture is constantly trained. Even next to the set, the miniature gym is invariably equipped. For its addiction to physical education, the Contractor received a nickname "1 thousand peppers, 10 thousand squats". And when working on the "Baby to Million", he won the competition arranged by members of the film crew, tightening at the crossbar 30 times - then the artist was 75 years old.

Although for many characters embodied by the Clint Oristwood on the screen, the cigarette is a cigarette in the corner of the mouth, the actor himself threw himself in his youth. And since then, with Tobacco prefers not to contact. Also, the artist meditates daily - this method of relaxation and spiritual recovery is practicing for 40 years.

About unpleasant

It will seem strange, but Eastwood, whose acting career went uphill after numerous roles in Westerns, dislikes horses - discomfort is experiencing next to these animals. And the performer is panicly afraid of insects.

About children and women

Clint Eastwood marked with his love adventures - among his trophies there is a TV host, swimmer and even the doctor of historical sciences. And the desire to become a father did not burn with the desire - according to the Sondra of Locke, which consisted with him in marriage, forced it to make an abortion to make it, and then forced her sterilization at all.

Despite similar precautions, 8 children from 5 women were born from American movie stars. With each child, the actor tries to maintain close relationship.

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