Minerva McGonagall (Character) - Photo, Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, Film, Actress, Maggie Smith


Character History

Minerva McGonagall is a secondary character of a series of books about Harry Potter. On the screen, the image of a strict teacher and the dean of the faculty Gryffindor embodied actress Maggie Smith.

History of character creation

Surname McGonagall - Scottish origin, it means "deceased from grief." The name of Minerva Heroine received in honor of the goddess of wisdom, called Athena in the Greeks. In the Italian translation of the book, her last name was changed to McGrannit, that is, "from the genus of granites" - so passed a hint of a rigid and adamant character.

Image and biography of Minerva McGonagall

About the early years of the character's biography is known mainly from additional materials. For the first time in Saga McGonagall already appears an experienced teacher with solid work experience in Hogwarts. According to the canonical history described on the Pottermore website, Minerva was born in 1935. This date fans calculated on the basis of information from the 5th book, where the date of the beginning of the teaching career of the heroine was mentioned - 1956. It is known that after graduating from school, Young Minerva 2 years worked in the Ministry of Magic, which also helped calculate the age of the character.

Information about the date of birth was confirmed by Joan Rowling itself, so the fans of the Harry Potter Universe were greatly surprised, seeing McGonagall in the film "Fantastic Creatures: Crimes of Green de Wald", the events in which they unfold 8 years before the birth of a wizard. Understanding the error, the authors of the script promptly removed from the Minervi page on Pottermore all quotes with reference to dates, but attentive fans did not miss the missed and criticized the writer for inaccuracy.

By the origin of McGonagall - Half-Blood: Her mother Isabel was a sorceress, and father Robert - Magl. For love, Isabelle renounced the world of magicians and for many years kept his abilities in secret. True came out outward a few years after the birth of her daughter and destroyed the relationship between the spouses, which imposed a gloomy imprint for the childhood of Minerva.

In Hogwarts, the distribution hat was seriously thought to send a girl to Kogtevran, but in the end he stopped at Gryffindor. Minerva demonstrated impressive abilities for magic, especially for the transfiguration, and soon became better in the course. With the help of Albus Dumbledore, she mastered the art of animagia and learned to turn into a cat. Rowling mentions another interesting fact: Minerva was a gambling player in Quidditch and even thought about the sports career, but he received severe injuries in the seventh year, falling from the broom, and broke up with his dream. However, the passion for the game and the idea of ​​the sports talents remained with her and in adulthood.

According to the description of the rowling, the personal life of the heroine, as well as her parents, failed. After graduating from Hogwarts, she went to visit the father with his mother. During the holidays in the Parental House of Minerva fell in love with the neighboring young man-magla named. The novel developed quickly, and 3 months later, he already made her an offer to which the girl answered consent, but after a couple of days the painful reflections refused, realizing that their marriage would never be happy, because she would have to renounce the abilities, career, herself.

McGonagall returned to London and plunged into work. A broken heart overshadowed her subsequent years, despite the successful career. Dougal soon married the daughter of the farmer, and Minerva had not decided on a long time to let in the heart of another person. All this time, the girl supported her chief of Elfinson Urhart. Passionately in love with her subordinate, he waited until she pay attention to him. The man had to make an offer more than once before Minerva finally agreed to associate life with him.

Family life pairs was happy, but short. 3 years later, Elfinson Died from the bite of poisonous tentacula. Unable to make a sad existence in the empty house, McGonagall moved to live in Hogwarts and plunged into the work. She persistently tolerated grief, and only close friends guess how she suffered.

Hogwarts Minerva became a recognized professional. She walked as a strict and demanding teacher and the zealous keeper of discipline that did not make the slightest ones even to students of their own faculty: In the first book, she fined the main characters for night adventures per 100 points, which he dropped the Gryffindor at the last place in the School Competition.

McGonagall used the unconditional confidence of the director and participated in his affairs, including secret - from the transfer of a little Harry to relatives and the protection of the philosophical stone before the school defense from Volan de Morta. Despite the external severity, the teacher is often indulgent and always stands for the weak. At the time when the school is headed by Dolores Ambridge, Minerva, contrary to its principles, encourages chaos that suits students to discredit the new director.

The appearance of the heroine in the books described Skupo: Black Hair, cleaned in a strict bundle, square glasses, the shape of which repeats marked around cat eye during transfiguration. In Minerva's clothing prefers black and emerald green colors.

Minerva McGonagall in films

In the filmms of the charismatic professor, Hogwarts played Actress Maggie Smith. Her game critics and fans found brilliant, but surprisingly Smith left was not too pleased with his work, stating that he did not manage to get into the role of Minerva. Perhaps it was prevented by a severe illness - during the filming of Harry Potter and death gifts, Maggie was forced to fight breast cancer. She managed to achieve remission, but long hours on the set were for an actress with torment.

In the film McGonagall looks older than in the book description: at the beginning of the first book, when Little Harry is left on the threshold of Dursley House, she is only 46 years old, and by the time of the arrival of the young Potter in Hogwarts - 55.

In the "fantastic creatures", the young miner played Fione Glaskott.


Maybe it is worth turning one of you into hours so that the rest are not late. You look great, Potter. So do not be at me offended if I do not free you from homework. But do not doubt, in the event of death, it is not necessary to fulfill him. I'll go to the lesson of the potions, Professor McGonagall.Take Weasley with you, and it is painful he is pleased.


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2001 - "Kviddich with antiquity to this day"
  • 2001 - "Magic Worlds Harry Potter"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter. Birth of legend "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter. The world of magic. History of Legends "


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2"
  • 2010 - "Fantastic Creatures: Crimes of Green de Wald"


  • 2001 - Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone
  • 2002 - Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
  • 2004 - Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
  • 2005 - Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire
  • 2007 - Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part I
  • 2011 - Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part II
  • 2001 - Harry Potter: Collectible Card game
  • 2003 - Harry Potter: QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP

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